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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:16 pm 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Posting my arenas here to help others with arenas and also get feedback on my own arena drafting. I will try to explain nonobvious picks.

October, 2015

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:55 pm 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Ended up going 4-3.

First loss was to a Shaman who played three Tuskars that got two Totem Golems and a Flametongue, would have had to have a very good deck to beat that RNG.

Second loss was to a Druid who I crushed on board near the end of the match but lost to reach.

Third loss was against a Priest. Left the match early because I had something important to do, but the match seemed almost decisively his when I conceded.

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:10 am 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:22 am 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Only managed to get three wins. All loses too Mage. All the x/1s make the Mage matchup pretty poor. I only drew Caller once, and along with no demons, and I didn't draw Shredder, that definitely hurt. Madder Bomber and Darkscale Healer were the MVPs this draft.

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:48 am 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:03 am 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
EVERYTHING went wrong in my first matchup. My opponent greedily played a Deathlord against me which I removed but got a Darnassus Aspirant which set me back a turn on Jormungar, Ironbark, and Kraken! I got two taunts out with Protector and a Marked guy and he happened to have MASS DISPEL. Then I play another Protector and he had a SPELLBREAKER and kills me with lethal!

I'm not even mad, kinda excited actually because games like that are crazy.

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:20 am 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Only four wins. These have been pretty weak runs so far. Time for a new draft though!

New Draft

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:32 pm 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Only got three wins on with the Rogue deck. )=

New Draft

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:21 am 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Got six wins with the Priest deck and then six wins with the following deck:


"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:08 pm 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft, 10 Wins

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:16 pm 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
Oh, and I forgot to post this one from yesterday because I had to leave before I could finish typing explanations for the picks. Got nine wins with it, meaning it was my first great arena run since recording these things.

Yesterday's Draft

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:45 am 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft, 5 Wins

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:24 am 
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Identity: Curious Cannoli
My first less than average draft since I started recording.

New Draft, 2 Wins

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:39 pm 
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Joined: Feb 09, 2015
Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Decided to discontinue this for now. It takes too much time when I just want to do another draft sometimes and I haven't got any feedback.

"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."

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