The problem with Hearthstone, or the current meta, is that lots of cards make it impossible to maintain card advantage against them. Cleanly removing a
Shielded Minibot,
Piloted Shredder,
Mysterious Challenger,
Dr. Boom, AND
Tirion Fordring is such a weighty proposition that paladins curving out just wins games, because all of those cards are extremely hard to 1 for 1 against on curve, let alone 2 for 1. And none of them require a further mana investment then just going down, the way something like
Ball of Spiders does. We also have cards like
Divine Favor that just punish your opponent for trying to maintain any semblance of a hand instead of dropping things on the board (although that is the only competitive one right now).
None of the expansion cards really combat this or force any sort of meta change to drag the meta away from the beast that it currently is.
Jungle Moonkin is just awful. 4/4 for 4 is awful stats if the ability isn't amazing.
Mounted Raptor is not
good enough to fit in any current deck, other than maybe aggro druid (and that's a big maybe). It's a slightly more aggressive
Harvest Golem, and that's not being run anywhere. The main reason for that is a 2/1 (which is a likely drop from this) trades with too many hero powers and random damage sources.
Raven Idol has a chance to be another
Unstable Portal, so I have absolutely no idea to evaluate it and this is card number 1 to watch on my list of things that might do something. You can theoretically get any minion or spell in the game from this. At the same time, without the mana discount, it's hard to argue for this kind of thing because a specific GOOD card in your deck is usually better than a random one outside of it, and unstable portal seriously would not see play without the discount. 1 mana IS more disposable though..... no idea what this will do to be honest. People will try it, and it will be visible on ladder though just because it's easy to throw into any budget deck and expect it to do SOMETHING sometimes.
None of the Hunter cards fit in current decks. Seems to be a theme. The problem is that none of them are good enough to force a new archtype either. No one wants to play the camel to tutor a
Leper Gnome over just more damage, and the other two seem to just be quite bad.
Animated Armor does not help you keep board control and trades cleanly with too many things like
Piloted Shredder. 4/4 stats is really bad if your opponent can ignore the effect by just trading with it, in a meta where minion trading is what top decks do anyways. And it's almost useless vs slower decks.
The 6/3 for 5 is bad. That stats are horrendous and a random spell isn't good enough to make up for it. Mages have enough good spells to begin with.
Forgotten Torch will probably see play. It's going to 2 for 1 and/or do a lot of face damage a lot, and it's not like 2 mana vs 3 matters that much in a fatigue mage. I can see 2 of this, 2 of frostbolt, and 2 fireball becoming a thing. Then again...... I say it's card number 2 to watch.
Anyfin can happen is stupid. It essentially assumes you are going to draw and/or get value from both murloc knights, and it can completely whiff.
Keeper of Uldaman is probably going to see play, because it's very close to hard removal in a class that doesn't really have access to a ton of it, while also doubling as a buff for your dudes. But yes, it might not see play just because it's in the most overcontested slot ever in paladins ever.
sacred trial is awful.
Excavated Evil is awful, because it gives a copy to your opponent and they really will be happy to see that. It's highly unlikely you are going to get a second use out of this if you are losing too, while if you are winning you.... still are unlikely to get a second use out of it. And the wipe isn't that much better than the 2 damage 2 heal one, while being usually worse than lightbomb for any board with tons of relevant stats.
Entomb is.... very good. It's also an insult to
Recycle. It's an assassinate with a silence on top and a chance to play the darn thing later in the game. It should see at least a little play.
Museum Curator has **** stats, meaning it sucks. A deathrattle card you really want should just go into your deck instead of a 1/2 body for 2, which is never really a thing.
The rogue cards have potential (although the 5/4 for 4 is probably still just terrible), but none of them fit in a current deck or force an archtype strongly enough to make rogues immediately competitive. Maybe the rest of the expansion will help? I don't think so though.
I have only some idea how to evaluate the shaman cards. It feels like they are just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Murloc card is definitely something to watch, but I think the other 2 are going to end up not forcing a change or seeing top tier play.
Dark Peddler is the warlock card to watch. It's got just enough stats to do something while having just enough card advantage to make up for the 1 missing attack. It's going to depend on how good the average card is. Notable it can get spells.
The warrior stuff is probably just a no. Control warrior don't need none of that.
Out of the neutral cards, I think Rafaam, naga sea witch, eerie statue, and tomb spider are worth keeping an eye on. But none of this stuff is going to shake up the meta either.