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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:05 am 
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I think Chandra's creature version is very good for 3 mana. All the Planeswalkers are really mana efficient creatures. If you want some direct damage, Chandra is fine, flipped or not.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:10 am 
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I just wish she had haste like cunning sparkmage

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:59 am 
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So I finally grinded out all the boosters and I have my decks in what I think is finally a good place. Grixis Control has always been my favorite archetype, so I'll put my two cents in here. Here's my list, I've played maybe 5-6 games with it after I unlocked everything I'm using in it, and there have been some close calls, but I won all of them:

Grixis Control (61)

Land (24)
3 x Evolving Wilds
2 x Drowned Catacomb
2 x Dragonskull Summit
2 x Sulfur Falls
2 x Dimir Guildgate
5 x Island
4 x Swamp
4 x Mountain

Finishers (6)
2 x Alhammarret, High Arbiter
2 x Nightfire Giant
1 x Disciple of the Ring
1 x Erebos's Titan

Creature Removal (12)
4 x Fiery Impulse
3 x Flesh to Dust
3 x Fleshbag Marauder
2 x Reave Soul

Sweepers (3)
2 x Languish
1 x Chandra's Ignition

Permission (3)
3 x Countermand

Card Draw (7)
3 x Telling Time
4 x Inspiration

Utility (6)
3 x Sigiled Starfish
2 x Possessed Skaab
1 x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

So, some thoughts on card choices...

For finishers, I originally had Kothophed, Soul Hoarder but I found that against most aggro decks it can end up losing you more life than its worth, so I ditched it in favor of the Nightfire Giants, which have been performing pretty well. I view them as somewhat taking the place of Inferno Titan (though drastically power-reduced) in my 2015 Grixis Build, where if there was any doubt about pulling out a win late game against an aggro deck, it's the card that seals the deal. Or if they don't have any creatures it can shorten the clock with direct damage. The only drawback to including it in this deck is that it dies to Languish, but so far that hasn't been much of an issue.

I don't like Avaricious Dragon for my build because it is a very reactive build, so I like to have as many answers in hand as I possibly can at all times. No Chandra or Liliana either because I don't feel like I have enough red spells or expendable creatures to sac and ways to sac them to take full advantage of either one. I have Liliana in my Dimir build, which is a little more focused, and has the Myr and Bone Splinter suite, so she's good there, but not here, I don't think.

Not much to say about the other finishers I have. They are all superstars. Each one has its own way of taking measures to be able to stick, and they have all performed admirably.

I'm currently unsure about Reave Soul. I've been thinking of messing around with the removal package, but I'm not sure what else I would try to put in. Reave Soul would probably be the one I'd drop to test something else though. Fiery Impulse is just so great already that most of the time Reave Soul is redundant.

I really hope we get better permission options as new sets come out. I initially tested this build with 4 Calculated Dismissals as well, but I cut some and eventually all of them because they just didn't hold up late game. 4 mana for Countermand kinda sucks, but there are some cards that you really do want to counter, so I can't go completely without them. Luckily, Disciple is there for backup too, and she can do some amazing things.

As for card draw, I don't believe that Inspiration's cost is too restrictive. Sure,Read the Bones is great at 3 mana, but I just really like having instant speed card draw. I haven't tried out Artificer's Epiphany and Alchemist's Vial yet but that seems like it would be a solid pairing. Telling Time is just too good though, so I don't know if I'd ever cut it. I would love to be able to have 4. Maybe I'll try that other pairing in my Dimir list though, since it has the Perilous Myrs. No room for those in this list.

And finally the utility cards, which have for the most part been performing very well. Anyone who is running a Grixis or even Dimir build, if you take away one thing from this post, please let it be that you should give Sigiled Starfish and Possessed Skaab both a chance. Sigiled Starfish is great for defending against aggro and even greater for smoothing out draws. Being able to scry every turn is nothing to sneeze at. And Skaab is like having a Gravedigger and an Archaeomancerin one. The versatility it provides later in the game is near indispensable, when it can pull something you desperately need from the graveyard, and be a pretty hefty body to trade as well. Jace, on the other hand, hasn't been exactly stellar when I've used him. I mean, he doesn't really come up that often, and when he does, he hasn't made much of a difference. There really is no reason to use his ult, so I basically just use him to +1 whatever and grab a spell from the graveyard whenever I can, but that's kinda what the Skaab does too, so I've been thinking of taking Jace out for the third copy, or maybe something else entirely.

Anyway, that's my list and my thoughts, so if you have any input it would be appreciated.

