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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:44 pm 
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alright bit of a different list here today gonna be taking it out 10 games to see how it does after posting this

Dimir Evasive Beats
4 x perilous myr
4 x alchemist vial
3 x Esperzoa
2 x Graveblade marauder
4 x nantuko husk
3 x whirler rogue
4 x separatist voidmage
2 x thopter spy network
2 x priest of the blood rite
2 x possessed skaab
3 x cruel revival
3 x necromantic summons
7 x islands
5 x swamps
2 x drowned catacomb
2 x foundry of the consuls
4 x dimir guildgate
4 x evolving wilds

alright lets talk strategy. the main win con is nantuko husk just give him unblockable with whirler rogue, sac the board, swing to face for an insane amount

that being said the air game is pretty strong with esperzoas 5/5 demon tokens and loads of thopters

the card I'm most iffy on is voidmage probably gonna sub him for some more draw spells

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:52 pm 
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Evasive beats without Welkin Tern?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:05 pm 
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Evasive beats without Welkin Tern?

you know... I don't know how I missed that card

first of all -3 necromantic summons and -4 voidmage

+4 welkin tern +3 disperse

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:31 pm 
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Babs: Its been like 6 hours.. did they run out of PCs in Japan or something? Where's the 10-games post!?!?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:32 pm 
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She's still working on game 1

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:59 pm 
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Babs: Its been like 6 hours.. did they run out of PCs in Japan or something? Where's the 10-games post!?!?

sorry I just got home from my sisters shodan ceremony and I'm making lunch D:

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:11 am 
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ugh.. deck isn't worth it had a terrible time of it in just the first three games

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:31 am 
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I was gonna say...

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:10 am 
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You basically tried to emulate the rogue + husk list from the protour :p

Although you also have 4 husk and up to 3 whirler's here; this pool lacks a bunch of key instrumental cards that made that deck work :

zulaport cutthroat, grim haruspex, Bloodsoaked Champion, sidisi's faithful really made that deck tick.

The key thing to remember is that rogue + husk wasn't meant to do 20 damage every game :p, it was basically an aggro deck, with access to a T4 combo.
T1 champ into T2 cutthroat into T3 husk was a beating. on T4, without Rogue, that would be a 6/6 husk swinging with a double drain of cutthroat into the mix.

Your list is way more midrange.

I personally have been playing Nassif's Collected company list instead, and it's alot of fun; coco into double zulaport cutthroat sac hangarback walkers to husk and keep saccing the board puts Siege Rhino to shame :evil: Reminds me of Duels 2013 double Blood artist+ damnation craziness. That golgari pile could generate alotof tokens

I remember Mobius posting a Zombie beatdown list though :

2 x Bone Splinters
4 x Perilous Myr
4 x Screeching Skaab
2 x Despoiler of Souls
4 x Shambling Ghoul
1 x Shadows of the Past
4 x Frost Lynx
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
2 x Graveblade Marauder
3 x Fleshbag Marauder
4 x Nantuko Husk
4 x Undead Servant
1 x Cruel Revival

4 x Island
11 x Swamp
2 x Drowned Catacomb
3 x Rogue's Passage
4 x Evolving Wilds

Maybe if you would go -4 Undead Servant and ditch the Screeching Skaab package (or maybe not; it still synergizes with graveblade marauder and despoiler; probably terns are just better though), adjust the manabase to be able to go turn 4 rogue, you might get somewhere? One Issue I see here is if you go Rogue, you gonna be having trouble getting T2/T3 despoiler on board reliably.

That zombie beatdown list as is isn't half bad btw, sure wasn't top tier, but pretty refreshing to play.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:09 am 
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I've been trying to perfect 1v1 dimir mill for quite some time now. I've tried utilizing Jhessian thieves, Thopter networks, the whole lot. After dozens of games of playtesting, this is what my final build has come to:


(This is a finished playtested deck, not a draft)

1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4x Alchemist's Vial
3x Telling Time
2x Reave Soul
4x Disperse
2x Displacement Wave
2x Harbinger of the Tides
1x Sigiled Starfish
2x Read the Bones
4x Artificer's Epiphany
3x Sphinx's Tutelage
2x Calculated Dismissal
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer
2x Languish
2x Talent of the Telepath
1x Disciple of the Ring
24x land - 4x Dimir guildgate, 3x Foundry of the Consuls, 2x Drowned Catacomb, 10x Island, 5x Swamp


A freakin NINJA, man! Pure awesomeness.

