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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:10 am 
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JoeVoigt wrote:
After extensive tweaks and testing, I took this sweet thang out to ranked play tonight with ridiculous results. I went from rank 18 to 34 with only 2 losses. One loss was to a Sphinx's Tutelage deck that hit all of his fogs and stuck 2 Tutelages by turn 5. Not too much you can do there. The other loss was a close one to Gruul hitting 2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss when I decided to keep a spicy 2 lander and drew poorly. Otherwise, if you have patience and can rock a Control build without being tempted to blow your load and instead opting to pass turn and aim for 2-for-1s, this deck is as tier 1 as I've seen so far.


Creatures (14)
4 x Shambling Ghoul
1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
3 x Fleshbag Marauder
1 x Erebos's Titan
2 x Embermaw Hellion
2 x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder

Spells (23)
4 x Fiery Impulse
2 x Ravaging Blaze
3 x Reave Soul
3 x Twin Bolt
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
3 x Read the Bones
2 x Languish
2 x Chandra's Ignition
2 x Cruel Revival

Lands (23)
2 x Dragonskull Summit
4 x Rakdos Guildgate
8 x Mountain
9 x Swamp

Instead of an extensive and long winded card choice section, I'll just touch on the deck's main focus: deal with absolutely everything, but only if and when it's an actual threat. If your opponent says Turn 1 Child of Night or Elite Vanguard, you hold on to your instant speed removal until their next turn. Odds are they'll either play another 1 toughness chump or go cast an enchantment. With patience, as I said, the 2-for-1s abound.

You're not casting Exquisite Firecraft to their face as a rule, it's an out against a creature you can't kill with the rest of your huge removal suite. The goal is to put your opponent in top deck mode and drop your bombs/planeswalkers when the coast is clear. The 2 Ravaging Blazes are super finishers and usually go off for 10 or more by time you're ready to cast them.

Everything else is usual suspect type classic Rakdos. Embermaw Hellion makes Chandra and your burn package look like Modern Burn, and Erebos's Titan is usually indestructible due to your opponent's sad board state. OH, you'd like to Reprisal him? I'll shoot your board in response and you can make a sad face. Fleshbag Marauder gets rid of hexproof stragglers and flips Lily in a pinch. They're like best friends after that. Chandra's Ignition works amazingly as a board wipe, but also can gain you a butt ton of life if you target Lily with it.

Enjoy! Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Looks super solid to me! Will certainly test this build as soon as I get all the cards needed.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:46 am 
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I actually think Flameshadow is too slow for Rakdos...actually I'm not a fan of it in Gruul either or at least it hasn't done me any favors. Also not a fan of cutting Perilous Myr. At least in my incomplete Rakdos deck its too good to cut with all the sac outlets.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:33 am 

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Hakeem928 wrote:
I've spent the morning working on the Rakdos steal/sacrifice archetype and I've discovered that the stealing really isn't all that necessary. I have kept three copies of Act of Treason in my list, though, because it helps me remove blockers and power through damage to my opponent. This isn't an aggressive deck per se, but it is capable of some very large burst damage out of nowhere.

In the game I just played, my opponent was on 12 with me on 2 and he has lethal in the air. I have a Nantuko Husk in play alongside a Flameshadow Conjuring and only a Subterranean Scout in my hand (well I had a land, but you get the idea). I topdeck Graveblade Marauder like a champ and play it, getting a hasted copy via Conjuring. Then I play the Scout targetting my Nantuko Husk, get a hasted copy Via Conjuring, and target the Graveblade Marauder token. The Husk sacrifices the two actual cards, putting them in my graveyard, and I swing with an unblockable 6/6 Husk and an unblockable Graveblade with 6 creatures in my graveyard for lethal+1.

Anyway, I'm still tweaking so I'll probably have it up on YouTube tomorrow or the next day. I'll post the list now, though, just to generate some discussion:

4 x Rakdos Guildgate
2 x Dragonskull Summit
1 x Rogue's Passage
9 x Swamp
8 x Mountain

4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Bone Splinters

4 x Perilous Myr
1 x Subterranean Scout
1 x Shadows of the Past

1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
2 x Graveblade Marauder
3 x Fleshbag Marauder
4 x Nantuko Husk
3 x Act of Treason

3 x Gravedigger
1 x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
2 x Flameshadow Conjuring

2 x Priest of the Blood Rite
1 x Cruel Revival

Some notes on the choices:

Goblin Arsonist - This cheap little guy is an easy sacrifice and turns on Bone Splinters for just one additional mana.

