Aregano spins toward the cacophony, apparently concerned for the welfare of the dwarves.
"Apparently" that is, only because the dwarves' screaming drowns out his own statement to himself of "I've never tasted roast dwarf before...".
His purple hand stops it's scrubbing of his blubbery rolls and dives into his pouch to retrieve his orb.
thaen rolled 1d20+3 and got a total of
Move Action: MAGE HAND retrieves his orb. I *think* it can get it, and bring it back to him with one move action, but I'm not sure.
At-Will + Arcane, Conjuration
Minor Action + Ranged 5
Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoccupied square within range. The hand lasts until the end of your next turn or until you use this power again. If you are holding an object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar container and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand. While the hand persists, you can take the following actions.
Minor Action: The hand picks up or manipulates an object weighing 20 pounds or less. It can hold only one object at a time.
Move Action: The hand moves up to 5 squares in any direction, carrying the object it holds.
Free Action: The hand drops the object it is holding.
Sustain Minor: The hand persists until the end of your next turn.
Description: You gesture toward an object nearby, and a spectral floating hand lifts the object into the air and moves it where you wish.
Ranged: Ranged attacks target individuals. A ranged attack against multiple enemies consists of separate attacks, each with its own attack roll and damage roll. Ranged attacks don't create areas of effect. Long Range: If you use a ranged weapon and your target is farther away than the weapon's normal range but within its long range, you take a -2 penalty to your attack roll. You can't hit a target beyond the weapon's long range. A ranged power that doesn't use a weapon has a normal range but no long range. If you use a ranged power while adjacent to an enemy, that enemy can make an opportunity attack against you.
Opportunity Attack: An opportunity attack is a melee basic attack. You can take only one opportunity action during another combatant's turn, but you can take any number during a round. You can't make an opportunity attack unless you are able to make a melee basic attack and you can see your enemy. Interrupts Target's Action. An opportunity action taks place before the target finishes its action. After the opportunity attack, the creature resumes its action. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by the opportunity attack, it can't finish its action because it's dead or dying. Some creatures have an ability called threatening reach. This lets them make opportunity attacks against nonadjacent enemies. If an enemy leaves a square that's within the creature's reach, or if an enemy anywhere within the creature's reach makes a ranged attack or an area attack, the creature can make an opportunity attack against that enemy.