Posted this on the official forums, but I'll post here as well in case everybody from Rules Q&A has already abandoned ship:
Today at Game Day, someone started complaining after the event because a designated Floor Judge was constantly pointing out the complainer's opponent's missed triggers. When approached, the Floor Judge simply said to check section 1.8 of the Tournament Rules.
Section 1.8 reads thus:
1.8 Floor Judges
Floor judges are available to players and spectators to answer questions, deal with illegal plays, or assist with reasonable requests. They do not have to be DCI-certified.
Judges will not generally assist players in determining the current game state but can answer questions about the rules, interactions between cards, or provide the Oracleâ„¢ wordings of relevant cards. At Regular REL, the judge may assist the player in understanding the game state in the interest of education. If a player wishes to ask his or her question away from the table, the request will usually be honored. Players may not request specific judges to answer their calls, but may request a tournament official to help translate. This request may be honored at the discretion of the original judge.
Judges do not intervene in a game to prevent illegal actions, but do intervene as soon as a rule has been broken or to prevent a situation from escalating.
Having read this, I wonder what exactly a missed trigger counts as. Because reading this section, if a missed trigger is breaking the rules, wouldn't it be okay that the Floor Judge was pointing them out? Or would the missed trigger count as an illegal action, and thus be something the Floor Judge should remain quiet about?