Bone Splinters - We have eight cheap creatures that we don't mind sacrificing early. Then later in the game, Priests and Flameshadow Conjuring tokens are excellent fodder for this spell.

Perilous Myr - This guy is the better Goblin Arsonist.

Subterranean Scout - One copy of this card can let us deal some serious burst damage through Nantuko Husk and Graveblade Marauder and we have no qualms about sacrificing it and picking it back up via Gravedigger to do it all over again. Flameshadow lets us double the EtB.

Shadows of the Past - Hard not to include a copy of this card in a deck that struggles to gain card advantage. Scrying is the main reason to play it but our graveyard will fill up so we can burn people out with it.

Liliana - Stuff dying all over the place makes her easy to flip and we don't mind chucking stuff in the graveyard because we can get it back or just power up Graveblade. I haven't gotten the chance to create a second copy via Flameshadow and keep it, but I want to to see if Stainless will let me flip a token into a Planeswalker.

Graveblade Marauder - An excellent early defensive creature that turns into a win condition in the late game.

Fleshbag Marauder - Just an Edict, but since it's a creature we can pull it back through Gravedigger. Flameshadow turns it into a one-sided Barter in Blood.

Nantuko Husk - This guy is tremendous, as long as he's not naked on the board he's immune to Reave Soul, Twin Bolt, and Fiery Impulse. He also hits pretty hard and we have a couple of ways to make him unblockable. Sometimes you'll Flameshadow this guy then sacrifice the actual card to get in for four out of nowhere. He's just great with Flameshadow in general because it keeps him well-fed.

Act of Treason - I dropped to three because it's really not an essential part of the strategy, but it still can deal a lot of damage and disable a key blocker. Killing the thing afterwards is just gravy.

Gravedigger - This is how we generate card advantage in this deck, we just keep fetching stuff back. Awesome with Flameshadow Conjuring to grab two things back and maybe get in for two.

Pia and Kiran Nalaar - It's not a core card, but it is a lot of value for four mana since you get three bodies and the ability plays very nicely with Perilous Myr, which we can recur through Gravediggers if we want to. Since it's just a value card and it's Legendary, we'll just play one. You can still Flameshadow it to get two extra artifacts, and on some boards you'll probably sacrifice the actual card and swing with the hasted copy, only to dig it back up later.

Flameshadow Conjuring - An overlooked card in this archetype, I think. It generates a tremendous amount of value for a very small cost. There are lots of synergies all across the board here and I'm sure I haven't even discovered half of them yet. The second copy isn't an actual dead draw, but it taxes the mana hard and if you have time to cast both of these then you're already doing well. There's so much value, though, that I think you have to run both. It's been that good.

Priest of the Blood Rite - Nice big flying body and we can rid ourselves of the drawback easily enough. Then we can dig it back up and do it again. Also amazing with Flameshadow Conjuring.

Cruel Revival - This card was almost Chandra's Ignition because I like how that card works with Nantuko Husk and Graveblade Marauder, but I'm not sure. Revival is obviously awesome here to kill almost anything and we have a lot of zombies in the deck, so we're almost always going to get a card out of it. It's entirely possible that this should just be land #25, but I need to play more games.

Really love the deck. What could I run instead of the fleshbags and Nalar? Would it break the deck to play it without them?

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:17 am 
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I think you want the Fleshbags, but the Nalaars aren't necessary. I'll probably change them to Avaricious Dragon, not sure if you have that card.

On another note, this deck isn't quite tuned as well as I would like, I'm still working on it. Gonna get some more reps ronight to hopefully smooth it out.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:56 am 
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Hakeem I have been testing a list of my own, trying to find some new ideas in this archetype.

The way I see it, we are so taxed for resources, I think it's important to try to tax our opponent's resources because it can be difficult to keep up. I've been running that black 3/1 that forces the opponent to discard when it dies.. and in addition to Liliana's discard.. it has helped me run the opponent out of gas at roughly the same time I do lol. The 3/1 body wants to attack too.. so that's nice.