As far as other builds in this list...

I don't know how I feel about Chandra being a main focus for a Grixis Control deck. Or any planeswalker for any deck, really, with there only being 1 copy of any of them. A control deck wants to be efficient, so it wants its cards to be effective in as many situations as possible. Putting cards in like Twin Bolt and Exquisite Firecraft just with the hope that you will have enough red spells to maybe trigger Chandra if you can get her out doesn't seem worth it when you can have more solid answers in their place. She'd be better used in a RDW deck or maybe a Rakdos aggro/control deck. I can't really imagine a pure control list with black in it going without Flesh to Dust. This is also why I don't care for Disperse or Displacement Wave, the latter of which I initially had during playtesting, expecting a meta heavy with thopters, but even in those matches it didn't do much.

Sorry, this turned out really long...

okay couple of things
flesh to dust over cruel revival? and no edict effect? did you just decide to not even pretend to try and kill gaea's revenge?
if you aren't running tutalage as a win con keep your telling times
chandra doesn't neccisarily need a red spell in hand to untap if you read my first post on the deck you'ld know that she can untap using both desciple and a flipped jace
besides she isn't what usually wins me games thats the tutalage it's just some tech that I thought was cool and really gave me the drive to build the deck at all (even if it is janky)
and the red spells aren't there to activate chandra actually... it's because aura decks happen to be really popular so twin bolt will get 2 or even 3 for ones

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:21 am 
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Get 'em!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:38 am 
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Seriously though thanks to DJ for the draw package suggestion much better then my old one (and to anyone that commented on my rant thread really)
and thanks mobius for calling me out on my jank with Av Dragon (even though he won't see this he deserves a spot here)
and thanks hakeem for streaming the old deck and giving the world that AMAZING game where you won because of Av Dragon
Edit: how could I forget to thank danno the only person who thought I was even close to being sane on this crazy train. love you danno <3
now to figure out how to fix my mana...


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:37 am 
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okay couple of things
flesh to dust over cruel revival? and no edict effect? did you just decide to not even pretend to try and kill gaea's revenge?
if you aren't running tutalage as a win con keep your telling times
chandra doesn't neccisarily need a red spell in hand to untap if you read my first post on the deck you'ld know that she can untap using both desciple and a flipped jace
besides she isn't what usually wins me games thats the tutalage it's just some tech that I thought was cool and really gave me the drive to build the deck at all (even if it is janky)
and the red spells aren't there to activate chandra actually... it's because aura decks happen to be really popular so twin bolt will get 2 or even 3 for ones

well, i have 3 Fleshbag Marauders in that list, so i dunno what you mean by "no edict effect". i guess you skipped over that or something. and i have Flesh to Dust over Cruel Revival because i don't feel i have enough zombies in the deck to justify having Cruel Revival. actually, that decision was made back in earlier playtesting when i didn't have the Nightfire Giants, but i still don't think that's enough zombies in the deck to warrant the swap. especially since i already have the Skaabs to bring back pretty much anything I want, and especially since Cruel Revival can't destroy zombie creatures itself, and i want my removal to be as optimal in as many situations as possible, like i stated in my previous post here. still, from what i've seen so far of the meta, zombies in general aren't exactly popular, and actually now that i think about it Skaabs are zombies too, so i may end up making the switch in the future.

and it's great that you can use Jace or Disciple to untap Chandra. but those are all 3 one-ofs, so counting on any one of them doing anything beneficial for the other is a stretch at best. Chandra needs red spells most of the time in order to flip, and there just aren't enough solid catch-all red spells fit for a control deck, so Chandra does not have a place in it. you bring up a valid point with Twin Bolt, as sometimes it can be a great 2 for 1, but other times it is just a spell that does 2 damage for 2 mana, which is horribly inefficient. And Exquisite Firecraft is just terrible. if it was an instant it might be passable, but as it is i wouldn't say it belongs in any control list.

neither does Tutelage. this isn't a mill deck. it's fine if you want to build a mill deck, but in a control deck, that card is just taking up space. especially with 3 of them in there. yowza.