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Last edited by Daninja on Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:24 am 
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If you're planning on running the counterspells, i'd be tempted to put Inspiration instead of Read the Bones so you can hold up both on the same turn, not sure if that's worth making the swap though as you only run 2.
I don't really see what Liliana does here though, you barely run any creatures and even the ones you do run you'd hate to see them die anyway, probably could use some Fleshbags/Myr's/Bone Splinters if you want to run Lili.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:40 am 
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Where's the removal other than 2x Reave Soul, 2x Languish and 2x Displacement Wave? I don't get how you maintain control of the board..

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:22 am 
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Where's the removal other than 2x Reave Soul, 2x Languish and 2x Displacement Wave? I don't get how you maintain control of the board..

There's some tempo hidden in there too - Disperse, Vial, Harbinger, Dismissal, Disciple but it definitely looks like a puzzle that requires timely pieces without much board presence. Starfish, Vial, Telling Time, Bones and Epiphany seem to be their outs to finding it but I'm just not sure how consistent it all conforms. I'm guessing that getting to stabilizing turns may be tough a lot of the time?

I agree with Nighthawk on the counter magic/ draw aspect, Lily and the suggested inclusions. Tapping out your mana at sorcery speed is not where this deck wants to be so Bones should be swapped. Lily just doesn't have good cohesion here (but could based on Nighthawks suggestions). And; like Nighthawk's suggestion would result in, I think the deck needs some low end filler like Myr and Fleshbag to keep the board in check allowing the deck a chance to find the late game. Splinters is good removal and would help round out the Lily package but you may have enough to hide behind without including Lily/Splinter to keep some semblance of the tempo control.



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:20 pm 
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Thanks for the imput, though I wasn't looking for any tips. This is a finished build. I've playtested pretty much all suggested cards, but this is how it plays best for me - I've been able to beat aggro goblins and selesnya renown as well as gruul/golgari ramp or a mirror mill deck. Bones are certainly not perfect, since they cost u life and are sorcery speed, thats why I play only 2, but they allow to dig deeper into the deck than Inspiration and also cost less, which is very important in this deck, as I tend to use up all my mana every turn. If you haven't noticed, there are 3 Telling Times and 4 Artificers Epiphanies to go along with 2 Harbingers and 2 Dismissals to make sure I always use up my mana.

As far as Lili goes, she is in mainly because she is the best lifelink defender in the meta...getting 2 or 4 life off of her can be huge against aggro and she doesn't die that easily thanks to her 3 toughness. You can even force her to flip if you need by Reave Souling your Harbinger or Starfish. She doesn't need to flip to be effective.

Where's the removal other than 2x Reave Soul, 2x Languish and 2x Displacement Wave? I don't get how you maintain control of the board..

Umm how about the Harbingers/Disperses/Vials? Talent of the Telepath often works as removal too, altho its a bit random. Dismissals arent "removal" per se, but if the creature doesn't hit the board, there is no need to remove it. And Disciple can go a pretty long way tapping stuff :)

The 2-2 split with Reave and Dismissal was made because generally I don't want to be stuck a hand full or Reaves against a ramp deck or Dismissals against a fast aggro deck.

Just to quickly address Myrs/Fleshbags, tried them, didn't work well. Fleshbags usually eat a Vine/Visionary or a random token, Myrs can be a dangerous defender but can be dodged by tapping/bouncing or just flying over them and then they just sit there doing nothing. Similar deal comes with Starfish and the like, thats why I keep creature count as low as possible. The key here is finding all the neccessary pieces ASAP and maintaining control in the process.

