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 Post subject: [Nanowrimo] 2015
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:55 pm 
Desperately Wants A Custom Title
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I'm going to post my Nanowrimo this year in the same manner I did last year.

Each day, the first 1667 words I write will be posted here (though I will finish the sentence I'm on). You guys will have to fill in the blanks, if any.

The story I'm choosing to do this is is the story of my OC, Mira, Captain of the Sheebani. I figured, I already have some references, let's tell her story.

Now, unlike most other years, I don't have tons of time, and this story is hardly planned out, so any comments or criticism is greatly appreciated. I would love it if you guys speculated what might happen, or why things are happening. For one, it's always fun to guess, and two if I haven't written it already it might give me things to think about and add detail too etc.

Without further ado, I give you the first entry to: Sheebani

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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 Post subject: Re: [Nanowrimo] 2015
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:56 pm 
Desperately Wants A Custom Title
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“DARIAN!” I yelled.

No response.

“DARIAN!” I yelled again.

Still no response.

I slammed my fist down onto my control panel. I ignored the pain. I growled, as I pulled my speeder around fighting gravity. Halav’s pull was strong, but I needed to get back to my ship. The stars blurred through the vicious turn. I felt my stomach fall into my spine as I flew against the very powerful force of gravity. Finally free from orbit, my speeder rocketed towards the Sheebani.

“How could something have gone wrong now? We barely started the operation!” I slammed my fist down on the control panel three more times. “Kodgin Darian! ANSWER ME!” I heard static. Someone was on the other line; I tried again, “Darian! Darian!” More static. “Vurt.” I raised my hand to slam it down again, a few specks of blood trailed onto my face from my right hand. I should probably stop that; I lowered my hand.

Finally, my communicator sparked to life. “My, my, captain. So many rules and you break them all when things go south?” The low scruffy tone was unmistakeable.

“Enough sarcasm, David, what’s going on up there?”

“Heheh…” I didn’t like the sound of that laughter. I heard muffled screams of several people. “Let’s find out.” I heard one of the muffled yells getting louder, then it became unmuffled.

“Mira don’t return! It’s a mutiny!”

My teeth ground tightly together. I heard the sound of a blaster, and I could hear speckles of sound from the comm device being hit with mangled flesh.

“Hahah! Nice shot Gridde! The rest of you, he didn’t say what I wanted him to say, do we have an understanding?” I couldn’t hear any more muffled sounds. They killed one of my crew; they killed Marinian. “Good. Now, what Marinian was supposed to say; you.”

I heard footsteps.

“Are.” Footsteps. “Going.” Footsteps. “To.” Footsteps. “Lose.”

No; he’s captured four others. Cole, Reven, Nairet, and Donald. They must be so scared right now.

David was back on the line. “That’s right captain! You are going to lose. Everything. Your crew, your ship, your life.”

I wiped tears from my face, and my teeth unlocked long enough to whisper, “I will kill you.”

“What was that?”

“You won’t get away with this.”

“Oh Mira, we’re more than halfway there.”

“That’s captain….”

I heard another blaster fire. And several screams followed by three more methodical blaster shots. “No! They did what you asked didn’t they?”

“Yes, but I never said that we weren’t going to kill them. They foolishly assumed that, and passed on a humiliating message with their last words. How amazing is that? I am winning all around.”


“Mind your manners Mira, I see that you are nearby. Gridde, get the others.”

“You vurt mutineer.”

“Breaking your own rules.”

“I’m the captain here!”

“Unfortunately, you’re not. I am. Come aboard… Mira.”

I ground my teeth together again. For the rest of the night they were going to stay that way. Sheebani had been growing closer this entire time, David was tracking me. What was happening? This morning we were all eating breakfast and planning on relieving a tyrant from his unjust rule of Halav. Now, I have to fight to rescue my ship. How come I didn’t see this coming?

I slammed my fist on the console again. The pain was becoming real to me. “How did I not see this?” Then a fear that just recently started gowing in my head; who do I trust? Is there anyone trustworthy still alive? They said they had more, and why was Darian not answering his comm? Names were running through my head.

Anna, Jenny, Kylisa, Pirsc, Dren, Veri, Charles, and Schuld were unaccounted for. Well, Darian too, but Darian and David are brothers, so I’m willing to bet they are working together. I couldn’t see any of these people resorting to mutiny. If David is against me, I’m sure Pirsc and Veri are too. How could I say that? Two people I’ve been working with this whole time, and I’m just simply calling them enemies. What proof do I have?