I'm also thinking about slotting Kothophed in my list.. as a closer and a source of card advantage.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:35 am 
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She's been on my mind because I really think Act of Treason can get cut completely. I also like Brodo's Avaricious Dragon becase we can sack it to turn it off then dig it back up later.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:48 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
She's been on my mind because I really think Act of Treason can get cut completely. I also like Brodo's Avaricious Dragon becase we can sack it to turn it off then dig it back up later.
Treason effects win games though or they have against the AI while grinding gold for me. Take their big dude, smack them hard then sac it with Nantuko.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:17 pm 

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What do you all think of Abbot of Keral Keep in the sac version of this deck? Bodies that replace themselves are great sac fodder IMO.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:48 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
She's been on my mind because I really think Act of Treason can get cut completely. I also like Brodo's Avaricious Dragon becase we can sack it to turn it off then dig it back up later.

Treason can be a game winner, I was trying a version of this deck and had one game when I flooded out and just had a few chump blockers to stall, I was on 8 life and oppo on 20 he attacked with Outland Colossus and 2 other dudes which I chumped allowing the colossus through and getting him up to a 12/12 with me on 2 life. Next turn I stole his colossus and then used Ignition on it for GG :D


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:23 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
She's been on my mind because I really think Act of Treason can get cut completely. I also like Brodo's Avaricious Dragon becase we can sack it to turn it off then dig it back up later.

Treason can be a game winner, I was trying a version of this deck and had one game when I flooded out and just had a few chump blockers to stall, I was on 8 life and oppo on 20 he attacked with Outland Colossus and 2 other dudes which I chumped allowing the colossus through and getting him up to a 12/12 with me on 2 life. Next turn I stole his colossus and then used Ignition on it for GG :D

i had a similar situation.
I stole the Colossus of my opponent, and got him to 1 Life and i had still 20 life and a Myr in play.
Then he attacked me with his now 12/12 Colossus and used Ignition on it -_-

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:14 pm 
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JoeVoigt wrote:
After extensive tweaks and testing, I took this sweet thang out to ranked play tonight with ridiculous results. I went from rank 18 to 34 with only 2 losses. One loss was to a Sphinx's Tutelage deck that hit all of his fogs and stuck 2 Tutelages by turn 5. Not too much you can do there. The other loss was a close one to Gruul hitting 2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss when I decided to keep a spicy 2 lander and drew poorly. Otherwise, if you have patience and can rock a Control build without being tempted to blow your load and instead opting to pass turn and aim for 2-for-1s, this deck is as tier 1 as I've seen so far.


Creatures (14)
4 x Shambling Ghoul
1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
3 x Fleshbag Marauder
1 x Erebos's Titan
2 x Embermaw Hellion
2 x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder

Spells (23)
4 x Fiery Impulse
2 x Ravaging Blaze
3 x Reave Soul
3 x Twin Bolt
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
3 x Read the Bones
2 x Languish
2 x Chandra's Ignition
2 x Cruel Revival

Lands (23)
2 x Dragonskull Summit
4 x Rakdos Guildgate
8 x Mountain
9 x Swamp

Instead of an extensive and long winded card choice section, I'll just touch on the deck's main focus: deal with absolutely everything, but only if and when it's an actual threat. If your opponent says Turn 1 Child of Night or Elite Vanguard, you hold on to your instant speed removal until their next turn. Odds are they'll either play another 1 toughness chump or go cast an enchantment. With patience, as I said, the 2-for-1s abound.

You're not casting Exquisite Firecraft to their face as a rule, it's an out against a creature you can't kill with the rest of your huge removal suite. The goal is to put your opponent in top deck mode and drop your bombs/planeswalkers when the coast is clear. The 2 Ravaging Blazes are super finishers and usually go off for 10 or more by time you're ready to cast them.

Everything else is usual suspect type classic Rakdos. Embermaw Hellion makes Chandra and your burn package look like Modern Burn, and Erebos's Titan is usually indestructible due to your opponent's sad board state. OH, you'd like to Reprisal him? I'll shoot your board in response and you can make a sad face. Fleshbag Marauder gets rid of hexproof stragglers and flips Lily in a pinch. They're like best friends after that. Chandra's Ignition works amazingly as a board wipe, but also can gain you a butt ton of life if you target Lily with it.