anyway i was just giving my two cents on what i've seen posted here already along with my list, and from your response you seem to have taken the criticism not very well, as evidenced by your misreading my removal package and your pejorative phrasing regarding the threat of a Gaea's Revenge. all i can say is if you're gonna post your decklist, be prepared for people to criticize it.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:11 am 
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okay couple of things
flesh to dust over cruel revival? and no edict effect? did you just decide to not even pretend to try and kill gaea's revenge?
if you aren't running tutalage as a win con keep your telling times
chandra doesn't neccisarily need a red spell in hand to untap if you read my first post on the deck you'ld know that she can untap using both desciple and a flipped jace
besides she isn't what usually wins me games thats the tutalage it's just some tech that I thought was cool and really gave me the drive to build the deck at all (even if it is janky)
and the red spells aren't there to activate chandra actually... it's because aura decks happen to be really popular so twin bolt will get 2 or even 3 for ones

well, i have 3 Fleshbag Marauders in that list, so i dunno what you mean by "no edict effect". i guess you skipped over that or something. and i have Flesh to Dust over Cruel Revival because i don't feel i have enough zombies in the deck to justify having Cruel Revival. actually, that decision was made back in earlier playtesting when i didn't have the Nightfire Giants, but i still don't think that's enough zombies in the deck to warrant the swap. especially since i already have the Skaabs to bring back pretty much anything I want, and especially since Cruel Revival can't destroy zombie creatures itself, and i want my removal to be as optimal in as many situations as possible, like i stated in my previous post here. still, from what i've seen so far of the meta, zombies in general aren't exactly popular, so i may end up making the switch in the future.

and it's great that you can use Jace or Disciple to untap Chandra. but those are all 3 one-ofs, so counting on any one of them doing anything beneficial for the other is a stretch at best. Chandra needs red spells most of the time in order to flip, and there just aren't enough solid catch-all red spells fit for a control deck, so Chandra does not have a place in it. you bring up a valid point with Twin Bolt, as sometimes it can be a great 2 for 1, but other times it is just a spell that does 2 damage for 2 mana, which is horribly inefficient. And Exquisite Firecraft is just terrible. if it was an instant it might be passable, but as it is i wouldn't say it belongs in any control list.

neither does Tutelage. this isn't a mill deck. it's fine if you want to build a mill deck, but in a control deck, that card is just taking up space. especially with 3 of them in there. yowza.

anyway i was just giving my two cents on what i've seen posted here already along with my list, and from your response you seem to have taken the criticism not very well, as evidenced by your misreading my removal package and your pejorative phrasing regarding the threat of a Gaea's Revenge. all i can say is if you're gonna post your decklist, be prepared for people to criticize it.


Queen Anne's Revenge is a beast, and you do look like you are as ready as you can be against it with the Marauders. Babs may not have seen it in your list.

Cruel Revival is better in almost every way then Flesh To Dust. It's easier on your manabase, returns 5 (possibly 7) of your dead-er zombies, basically a 2 for 1 the longer in the game you go. Inclusion should be a no-brainer (zombie puns abound!).

Twin Bolt is incredibly efficient even at 2 mana for 2 damage. Thinking anything else is ludicrous. You want to see inefficient: Lightning Javelin. Thanks goodness it didn't make it into Duels. Exquisite Firecraft is in the same boat, very efficient for it's cost. Sorcery speed is a bummer, but par for most of the set.

As far as you deck, I really like Nightfire Giant. He doesn't see enough use, IMO. Alhammarret is probably the worst card in there, he costs too much and I've never seen him do anything but sit back and block. Not sure what you'd put in its place, but I'd suggest some more removal.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:20 am 
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Another thing with Chandra. Swing in with her, do two damage. Play ANY RED SPELL and she untaps! I have swung in, targeted her with Fiery Impulse, pause the turn to tap her again before she dies, watch her Ignite, and get in for two damage more. All for one mana! You can do it by playing a creature too! And the board should be clear to swing in anyways if you have control of it! She works great in Grixis Control!

....and I'm done.

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Last edited by The Lockhammer on Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:21 am 
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The one thing holding me back from playing Cruel Revival is the possibility of it being blanked by going up against a zombie deck, and or least a deck with some utility creatures that are zombies like the Skaab or whatever. but i dunno, like i said, i might consider it. as far as the cost, the double black in Flesh to Dust has never been a problem when i needed to cast it.

And I still don't like Twin Bolt. in the cases of an aggro deck with a bunch of */1s, it could serve as a good 2 for 1, but those kinds of decks are why we have Languish. and Chandra's Ignition as a back up, and that's no slouch either. in almost all other cases, Twin Bolt is going to be inefficient. and i believe, especially with the Starfishes to hold back early aggro and 4 Fiery Impulses, i have enough tools already to deal with decks like that, either completely, or to hold it off until i can get a sweeper out. its efficiencies for me do not make up for its inefficiencies. same for Firecraft. i really don't like that it's a sorcery.