The sad realization hit me. I can’t trust any of them. I know that there are some that I can trust, but I don’t know who. I am alone, and I’m trying to retake my ship. I’m alone. I wiped the tears off my face again. My crewman have never seen me cry, and today is no different.

“My family is fighting, and dying, and I wasn’t there to help them. But I’m coming home now. It was then that I realized that David was expecting me. I couldn’t fly my ship into the hangar, he probably rigged it to explode. No, he wouldn’t do that to his ship… my ship. It’s still my ship. But he sees it as his, so he still wouldn’t do it. But something will go wrong there. I need to be ready.”

I was about to set my speeder to autoland, but my hand hovered over the button. This was my speeder; nobody else uses this. This was insane; how far did this betrayal go? How did I know I could even land purposefully without danger? If I was afraid of them tampering with my speeder, where did that fear stop? The answer; it didn’t.

“Sorry David, I know that you’d take care of your precious ship if you had one, for me, it’s just another bill.” I unstrapped myself, and donned my hyper helmet. I braced myself for impact and waited. My speeder was going to crash head-on into the hangar. If that didn’t disrupt any ambush for me, I don’t know what would. I had seconds left to change my mind; I didn’t.

My ship loomed in front of me, and I didn’t care. I bent my knees slightly and bowed my head slightly. I hit the side of my helmet to start the recorder. As my speeder flew into the hangar, I heard metal scraping against metal, and the sound of faulty electricity. My speeder was hastily jostled by my ships landing procedure failsafes, but it wasn’t enough.

I was going much faster than the failsafes were meant to accommodate for. It hit the far wall, and my hyper helmet activated as I was jettisoned out the front of my speeder. The speeder had slowed enough to not demolish the majority of the ship, but was enough to rip open parts of the next room.

The green shield protected me as I flew through the front wall of the Sheebani and into the detainment room. “How fitting,” I said to myself. The room sealed itself from the breach and I could hear minute explosions from the hangar behind me. The Sheebani was handling this efficiently. I just wish I was the one on the bridge helping to handle it.

I quickly hit the replay on my hyper helmet. I got a glimpse of two people jumping away from my oncoming speeder. I paused the feed and zoomed in.

“Pirsz and Dren. Two people I can’t trust.” I removed my hyper helmet, and loaded my pistol. “You will all pay for this!” I screamed.

I forced the door open, and was welcomed to a dark hallway. My speeder caused some electrical damage; this would give me some cover. I peeked around the left corner and saw no movement. I ran down the dormitory hallway and stopped at the midway staircase on my left. I eased my breathing and listened closely. After a few moments I heard footsteps from where I came. They were following me.

“She went down the center dorm hall. It’s pitch black, her speeder cut the power, we can’t see anything on this level.” I heard Pirsz say.

“Don’t go through the hall. Go around, and we’ll flush her out from the top level.”

“Understood. Dren, stay here, I’ll loop around with the others.” Pirsz walked off.

They were on to me. I couldn’t go upstairs, because that’s where they were, but I also couldn’t go downstairs to avoid them. The stairway that leads down was back the way I came. I could go forwards to the bridge, up the stairs, or back by Dren. I had less than a minute to decide. I figured that my odds were better against one known enemy, compared to an unknown amount of them.

I was granted cover by the darkness, but he’d hear any noise I made. That gave me an idea. I pulled out of my pocket a few spare ammo packs, I had three total. I was going to throw one to distract Dren, when I had a better idea. I lightly dropped one just around the corner instead. I wanted him to think I was at the opposite stairway throwing them this way.

Dren fired his blaster and it lit up the hall. “Heh, nice try Mira, but now I know where you are.”

I brought up my gun and smirked. I aimed my gun down the corridor roughly where Dren was standing, and I dropped a second ammo pack by my feet. Dren fired again, but, as I was hoping, he was aiming at the stairway opposite me. As soon as he fired, I tightened my aim and fired a volley in his direction.

I heard him curse under his breath as he ducked behind the wall to my right. I tried to snag at least one of the ammo packs as I ran down the hall, but they were at too awkward a height for me to run and grab it at the same time; I focused on running. I fired another volley as I neared the corner to grant me some more cover, and he fired back.

We both missed each other was bullets blasted the surrounding walls. As I rounded the corner, I fired one last shot blindly behind me. At the bottom of the stairs, I opened the door to the lower hangar and blasted the lock as it closed behind me.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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 Post subject: Re: [Nanowrimo] 2015
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:49 pm 
Desperately Wants A Custom Title
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
Posts: 4754
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They wouldn’t be able to directly follow me, but it still wasn’t impossible to corner me in the hangar. I looked around, there didn’t appear to be anybody, so I ducked through the door on my right. The power was on in this section of the ship, despite it being just below where my big crash occurred. The Sheebani was good like that.