Enjoy! Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Nice deck. Only thing I'm thinking about is maybe Perilous Myr over Shambling Ghoul. Myr just always gets it's value while Ghoul can be removed. Also Myr is good fodder for Fleshbag. Ghoul can be gotten back with Cruel Revival and does more damage though, it's also better target for Chandra's Ignition in case of emergency.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:05 pm 

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Trying to come up with a solid rakdos control deck and I cant quite seem to get it where I want. Here's what I've got so far and it is subject to any suggestions:

1 drops:
3 Fiery Impulse

2 drops:
1 Shadows of the Past
4 Twin Bolt
3 Reave Soul
3 Dragon Fodder

3 drops:
3 Fleshbag Marauder
1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
4 Read the Bones
2 Exquisite Firecraft

4 drops:
1 Erebos's Titan
2 Languish

5 drops:
3 Nightfire Giant
2 Embermaw Hellion
3 Necromantic Summons
1 Chandra's Ignition

9 Swamp
9 Mountain
2 Dragonskull Summit
4 Evolving Wilds

The basic aim is to clear the board with early removal then drop a bomb in the late game either through Necromantic Summons using the opponents creatures you've killed or through your own large creatures. I'm most unsure about Dragon Fodder it is a cheap red spell for Chandra and it provides some early blocks/pressure as well as another option to sacrifice if you play a Fleshbag Marauder on turn 3, but I'm not sure it fits the theme of the deck well enough. The curve is also a bit top heavy so perhaps cutting Nightfire Giant is another option.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:37 pm 
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dragon fodder in a control list? and you left one of the most efficient removals out cruel revival just sac your fleshbags to themselves then pull back with CR later rinse repeat, you also have enough creatures that you may want to consider at least a 1 of gravedigger

annd remember when in doubt perilous myr it out

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:56 pm 
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dragon fodder in a control list? and you left one of the most efficient removals out cruel revival just sac your fleshbags to themselves then pull back with CR later rinse repeat, you also have enough creatures that you may want to consider at least a 1 of gravedigger

annd remember when in doubt perilous myr it out


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:38 pm 
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dragon fodder in a control list? and you left one of the most efficient removals out cruel revival just sac your fleshbags to themselves then pull back with CR later rinse repeat, you also have enough creatures that you may want to consider at least a 1 of gravedigger

annd remember when in doubt perilous myr it out



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 Post subject: regenerative return deck
PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:45 pm 

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black (26)
3 Blightcaster
2 Catacomb Slug
6 Dark Dabbling
1 Fetid Imp
1 Fleshbag Marauder
2 Infernal Scarring
1 Macabre Waltz
2 Nightsnare
1 Read the Bones
1 Returned Centaur
1 Tainted Remedy
1 Tormented Thoughts
2 Undead Servant
2 Weight of the Underworld

red (7)
1 Chandra's Fury
2 Demolish
1 Firefiend Elemental
1 Prickleboar
2 Smash to Smithereens

lands (26)
13 Swamp
13 Mountain

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:12 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I'm on my phone so I wish I could add a more detailed response, but I will totally be stealing the Avaricious Dragon tech from you, Brodo. Sometimes my deck removes all the things, but it has to sacrifice card advantage to do so and the topdeck wars are real. Dragon should help fight through that and with Conjuring we can get a pseudo-Stormbreath Dragon.

So how's your deck been doing. I've run it a few times. Great deck. Haven't tried out Avaricious Dragon yet.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:15 am 
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It's been on the shelf, I have to dust it off.....

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:19 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
It's been on the shelf, I have to dust it off.....

Lol, I know what you mean. I do the same thing.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:32 pm 
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My red/black aggro deck became a great success after days of testing and changing cards.
We got drawing ability from black and Damage from red best combo ever.
but it takes some practice to finish opposite quickly and efficiently.

18 creatures
4x Thornbow Archer (Early damage)
3x Goblin Arsonist (Early creature can deal damage when killed)
3x Perilous Myr (Great for trading creatures)
2x Abbot Of Keral Keep
4x Mage-Ring Bully (more spell more damage)
1x Lilliana, Heretical Healer
1x Chandra. Fire Of Kaladesh

21 spells
3x Fiery Impulse (great for clearing x/2 creatures)
3x Titan's Strength (Surprise damage and scry)
3x Bone Splinters (best to use your Perilous or Arsonist to trade creatures)
4x Infectious Bloodlust (Best to Buff up Mage-Ring Bully)
4x Read the Bones (3 Mana to draw two cards and scry 2)
2x Exquisite Firecraft (Try to avoid use it on creatures, Burn the Enemy face!)
2x Traitorous Instinct (take control big creatures can destroy enemy by surprise)

21 lands

5x Swamp
11x Mountain
2x DragonSkull Summit
3x Rakdos Guildgate

Suggestion of making this deck even better, feel free to give me feedback
Thanks, Happy Magic hunting :thumbsup:

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