And yeah, Nightfire Giant is a beast. Any control deck running red and black should have him, IMO. And i dunno about your personal experience with Alhammarret, but he has been nothing but golden for me. he doesn't cost too much. Control decks are in it for the long haul. And if all he's doing is sitting back and blocking, then that just means that you haven't locked down the board. he's a finisher. if the board is locked down like it should be in a control deck when you are ready to win, then he is a 4 turn clock, simple as that. and his ability to blank a card in the opponent's hand is great. most of the time you do it with removal, which is great for getting him to stick, and if they don't have removal than you can potentially screw your opponent's gameplan in any number of ways.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:40 am 
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Another thing with Chandra. Swing in with her, do two damage. Play ANY RED SPELL and she untaps! I have swung in, targeted her with Fiery Impulse, pause the turn to tap her again before she dies, watch her Ignite, and get in for two damage more. All for one mana! You can do it by playing a creature too! And the board should be clear to swing in anyways if you have control of it! She works great in Grixis Control!

....and I'm done.

but if you have a clear board late game for swinging into with a control deck, then why aren't you swinging with a big beefy creature? and the board is not gonna be clear most of the time if you get her out early, especially since spending mana on her is mana you can't spend on actually clearing the board out early. and casting a Fiery Impulse on her in order untap and flip her is just creating card disadvantage for yourself. unless your opponent has absolutely NO creatures that are 3 toughness or less, i can't imagine ever wanting to waste a Fiery Impulse on one of my own creatures, even if they don't actually die.

i think if you are gonna try to flip her using combat damage like that, she's best suited for a Boros tapdancer aggro deck, with 4 x Grasp of the Hieromancer so you can make sure she goes through unblocked even if they have a creature out. and of course 4 x Fiery Impulse to clear out potential blockers if there gets to be too many.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:58 am 
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Dude, your not thinking value at all. You play her, pass turn. Clear any blockers she has, if any, and you and promising 2 damage a turn somewhere. I've been doing it on Baba's list and it works! Also, flipping a Walker for 1 mana is awesome! Impluse does two damage, the difference is your putting 2 to the player version Impluse can only target a creature. You just did 5 damage for 1 mana! All to the face even!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:17 pm 
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Dude, your not thinking value at all. You play her, pass turn. Clear any blockers she has, if any, and you and promising 2 damage a turn somewhere. I've been doing it on Baba's list and it works! Also, flipping a Walker for 1 mana is awesome! Impluse does two damage, the difference is your putting 2 to the player version Impluse can only target a creature. You just did 5 damage for 1 mana! All to the face even!

i am thinking value. do that with Alhammaret or an Erebos' Titan or a Nightfire Giant and you are doing 5 damage for no mana and without wasting a card, and you also get to do 5 damage the turn after and the turn after and the turn after and your opponent is dead, instead of just 2 damage from Chandra the next turn and the next until she's finally ready for her ult, which unless you've done 5 damage to your opponent prior to or in addition to Chandra, her ult isn't even gonna do lethal unless you hold off three more turns to do it.

sorry, but you're not gonna convince me on this one. she's a subpar finisher for a pure control list.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:27 pm 
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Dude, your not thinking value at all. You play her, pass turn. Clear any blockers she has, if any, and you and promising 2 damage a turn somewhere. I've been doing it on Baba's list and it works! Also, flipping a Walker for 1 mana is awesome! Impluse does two damage, the difference is your putting 2 to the player version Impluse can only target a creature. You just did 5 damage for 1 mana! All to the face even!

i am thinking value. do that with Alhammaret or an Erebos' Titan or a Nightfire Giant and you are doing 5 damage for no mana and without wasting a card, and you also get to do 5 damage the turn after and the turn after and the turn after and your opponent is dead, instead of just 2 damage from Chandra the next turn and the next until she's finally ready for her ult, which unless you've done 5 damage to your opponent prior to or in addition to Chandra, her ult isn't even gonna do lethal unless you hold off three more turns to do it.

sorry, but you're not gonna convince me on this one. she's a subpar finisher for a pure control list.

