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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:58 pm 
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I'm glad the 10 rounder is back. I think it's very revealing and a lot of fun.

I can't do more than 5 :cry:

Connect times are just too damn long on iOS. I lose my mind.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:08 pm 
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DJ0045 wrote:
I'm glad the 10 rounder is back. I think it's very revealing and a lot of fun.

I can't do more than 5 :cry:

Connect times are just too damn long on iOS. I lose my mind.

Ah, iOS, the master program... :ookay:

Seriously, as much as i zing on iOS players, it totally sucks you guys are getting shafted. I really hope they fix it for you guys soon :waits:and the player base comes back. :rain:

Cross platform play would be fantastic, too...hint hint, Wizards.

Magic Arena Discord Server:

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:14 pm 
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I really want to revisit my Jund list. I think I might today. I've always been on black removal - over red - for Jund Control, but my early build doesn't have any enchant hate, which it needs.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:30 pm 
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I'm still playing that list sometimes, DJ. It's good fun. I just realized it's possible I've been running it without Incarnates this entire time...jeez...

I do think you should revisit the list. It's not working all that great the way it is. Maybe the problem is the three colours, I dunno

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:39 pm 
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I'm still playing that list sometimes, DJ. It's good fun. I just realized it's possible I've been running it without Incarnates this entire time...jeez...

I do think you should revisit the list. It's not working all that great the way it is. Maybe the problem is the three colours, I dunno

I will, soon enough. I just realized that I've got work to do today though, lol. Gotta update the old resume, and work on a presentation for next week. Busy busy.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:45 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:12 pm 
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I'm glad the 10 rounder is back. I think it's very revealing and a lot of fun.

So far, I'm 7|3 vs players rated 35 and up (won some other games vs lower ranked players, but didn't bother counting them).

Thoughts so far: Erebos's Titan is the single most annoying card for this deck to deal with, the second being Evo Leap (so Golgari ctrl is a thing). The match up is won by reminding yourself that they have just as much removal as you do and that you need to play around your own languish as that is usually what decides the match.
Due to the prevalance of certain startagies that attempt to race me, I'm highly considering(and am about to begin testing) a singleton Shadows in place of 1 copy of RtB. The RtB was run at 3 for consistency's sake, since the biggest motivation for me building this deck was to build something with max copies of a bunch of good cards, a personal challenge. After piloting the deck, however,I find that after the first 2 RtBs I usually don't need the other copies, although having 4 has awarded me with consistently drawing it every game 2-3 copies. I feel that Shadows will allow me similar card selection in value draws, but will especially be able to offset the health costs associated with running 5 combined copies of Koth and Shadows.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:02 pm 

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I am new here and to Magic. I need some advice regarding my Jund deck build, which is doing very badly at the moment. I can't seem to get past Rank 5 no matter how I tweak it.

The main theme of my deck is stealing opponents creatures and using them to attack him. Then I use evolutionary leap to sacrifice his stolen creatures. The deck currently consists of the following:

2 x Fiery Impluse
2 x Languish
3 x Fleshbag Marauder - forces opponent to sacrifice his pumped up creatures and fatties
2 x Gravedigger - reanimates Fleshbag Marauder to get rid of opponent creatures, especially those with hexproof
3 x Cruel Revival - reanimates Gravedigger and/or Fleshbag Marauder
3 x Necromantic Summons - reanimates creatures from graveyards, useful to get back GR
3 x Reclamation Sage - gets rid of Auras and Enchantments

Card Draw:
2 x Evolutionary Leap - sacrifice creatures to get Gaea's Revenge and planeswalkers
4 x Elvish Visionary - for card draw and to block attacking enemy creatures

1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer

Creature stealing:
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Traitorous Instinct

Primary win condition:
2 x Gaea's Revenge

4 x Swamp
1 x Mountain
5 x Forest
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Rootbound Crag
1 x Dragonskull Summit
2 x Golgary Guildgate
2 x Foundry of the Consuls
2 x Rogue's Passage
4 x Evolving Wilds

I would greatly appreciate inputs on this.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:41 pm 

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Hi - would like to share the following tri-color deck. This is a sacrificial theme deck, which I have selected cards that can afford to be sacrificed. The strategy is to exhaust the other player’s hand and bring down his/her defenses.

