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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:12 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:59 pm 
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Ight so this is an idea I've been kicking around for the last day or so, been wanting to play elves while not being the scumbag elf player. instead I'm the scumbag golgari control player with a elf subtheme

3 x bone splinters
4 x gatecreeper vine
4 x elvish visionary
1 x shadows of the past
2 x evolutionary leap
2 x reave soul
1 x liliana, heretical healer
3 x fleshbag marauder
3 x deadbridge shaman
1 x nissa, vastwood seer
2 x jagged-scar archers
1 x reclamation sage
2 x languish
2 x bitter revelation
2 x gilt-leaf winnower
2 x cruel revival
1 x woodland bellower
8 x swamp
6 x forest
4 x golgari guildgate
2 x woodland cemetery
4 x evolving wilds

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:07 pm 
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Looks pretty solid. I don't think you need the Gatecreeper Vines.. then you can run the Lords who have Reach and the Huntmaster token poopers (who are sick with Evoleap). You can probably cut Languish too.. or maybe some Fleshbags. Elves clog up the ground.. lead to stalled boards, making it hard for Fleshbag to hit what you want.

I definitely think that Control/Elves is a strong deck. I'd love to hear what data your playtesting reveals.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:28 pm 
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yeah after just a couple of tests gatecreeper just caused flooding (not that that was bad I finished using shadows)
-4 gate creeper
-2 languish
-3 fleshbag
-2 cruel revival
+3 lys alana scarblade
+1 jagged-scar archer
+2 dwynen, gilt-leaf daen
+3 lys alana huntmaster
-1 swamp
+1 forest

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:31 pm 
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Do you like those Scarblades? I hate them.. but I run two anyway in my dirty Elves list.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:35 pm 
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Do you like those Scarblades? I hate them.. but I run two anyway in my dirty Elves list.

Lys Alana Scarblade + Lys Alana Huntmaster + Evolutionary Leap

Everytime you play an elf you create an elf. You sack that elf to add another elf to your hand. You can then play that elf to create more elves and repeat the process or you can use Scarblade to kill something by discarding it (because you can quickly amass enough elves to kill anything with it's ability). Short of a complete field wipe you are unstoppable. So yeah use Scarblade.

Welcome! I'm Garren and I'll be your designated villain for the evening.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:38 pm 
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^ yup exactly my thinking

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:38 pm 
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@Garren: Yeah I get that but.. that combo doesn't start really rolling until turn 7+.. and without Evoleap (which is a two-of) it costs you precious gas.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:41 pm 
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Location: England my count you can get that rolling on Turn 5. As for the 'gas' it's a valid concern - I never seem to run out but then I'm running 31 elves in my stupid elf deck so that probably has something to do with it. I never lack for cards to throw away.

Edit: Honestly I wasn't running them myself until a few days ago but once I started doing so I was amazed by there performance. They've just been all around solid for me.

Welcome! I'm Garren and I'll be your designated villain for the evening.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:43 pm 
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okay taking out languish was a terrible idea

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:49 pm 
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okay taking out languish was a terrible idea

Thopters got you?

I should probably just shut up.. I'm terrible with Elves.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:55 pm 
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no elves got me, you know just my worst matchup since my best removal gilt-leaf winnower can't hit them

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:55 pm 
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huh, just bellowered into a 5/5 jagged-scar archer... OP OP

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:46 pm 
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^ yup exactly my thinking

I just got blasted by scar blade. Hope my different decks helped your studies Bassoon

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:36 pm 
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yeah so deck seems pretty strong. it's basically evolpea control only you take the zombie removal out for some elf removal stuffs

matchups to be careful of are basically any deck which goes wide but particularly your aggro elf brothers cause winnower is useless, no flying for jagged scar archer making scarblade and languish basically your only chance at coming back. other then that GR out of the more vanilla golgari walkers deck can be real back breaking cause chances are you don't have a board cause they've been clearing it and blocking is basically the only way to stop that thing

otherwise performed pretty well, did get blown out by a RDW earlier cause I was like "I'm on 11 hp and he has 4 mana I can take a 2/2 and a 1/1 this turn. oh wait titan's strength, oh wait... exquisite firecraft.... ffffffffffffss" so basically god draw for that deck

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:47 am 
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Corpse Dunce

This is a janky attempt to recreate the Corpse Dance deck.
I call it "dunce" because of the power level of current cardpool.

Spells (35):

3 x Bone Splinters

3 x Perilous Myr
2 x Despoiler of Souls
2 x Evolutionary Leap
1 x Shadows of the Past

3 x Fleshbag Marauder
3 x Deadbridge Shaman
1 x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
3 x Elemental Bond

1 x Erebos's Titan
3 x Gravedigger
2 x Guardian Automaton
2 x Languish

2 x Conclave Naturalists
3 x Cruel Revival

Lands (25):

12 x Swamp
5 x Forest
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Foundry of the Consuls
4 x Golgari Guildgate

Curve: 3-8-11-8-5

It is slower than typical Evolpea control, but tries to use Elemental Bond in addition to Evolutionary Leap.
Despoiler of Souls serves as a shuttle, jumping between grave and board, while generating insane amounts of card advantage.
The deck lacks dedicated finishers (other than Erebos's Titan). The plan is to sweep their board and hand (with Deadbridge Shamans), and close the game by beating down with whatever you happen to have on the table.
I tried running Kothophed, Soul Hoarder and Priest of the Blood Rite, but didn't like them because of potential life loss. The deck is just too slow, and has to sustain a lot of damage from the opponent already.
I tried Gilt-Leaf Winnower as well, but found it to be too situational.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:48 am 
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After reading somewhere on the forums about the synergy between Elemental Bond and Fleshbag Marauder I decided to create such a deck. It's a lot of fun. The card draw and card advantage engine are just great. The deck can get out of tight spots with good play.


Golgari Bond
- Golgari

A deck for Magic Duels.

60 Cards. 37 nonlands (24 :creature:, 13 :instant:).
23 :land: (6 7 ; 10 other).

Cost 3 cards
Bone Splinters
Cost 12 cards
Despoiler of Souls3/1
Gatecreeper Vine0/2
Perilous Myr1/1
Evolutionary Leap
Cost 12 cards
Liliana, Heretical Healer2/3
Deadbridge Shaman3/1
Fleshbag Marauder3/1
Nissa, Vastwood Seer2/2
Elemental Bond
Cost 1 cards
Erebos's Titan5/5
Cost 9 cards
Priest of the Blood Rite2/2
Outland Colossus6/6
Cruel Revival
Necromantic Summons
Land23 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Woodland Cemetery
Evolving Wilds

Wow, it's actually pretty similiar to Magaiti's deck ;-)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:57 am 
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no languish?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:05 am 
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Tbh, in the ~20 games I played with this deck I didn't need it, but I think that it's a good call. Even vs Thopters I can stall them and force trades, because I don't care if my Deadbridge Shaman or Despoiler of Souls gets killed but Languish would definitely help, same with elves.

It might be a good call though, because I can evoleap my creatures and then cast Languish. The card I used the least is Necromantic Summons so I might cut both and add 2x Languish.

Other card I'm considering are 1x Gravedigger, 1x Conclave Naturalists. Although I don't like neither Reclamation Sage nor Conclave Naturalists and will probably stick with 1x Necromantic Summons to get the opponents Sage :-) And with recurring Despoiler of Souls I don't have that many creatures in my graveyard to use Gravedigger on.

Last edited by Auunj on Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:06 am 
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