I do not see a problem with -2 for Visionary there to get ahead on resources. Discarding there probably hurts me more than him.
Both of you are at 7 cards a piece and you could easily afford to dump a creature working towards the ultimate. Not to mention you've already got a decent grip and could play the Visionary in hand first to find out your draw before considering your discard. In essence, if we use what folks have been talking about, you're already ahead at that point (you've got the board, a PW and 7 cards to their 7 cards). Evenly discarding cards to stay at the same hand size as your opponent is not a disadvantage when your currently ahead (even if it is only slightly ahead). Fighting your opponents hand when you can recur your discards (w/ ETB's) IS advantage.
You seems stuck on your own discard too (a couple times you've referred to it hurting you more). That deck of yours draws/thins like mad and can easily compensate for the cards you dump (and in most cases more than your opponent will be able to manage). And so you don't think I'm theorycrafting, I've played your deck a lot and know it can easily handle this line. The control aspect is not just how much advantage you create for yourself but the disadvantage you put your opponent in. They are often forced to rush their plays/hand to the board to compensate for the discard which improves your removal and makes the emblem even stronger. Even if they have draw (
), your deck can easily keep pace in most cases.
The point of the example is that it's a line with a win condition you're excluding. Recurring the visionary is going down a line to find other win conditions instead of taking the one that's already presented to you. You're ahead in the mid-game and can start to play the discard line with very little down-side (the difference in the draw from the graveyard Visionary does not outweigh the potential of the emblem here). Heck, the Languish in hand can sweep whats left if you were in a huge bind (or with an emblem, steal the whole board). With Lily out, your graveyard is still active and should be considered part of your hand when you make this sort of decision.
I truly believe that game is a perfect example of what we've been talking about here and why you should have chased that line.