Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
This is my personal twist on Midrange Hunter. It keeps 2x of what I consider to be the core cards, but plays many one-of tech cards and a unique lineup of secrets. It plays a tracking to dig for those crucial cards when you need them.
Flare This card can singlehandedly win a match against secret Paladin, and is quite good against almost any Hunter or Mage deck.
Ironbeak Owl Silence for pesky taunts, Shredders, overbuffed minions, whatever. Always nice to have a silence somewhere in your deck. Plus this one is a beast.
Unleash The Hounds Amazing against Paladin (Muster, hero power) and is amazing whenever your opponent has a wide board, like after Patron combos but doesn't kill.
Loatheb Great against control when you expect a board wipe of any sort. It's a good play on any turn against Tempo Mage, Oil Rogue, or Mally decks.
General Not running multiple traps makes draws much smoother as you'll never have a dead trap or Scientist.
Snake Amazing synergy with the deck. Is great when you have a Juggler out, and an amazing secret to have proc'd the turn before Animal Companion or Cult Master.
Snipe People don't play around this, and it can snipe some pretty game changing targets such as Grim Patron. Dealing with a three or four drop with your Scientist while possibly also trading for a two drop is such insane value, and people generally have already played their Webspinners, Haunted Creepers, Shielded Minibots, and such before this secret comes out.
Bear Good against aggro decks, can stifle lethal combos because your opponent might attack with their lower damage creature first expecting Freezing Trap, and gives you a beast for your Houndmaster to buff. It is also a taunt which means they are forced to proc your Snake Trap or use removal on it.
Freezing While Freezing is amazing tempo and is really good against deathrattle value creatures like Haunted Creeper, it can also pop too easily on tokens and has antisynergy with Snake Trap combos. It could be a meta consideration over Bear Trap though.
Explosive Trap Not great when proc'd on weapons and bad in quite a few matchups. The deck is already quite good against aggro with Creepers, Scientists, and Unleash.
Webspinner Keep against aggressive decks where you can expect to get value. The best classes to keep it against in the current meta are Hunter and Paladin.
Flare Keep it against Paladin. Keep it against Hunter and Mage if you already have a reasonable hand.
Quickshot and Eaglehorn Bow Eaglehorn Bow is solid against many decks, but you really want these when there is a 3hp minion that you need to deal with such as Aspirant or Mechwarper. I would definitely try to get one of these cards against Druid.
Haunted Creeper Good two drop in most cases. Might want to mulligan it vs Warrior though, as they likely have a way to easily wipe up the tokens.
Mad Scientist Almost always a good keep, but especially good against decks that you expect to play 3/2s like Juggler, and heavy removal decks.
Ironbeak Owl You can keep this vs something like Priest if you already have a solid hand.
Knife Juggler Good against Paladin, Hunter, and decks with light removal.
Animal Companion If you have a two drop already then this is solid to keep, especially against warrior as they'll take a lot of damage trying to kill it with a weapon.
Unleash the Hounds Fine to keep against Paladin if you have a good hand already.
Piloted Shredder It's perfectly fine to keep this vs Warrior.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Deck could use more pressure while ahead, and Freeze is alright when you are behind too.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
I also forgot to mention that Loatheb is also really good vs any kind of combo deck.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Well every Hunter deck is going to at least run 2x Scientist, Xtrap, Animal Companion, Eaglehorn Bow. Any midrange deck is going to run Piloted Shredder and Savannah Highmane. Any deck that meets a certain beast threshold is going to run Houndmaster and Kill Command. Knife Juggler and Haunted Creeper is a tempo staple. That's 22 cards on its own, and that's not considering tech that most Hunter decks are going to run like Unleash, Ironbeak, Quick Shot.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Just hit Rank 5 with this deck.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
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