I saw nobody down the corridor in front of me, nor to my left. Heading straight would lead me towards the bridge. If I could get there I could monitor the situation, but that’s also what David would be doing. If I headed left, I risked running into mutineers, but I could possibly make it to the armory and get myself geared up for a decent fight.

Decisions, decisions.

I ran down to the left and headed towards the stairs that could take me upstairs towards the armory. I would risk getting caught, but I was useless unless I found more ammo or better guns, or both; preferably both.

As I was running down the hall I heard a door open far behind me, I had nowhere to hide, so I fired a volley blindly behind me. The footsteps stopped, “Who is it?” a female asked.

“How should I know? Who is it?” a male asked loudly. It was Darian. I stopped running and turned around. I aimed my gun at the hall they were coming from and waited for them to make the mistake of rounding the corner.

“It’s not one of us, they would’ve answered. We need to get across to the hangar, that’s where Mira was heading.” Darian said.

“You go I’ll cover you!” I smirked, they were after me after all. “Go!” I saw Darian run across the corridor, but I held my fire for the female. I saw a head full of blonde hair peek behind the corner and hold a gun out, it was Jenny. I instinctively pulled the trigger, and dodged to the side. “It’s Mira! Ahh!” she screamed as my bullet hit her in the shoulder.

I fired two more shots at her, but she ducked back behind the wall.

“Mira! We’re on your side!” Darian called out from the right.

“Yes, we’re looking to help you!” Jenny called out.

“Good luck getting me to believe that!” I yelled back. I was solely working my way backwards down the hall.

“It’s true!” Jenny shouted.

“Why are you working with Darian then? You and your brother clearly cooked this up.”

“No. David is an idiot Mira. He ambushed us in the bridge. Cole and Reven were captured, I made it out because they were giving me cover.”

I swallowed hard.

“I was eating before the operation, and they almost cornered me in the mess hall. Charles and Darian distracted them so I could sneak out the back door.”

“Where’s Charles then? Flanking me?”

“Mira, we’re not against you!” Darian said.

“Nobody was against me this morning!”

“Mira look,” Jenny said tossing her gun across the hall and holding her hands out. She rounded the corner, and I resisted the urge to fire. “Mira, we’ve been trying to secure a room to base a counterattack once you returned, but they locked all the dorms. You need to trust us, you can’t do this alone.”

I ground my teeth some more, almost audibly. “Darian, close the door and stay there.”

“Yes Captain.”

“Jenny, you turn around…”


“Turn around and keep your hands up.”

She obeyed, “You don’t need to do this Mira.”

I took a few more steps back. I didn’t want them to see which way I went as I reached the intersection. “Yes I do. You want me to trust you guys?”

“Of course we do!”

“Then you stay here until I get back.”

“They can corner us here.”

I growled; she was right. “You want me to trust you?”

“Yes Captain.”

“You count to ten, and then you and Darian hide in the hangar and stay there.”

Jenny audibly sighed. “Yes Captain.” I heard a knock from the door echo twice.

“Good. Start counting.”

“Where are you going?”

“If I wanted you to know then I wouldn’t have you counting now would I?”

“Do you want me to close my eyes too?”

“Knows not a time to be making jokes Jenny!”

“Fine. One… Two…”

I had made my way to the intersection and I softly stepped to my right. The stairs would lead me up to the main deck, and I could work my way up to the armory from there. I stopped when I heard the door open down the hall. It wasn’t Darian’s door.

I heard two shrieking explosions from down the hall as Jenny turned her head. I saw her body blown back as two white blades sliced into her left side. “Ahh!” she shrieked, as two more explosions resounded down the hall. I heard another door open, Darian’s door, as two more spinning blades flew towards Jenny. One missed, but the other cut into her side again, but it hit more than her side. It flew cleanly through her left arm.

I heard two blasts from Darian as he fired his gun. He reached out and dragged Jenny into the hangar. I couldn’t believe my eyes. What was happening? I ducked behind the corner, as I heard footsteps at the end of the hall.

“We found them, but no sign of Mira.” It was Pirsc.

“She has to be down there. They must have found her. Make sure they don’t leave the hangar alive.” David’s voice crackled back.

“I don’t think that will be an issue. I did a number on Jenny. You’re brother however…”

“Just worry about Mira. The rest will fall!”


