|New Rating system (RIP Greven)|
Power | Flexibility | Synergy
3.0 - Total Bomb | 3.0 - Effectively Colorless | 3.0 - Best with others
2.0 - Play this card if you can | 2.0 - Splashable, 3 color | 2.0 - Better with some decks
1.0 - Filler | 1.0 - Playable in 2 color without problem | 1.0 - No special interactions
0.0 - Unplayable | 0.0- Needs 10+ colored sources | 0.0 - SideboardIf you get a 2 for 1 out of this, congrats.
Frankly, this card annoys me. It's basically
Heavy Infantry in limited, which is barely playable. It's too expensive for standard (let alone modern) and not even really good in commander. Is it even fun as a 1-of in casual? Maybe with that Sultai guy that grows when you exile? Or next block with ingest/processing? I dunno.