Your numbers are off. Wrong, at best, you are spending 5+ mana to have the same effect. So with 4 mana, you did 5 damage to the face.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:43 pm 
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Dude, your not thinking value at all. You play her, pass turn. Clear any blockers she has, if any, and you and promising 2 damage a turn somewhere. I've been doing it on Baba's list and it works! Also, flipping a Walker for 1 mana is awesome! Impluse does two damage, the difference is your putting 2 to the player version Impluse can only target a creature. You just did 5 damage for 1 mana! All to the face even!

i am thinking value. do that with Alhammaret or an Erebos' Titan or a Nightfire Giant and you are doing 5 damage for no mana and without wasting a card, and you also get to do 5 damage the turn after and the turn after and the turn after and your opponent is dead, instead of just 2 damage from Chandra the next turn and the next until she's finally ready for her ult, which unless you've done 5 damage to your opponent prior to or in addition to Chandra, her ult isn't even gonna do lethal unless you hold off three more turns to do it.

sorry, but you're not gonna convince me on this one. she's a subpar finisher for a pure control list.

Your numbers are off. Wrong, at best, you are spending 5+ mana to have the same effect. So with 4 mana, you did 5 damage to the face.

well, you discounted the mana you would have used to get Chandra out the previous turn, so i followed suit and discounted the mana I would use to get a better finisher out the previous turn because i thought you were just talking about the mana spent that turn, i.e. the mana you spend on wasting Fiery Impulse to flip Chandra to get her to do 5 damage total that turn, whereas i would have to spend nothing and waste no other cards to get my finisher to do 5 damage that turn. in either case, it doesn't matter, because by the time you feel comfortable enough with the board state to get a finisher out, you should have enough mana to cast Chandra or Alhammaret or anything in between. and if you attempt to get Chandra out any earlier than that, likely she will die before you can flip her and/or the mana you spent getting her out could have been used for something better at that stage in the game.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:14 pm 
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okay yeah I honestlyjust glazed over teh fleshbags (guess thats what I get for drinking and criticizing my b) my bad but here's the thing there are like 2 zombies you actually care about killing with an instant speed kill spell all the others die to burn and reave soul 1 is nantuko husk, which can be a real concern and the other is nightfire giant, which is a joke and I know she's subpar (then again alhamret and nightfire are also pretty subpar imo) but I don't care see thats the thing my list is actually fun for me to play and whats more important? having the most streamlind deck ever or you know playing the game in a way that actually gives you some enjoyment?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:26 pm 
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You know both sides of this Chandra debate is making sense to me, lol. As far as the cruel revival goes that will probably come in a lot handier than expected; until we see a real zombie deck and it becomes more of a liability. So far it works great with just having even 3 fleshbags.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:30 pm 
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Nebula wrote:
You know both sides of this Chandra debate is making sense to me, lol. As far as the cruel revival goes that will probably come in a lot handier than expected; until we see a real zombie deck and it becomes more of a liability. So far it works great with just having even 3 fleshbags.

Chandra ftw!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:36 pm 
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okay yeah I honestlyjust glazed over teh fleshbags (guess thats what I get for drinking and criticizing my b) my bad but here's the thing there are like 2 zombies you actually care about killing with an instant speed kill spell all the others die to burn and reave soul 1 is nantuko husk, which can be a real concern and the other is nightfire giant, which is a joke and I know she's subpar (then again alhamret and nightfire are also pretty subpar imo) but I don't care see thats the thing my list is actually fun for me to play and whats more important? having the most streamlind deck ever or you know playing the game in a way that actually gives you some enjoyment?

yes i am growing ever more aware that Cruel Revival would be better. especially since i'm thinking of putting in the 3rd Skaab. that would be 8 total zombies in my deck. i'll probably test them out.

also Nightfire Giant isn't a joke, nor is he subpar in this meta. you could maybe make the case that Alhammaret is a tad subpar (i think he could stand to be a 6/6 or at least 5/6 for his cost) but still both are better (or less subpar if you want to put it that way) than Chandra as a finisher in a pure control list. and i dunno, for me, having the most streamlined deck ever sounds pretty enjoyable. i always strive to test and improve my decks. i am a steadfast Johnny/Spike, so i get as much enjoyment out of tinkering with winning builds as i do out of actually winning with them. and besides, this forum and these threads are for posting lists to be critiqued and improved, right? so that's all that anyone is doing is trying to here. if you are comfortable with the way your deck plays and how much enjoyment you get out of it, then that's great and i'm happy for you. but if you post your list here, people are gonna theorize ways to make it better. doesn't mean that you have to take every piece of advice that everyone offers, but it also doesn't mean you have to take it personally when someone questions your card choices and offers an alternative.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:45 pm 
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Chandra for President of Zendikar!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:16 pm 
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I'm fine with tinkering and making it better (you should have seen the original deck way more jank) but changing what the deck is about isn't tinkering it's just making a different deck ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

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