For The Greater Good



It’s a two colorless cast. If up for sacrifice, it delivers 2 damages to either creature or player. It also serves as an early defender against aggro.

Allows for a card draw, so if this card is up for sacrifice, it won’t hurt. It also serves as an early defender against aggro.

Dragon Fodder (it’s a sorcery that creates two tokens, so included under creatures)

These little goblin tokens make great use. Defenders early on in the game against aggro decks. Also, use in conjunction with:
Evolutionary Leap to bring creature cards to hand.
Blazing Hellhound to deliver 1 damage where needed.
Sacrifice to Bone Splinter to remove larger threats on the playing field.

Planeswalker mode is easily achievable. Remember it must be a non-token creature.

Brings a Forest card to hand. Its planeswalker ability is not difficult to activate which then provides card draw advantage.

Synergistically powerful with Evolutionary Leap or Bone Splinter or even Blazing Hellhound later in the game.

Colorless 3/3 creature when dies gain 3 life. Considering this deck is a bit of a drain, this extra life gain is needed. In addition, if it must be sacrificed, get some life gain benefit out of it.

Sacrifice a creature to deliver 1 damage to either creature or player for l mana. It’s also a relatively powerful 4/3 creature at a cost of 4 mana. Act of Treason or Enthralling VIctor the player’s creature and sacrifice it to this card before end of turn. Also, can sacrifice other creatures to deliver the damage where and when it’s needed.

Powerful 6/6 flying. Its card draw ability helps cycle through the deck.


This card is not intended to use early on unless needed.
Works great with Act of Treason or Enthralling VIctor, a double blow to the other player. Also, with Elvish Visionary, considering an additional card is drawn from this, to sacrifice this creature as an answer to a potential problem from the other side is a good investment.

If needed, use also with Perilous Myr to destroy target creature as well as deliver an additional 2 damage to a creature or player.

Straight forward board control that does not get in-the-way.

Allows for sacrifice of early creature cards (such as Elvish Visionary) in search of something with greater power. Also, use in conjunction with Act of Treason or Enthralling VIctor to permanently remove other player’s creature card in exchange for bringing a creature card to hand: a great advantage over the other play that lost a creature and is less a card in hand as well.
Furthermore, if the other player attempts to destroy or take one of your creatures, sacrifice it to Evolutionary Leap: gain a card while the other player loses a card.

There are creatures and such within this deck that deliver damage to the opponent or creature. However, I do like having the ability to cast damage directly from hand. Thus this card, one copy is sufficient.

Cycle through deck and bring additional cards to hand. Helps find for those in-demand-cards. Card drawing advantage.

Extremely powerful with Evolutionary Leap or Bone Splinter or even Blazing Hellhound later in the game.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:13 am 

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Hi -

I'm relatively new to this forum as well: been on since April 2015. I have been playing Magic for quite sometime, and recently around with this color combination for Duels.

I looked at this deck list and what stands out is 8 card count of creature stealing sorcery type cards (Act of Treason or Traitorous Instinct), and only 2 cards with the sacrifice ability (Evolutionary Leap). I see there is Fleshbag Marauder in this deck, but it might be too late to successfully steal an opponent's creature and sacrifice it to Fleshbag Marauder - need 6-7 lands to get to that point. Maybe including a third card that allows for creature sacrifice like Bloodflow Connoisseur or Nantuko Husk by land drop 4?: 3 mana to cast those and the turns following use Act of Treason or Traitorous Instinct.

I have to say, second to land destruction, this creature stealing and sacrificing combo is a big set-back.


I am new here and to Magic. I need some advice regarding my Jund deck build, which is doing very badly at the moment. I can't seem to get past Rank 5 no matter how I tweak it.

