A while back Cauchy and I had a discussion regarding the decline in the value of our objects digital based on trends. I just wanted to paste something that I noticed in today's SoTP (One Million Words aka Pete Jahn is the author) on Puremtgo.com
The big number is the retail price of a playset (4 copies) of every card available on MTGO. Assuming you bought the least expensive versions available, the cost of owning a playset of every card on MTGO you can own is $ 22,840. That’s down about $340 from last week.
Pete puts this at the bottom of each article every week and the low number 22k seemed to strike a memory chord in my head so I went and checked a year ago (or as close to a year as it gets in this case since odd # of days and days of week.)
The big number is the retail price of a playset (4 copies) of every card available on MTGO. Assuming you bought the least expensive version available, the cost of owning a playset of every card on MTGO you can own is $ 25,250. That’s down about $150 from where we were last week. That’s insignificant.
So last year a change of -$150 was insignificant. How about a change in a year of over -$2400? Doesn't it seem like our collections as a whole must be devalued quite a bit since then? If so then what are the contributing factors?
The decline of Vintage due to it not taking off means that many of the staple vintage cards (I don't mean power) have lost some value but also modern prices are low, standard prices are low, legacy prices are low. This is across the board. What do you guys think the primary causes are?