To wrap this up, thanks for the ideas, maybe it will help somebody playing this deck realize what are the weaknesses. As every deck, this also has some. But so far I've been about 9 wins to 1 loss since finalizing this build, so I decide to share. To date probably the strongest deck I have, because it is equally capable of winning against an aggro deck as it is against a ramp deck. Big part of the deck of course is experience and using the correct cards at correct times, there is a learning curve to this, its not the easiest deck, but pretty damn effective when mastered :) Have fun!

A freakin NINJA, man! Pure awesomeness.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:36 pm 
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But what do you do when a creature manages to hang on to the field? I mean you can play around with them for a while but the the only way of "permanently" dealing with them is languish, reave and counters of which you only have 6 in the deck.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:25 pm 
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But what do you do when a creature manages to hang on to the field? I mean you can play around with them for a while but the the only way of "permanently" dealing with them is languish, reave and counters of which you only have 6 in the deck.

That's why I play so much card draw and deck filtering. The card advantage enables me to just stall in early game with bounces and taps and set up my Tutelages in the process. Its definitely rather a race to mill them before they can beat you down than trying to get absolute control of the board and then maybe milling (if youre not dead yet). But thanks to the draw, stall and cheap casting costs, you can get them off the board for pretty long :)

A freakin NINJA, man! Pure awesomeness.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:06 am 
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Oh my goodness. Just built a deck that has me giggling like a little girl. It's really bloody amazing, and really bloody fun. It's pretty smooth, and has way too much for the opponent to deal with. The only loss I've had so far is from red aggro nut draw. Hope you like it, let me know if you have any suggestions...

1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 x Alchemist's Vial
3 x Reave Soul
2 x Shadows of the Past

3 x Jhessian Thief
3 x Jorubai Murk Lurker
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
3 x Nantuko Husk
3 x Sphinx's Tutelage

3 x Whirler Rogue
2 x Thopter Spy Network
4 x Inspiration

2 x Willbreaker
2 x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder

6 x Island
5 x Swamp
2 x Drowned Catacomb
3 x Foundry of the Consuls
4 x Dimir Guildgate
4 x Evolving Wilds

This deck is so much fun to play. So many combinations to just wreck your opponent and force many errors. Let's just look at a couple, beyond the typical mill/card draw combos that you can clearly see in this list. I'm not sure how you deal with this deck, besides early aggression (which is admittedly a bit of a weakness, but we can catch up with Jorubai eventually), or a well timed Tragic Arrogance.

Jorubai Murk Lurker + Willbreaker + Nantuko Husk - yes please.
Unblockable Nantuko Husk + Whirler Rogue + tapped thopters
Willbreaker + Kothophed + Nantuko Husk

Take it for a test spin. :) Feedback is welcome!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:36 pm 

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I'll post my Dimir of Doom.

4 Perilous Myr
1 Jace
4 Alchemist's vial
1 Shadows of the past
3 Telling time
4 Disperse
3 Esperzoa
1 Liliana
3 Fleshbag marauder
3 Sphinx tutelage
2 Read the bones
2 Talent of the Telepath
2 Languish
3 Necromantic summons

10 Island
12 Swamp
2 Drowned catacomb

...and lots of luck

Feel free to give advice, as it may not be 100% perfect

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:10 pm 
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Don't really see why you need 3 esperzoa here for, as you're mostly a mill deck the damage it can do is pretty irrelevant, so it only really gels with the vials and if you don't have one of them out it's a bad card to have except as an emergency blocker.
I'd probably go with Disciple as another finished and a couple of starfish if you want to take them out, i'd also say mess with the mana a bit as well, you could probably play some gates as you're already slow.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:46 pm 
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You need more/better creatures. You can't count on Jace/Tutelage to win you all your games.. it's not consistent enough.

-3 Esperoza
-4 Vial
-2 Talent of the Telepath
-2 Necromantic Summons

+1 Erebos Titan
+2 Gilt Leaf Winnower
+2 Kothophed
+3 Jorubai
+3 Reave Soul (without this, your Fleshbags won't be able to hit what you need them to hit)

Also.. cut out 8 basics and put in 4 Gates and 4 Evolving Wilds (for thinning). Telling Time is a nonbo with Tutelage, they should be the other two Read the Bones and 1 Inspiration.. as those spells trigger Tutelage.

Drown Me In Blood -

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