The main theme of my deck is stealing opponents creatures and using them to attack him. Then I use evolutionary leap to sacrifice his stolen creatures. The deck currently consists of the following:

2 x Fiery Impulse
2 x Languish
3 x Fleshbag Marauder - forces opponent to sacrifice his pumped up creatures and fatties
2 x Gravedigger - reanimates Fleshbag Marauder to get rid of opponent creatures, especially those with hexproof
3 x Cruel Revival - reanimates Gravedigger and/or Fleshbag Marauder
3 x Necromantic Summons - reanimates creatures from graveyards, useful to get back GR
3 x Reclamation Sage - gets rid of Auras and Enchantments

Card Draw:
2 x Evolutionary Leap - sacrifice creatures to get Gaea's Revenge and planeswalkers
4 x Elvish Visionary - for card draw and to block attacking enemy creatures

1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer

Creature stealing:
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Traitorous Instinct

Primary win condition:
2 x Gaea's Revenge

4 x Swamp
1 x Mountain
5 x Forest
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Rootbound Crag
1 x Dragonskull Summit
2 x Golgary Guildgate
2 x Foundry of the Consuls
2 x Rogue's Passage
4 x Evolving Wilds

I would greatly appreciate inputs on this.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:12 pm 

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C Eliza wrote:
Hi -

I'm relatively new to this forum as well: been on since April 2015. I have been playing Magic for quite sometime, and recently around with this color combination for Duels.

I looked at this deck list and what stands out is 8 card count of creature stealing sorcery type cards (Act of Treason or Traitorous Instinct), and only 2 cards with the sacrifice ability (Evolutionary Leap). I see there is Fleshbag Marauder in this deck, but it might be too late to successfully steal an opponent's creature and sacrifice it to Fleshbag Marauder - need 6-7 lands to get to that point. Maybe including a third card that allows for creature sacrifice like Bloodflow Connoisseur or Nantuko Husk by land drop 4?: 3 mana to cast those and the turns following use Act of Treason or Traitorous Instinct.

I have to say, second to land destruction, this creature stealing and sacrificing combo is a big set-back.

Hello C Eliza!

I removed 2 x Elvish Visionary and put in 2 x Bloodflow Connoisseur and it improved the deck a little. Here are the results after playing it 10 times:

BW Orzhov Enchantment 1-0 - Opponent pumped up his Liliana with an Enchantment. I played my Liliana, then used Traitorous Instinct to get his. Now that I had two of the same planeswalkers in play, I had to sacrifice one. I chose his of course.
BUW Esper Control 1-0 Opponent played 2 x Sigil of the Throne and Zendikar's Roil. But got rid of those with 3 x Reclamation Sage.
BR Dimir Aggro 0-1 Couldn't handle too many small creatures that deal direct damage to player.
BG Golgari Elves 0-1 Flooded by elves.
BR Dimir Control 1-0 Almost lost to this deck but used Traitorous Instinct on my own creature to deal the death blow.
BW Orzhov Enchantment 1-0
RW Boros Aggro Enchant 1-0
WG Selesnya Enchant 1-0
BW Orzhov Control 0-1 Lost to flying creatures
BR Dimir Aggro 0-1

Win-Lose Ration: 6/10

Thank you for your suggestions :)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:06 am 
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For everyone not bored of the game, here's a deck I've been running lately:

Jund Monsters

4 x Bone Splinters
4 x Gatecreeper Vine
4 x Elvish Visionary
2 x Evolutionary Leap
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
2 x Reclamation Sage
3 x Zendikar Incarnate
2 x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
2 x Languish
2 x Priest of the Blood Rite
2 x Embermaw Hellion
2 x Chandra's Ignition
2 x Outland Colossus
2 x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
1 x Woodland Bellower

24 x Land

I'm not sure if dropping Gaea's Revenge is a good idea, but I want more Ignition targets and faster bombs.

I skipped the usual Marauder + Revival setup as I want to drop bombs and play less control and I have a lot of sac material for splinters to take care of enemy threats. Ignition and Languish take care of almost anything the opponent drops.
Any comments greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Auunj on Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:22 pm 
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no luv for fleshbag?
maybe drop a single bone splinters for conclusion...