My stomach turned on itself. Jenny and Darian were telling the truth. And because of me, Jenny was critically wounded, and possibly dead. Why couldn’t I simply have trusted them? Things would’ve been different. No. I couldn’t trust them. I made the correct choice, it just wasn’t beneficial. It was the lesser of two evils. But I gathered some valuable information out of that. I could trust Charles as well.

That left four unverified people: Anna, Kylisa, Schuld, and Veri. But another question was bugging me; why didn’t David know where I was? Was he not on the bridge? If he wasn’t, then where was he?

I couldn’t dwell on that as the group that maimed Jenny were heading this way. I quickly made my way up the staircase and found myself, once again, on the main deck. I could go straight and loop by the bridge, or I could go down the dorm hall and go up at the halfway point. I knew the dorms rooms were locked and that David wasn’t on the bridge.

I didn’t want to waste any time so I headed down the dorm hall. After the first two rooms I turned left and climbed the stairs. Atop the stairs I looked carefully down both sides of the hall; nothing. I stealthily made my way down my left towards the two armories. As I neared the end, I stopped and peeked around the corner. I saw David, Anna, and Veri pillaging the leftmost armory.

I certainly wasn’t going to find anything useful in that armory, but I needed to get into the other armory. I sat and waited briefly as they were perusing boxes of ammunition and explosives. When all three had their backs turned, I jumped across the hall and opened the door to the other armory. I heard shouts of surprise from the other room, and the blaster fire from a gun within this armory.

“Oh Mira! Lock it!”

I turned to lock the door and a bullet scraped my cheek, instantly cauterizing. A second hit my right shoulder blade and left through just under my armpit. I pulled my gun out and fired a few bullets as I turned.

“No, Mira, I’m sorry! I was planning for David or his crew.”

“That kodgin HURT!” I yelled. I held my hand on my right side.

“You’re safe now.” My eyes gradually focused on the woman in the room with me; Kylisa. Her arms were up and she was unarmed.

“Why’d you leave this unlocked?”

Kylisa gestured towards a comm device on the table with her head. “Charles told me that you were coming, I just didn’t know when. I figured that David tried the door enough and found it locked that they wouldn’t try again, but I still fired warning shots to distract whomever entered first.”

I winced as I moved my right shoulder around. “You’re lucky I don’t use this arm.”

“You’re lucky you don’t use that arm.”

I laughed, “So what’s the status? What now? Wait, I know everyone’s affiliation except for Schuld, who’s side is Schuld on?”

“Schuld is dead. You’ll have to ask Charles which side he was on. He would know.”

“Where’s Charles, is he at the bridge?”

Charles spoke up from the comm, “I’m down in the hangar with the others. You guys need to hurry down here. We’re at a semi-stalemate, but we’re outnumbered and outgunned. They can’t leave, and we can’t leave. But Jenny isn’t doing so well. I grabbed her arm, but we need to get out quickly if we plan to keep it alive Captain.”

I scowled. That wasn’t my priority right now, but it was more than just her arm that was at stake. “We need to get them out of there Kylisa. They’ll need help, fortunately for them we’re in the armory. Unfortunately for us, we’re probably cornered.”

“I might have a solution for that. Before I left the bridge, I set a timer to kill the electricity on the top deck. As long as you open the door before that happens, the lights will turn of and grant you cover. That exchange happens in about five minutes; to be exact at 07:57.”

“Exact?” I asked.

“Exact. Make sure that door is open by then otherwise you’re stuck there until they get the electricity back on. And after that, things will be different I'm afraid.”

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

My Cube | My Designs | My Art
Silver Soraka Main

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 Post subject: Re: [Nanowrimo] 2015
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:52 pm 
Desperately Wants A Custom Title
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My computer is finally calling it quits. It goes on spurts where it won't turn on, and then when it does, it's only one for like five minutes. The last time I wrote was the 6th... :(

I did have roughyl 10k, but given school, getting a new computer and all that, I will not feasibly be able to complete Nanowrimo this year :(

Someday... someday I'll have a computer that just... works.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

My Cube | My Designs | My Art
Silver Soraka Main

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 Post subject: Re: [Nanowrimo] 2015
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:51 am 
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Yeah I only did about 10k too. NaNo is more about getting into the habit of writing than the actual 50k, I think. I mean, yes tons of people do the 50k, but then quit working on the projects after. I usually do 10-25k and keep working on the projects until they're done.

Anyway, hope your computer situation improves and you're able to finish!

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