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:38 am 
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Why would I drop something that kills a creature for a 5 damage spell wich is more expensive?:-)

Fleshbag is overrated, good players just play around it. You always face something like Visionary, thopters, myr, gatcreeper and can't hit what you really need. Vs an aura deck splinters is enough. I preferred to go the stomp route and if I ever need to kill something I have splinters. Ignition can deal a **** of damage too, and most of time languish is also enough. All my important creatures except Zendikar Incarnate are out of Languish's reach. I considered dropping Incarnate because of the nonbo with Languish, but it's just such a good 4 drop and combos greatly with Ignition.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:43 am 
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conclusion is an instant, splinters is not

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:54 am 
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conclusion is an instant, splinters is not

Wow, that's a huge miss by me. I still prefer Splinters though :-)

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:41 am 
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yeah I agree splinters hits way more important targets for less mana

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:39 pm 
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sure, but of those 3 targets, how many of them are things which need to be removed quickly, because you can't afford for them to sit and gain purpose?
depending on the meta, one can be better or worse than the other, so I'd suggest testing them for now, before shooting down the idea

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Never tell a hungry person that you're yummy.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:14 am 
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I wanted to loop gravediggers and use walkers, so here we are. It's been working pretty well and it's a whole lot of fun for me.

4x Perilous Myr awesome 2 drop on it's own, amazing with sacrifice effects
4x Gatecreeper Vine assures land drops, great to sac
4x Elvish Visionary similar to creeper, but different
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer +2 is great when ahead, -X when behind, and ultimate is a win condition
2x Fleshbag Marauder great with so many cards and for killing creatures
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer the best walker
2x Reclamation Sage necessary for some matches, not useless when not useful
3x Gravedigger looping is awesome, getting back walkers is awesome

1x Bone Splinters Like Fiery Conclusion more, but still wanted 1
1x Read the Bones Could see adding more, but it isn't necessary and room is tight
1x Languish I only really want this against Elves and sometimes against Thopters, only need 1

4x Fiery Impulse cheap instant removal, great at 2 damage, amazing at 3
2x Fiery Conclusion instant speed makes it much easier to 2 for 2 when compared to splinters
3x Cruel Revival Removal and getting back those gravediggers to loop

2x Shadows of the Past scry scry scry to smooth the early game, a win condition later
2x Evolutionary Leap the best card in the whole game

23 lands
4x Swamp
1x Mountain
4x Forest
2x Woodland Cemetery
2x Rootbound Crag
2x Dragonskull Summit
2x Golgari Guildgate
1x Gruul Guildgate
1x Rakdos Guildgate
4x Evolving Wilds

Currently only 6 red cards, but I like conclusion better than bone splinters and impulse better than reave soul; havn't had any mana struggles; this deck actually used to be 4 color; splashed jace and possessed skaabs until I got 3 cruel revival.

This deck loves to durdle for a long time, answer all my opponents things, get walkers going, get lots of advantage with Leap and Diggers, then close the game with an ultimate or shadows or sometimes just looped Diggers once my opponent is topdecking.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:04 pm 
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Manbaby17 wrote:
Currently only 6 red cards, but I like conclusion better than bone splinters and impulse better than reave soul

It's all good to run what you prefer and find comfortable but I don't believe this splash is worth the value you'd be getting out of those cards.

Bone Splinters is 'destroy creature' where Fiery Conclusion is 5dmg to a creature. Bone splinters will always remove the threat whereas Conclusion has the potential to be short. Splinters is also in your primary colors and cheaper to cast (even if you've had success with casting this splash so far, 3 colors just has a greater risk of 'error'). The upside is instant speed but I don't think it outweighs the synergy and value Splinters has here.

Now I'd rather have Impulse over Soul too but Bone Splinters is the better option here so splashing for Impulse doesn't seem worth it.

My suggestion here would be to adjust your Bone Splinter count (I think you can get away with x2), drop Red and check out the Golgari thread. There's got to be some decent inspiration in there to fill those remaining slots.



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