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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:42 pm 
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Thanks, it was all humans in the ranked area. Goblin glory seeker is my favorite right now because of how strong menace is at the beginning of a game.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:58 am 

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2bestest wrote:
Well while we are doing RDW, here is where I am:


19 x Mountain

4 x Fiery Impulse
4 x Foundry Street Denizen
4 x Goblin Arsonist
3 x Goblin Glory Chaser
2 x Molten Vortex
4 x Titan's Strength
2 x Abbot of Keral Keep
4 x Dragon Fodder
3 x Ember Hauler
4 x Subterranean Scout
4 x Infectious Bloodlust
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh

I may cut 1 or 2 subterranean for a firey conclusion or two. Running two molten vortex currently even though you would never want the second, so I am more likely to have it on the table.

infectious Bloodlust is soo good. things i changed from your deck is
1 x Bellows Lizard
2 x Fiery Impulse
4 x Goblin arsonist
2 x Molten vortex
4 x Perilous Myr
2 x Abbot of Keral Keep
2 x Ember Hauler
2 x Mage-ring bully
4 x Infectious Bloodlust
2 x Ravaging Blaze
1 x Fiery conclusion
4 x Twin Bolt
3 x Dragon fodder
1 x Exquisite Firecraft
1 x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
1 x Embermaw Hellion
24 x Mountain

I farmed all 400 gold last night without a single loss against players with this deck.

i dont see many ppl running ravaging blaze but it won me a few matchs as getting that spell mastery isnt hard at all and can deal massive damage with enough lands.

running Myrs for throwing the bloodlust on them if the player targets them with burn they will pay with it in blood.

P.S. i just made this account to post this and have no idea how to post the cards as links/pictures. XD

Last edited by Strange_Plz on Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:45 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:18 am 
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Welcome, to show the card pictures you can do it 2 ways:

1) for a single card add [ card]xxx[ /card]
2) for a deck list like you posted above put [ deck]at the start then[ /deck] at the end

* don't put the space in the brackets, I did that so it would show up.



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:44 am 

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Welcome, to show the card pictures you can do it 2 ways:

1) for a single card add [ card]xxx[ /card]
2) for a deck list like you posted above put [ deck]at the start then[ /deck] at the end

* don't put the space in the brackets, I did that so it would show up.


ha it is simple it kinda reminds me of HTML which i just started learning

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:11 am 
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Strange, you went 20-0 against humans with that? That's awesome

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:28 am 

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Strange, you went 20-0 against humans with that? That's awesome

yes i did. and it was fast. id say 5/20 games i never took a single point of damage.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:21 pm 

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Something I've wondered with RDW decks. Does Runed Servitor have a place? It seems like in my attempts at RDW decks so far (and I've not gotten a lot of the cards the deck should have), I'm playing out my hand so quickly that I'd really like to have both players draw a card, as I can easily play out two of my cards a turn and slower decks can't. Just a thought.

My SOI/OTG Decks


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:37 am 

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I'd do a little change in your deck: add 2 Foundry of the Consuls instead of 2 Mountain and change Fiery Conclusion for Chandra. But anyway, your deck is really good!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:55 pm 
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I don't like Molten Vortex and Ravaging Blaze in the same deck - one wants you to play excess land and the other requires you to hold it back. I'd say that Molten Vortex is usually the better card for RDW as you can keep every land after your third in hand. Ravaging Blaze looks a bit out of place in 18 land decks. Sure, you'll have mana flood from time to time, but I think that the Vortex deals much better with that. However, in your case the curve and land count is pretty high, so you might be better off cutting the Vortex instead.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:38 pm 
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I'm having the same brainfreeze with AzoriousvDragon and Chandra's Ignition. I feel like they shouldn't be in the same deck. Drawing both is annoying

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:04 am 
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Last edited by CovertGo Blue on Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:02 am 
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Newly polished Mono R Goblins threw play-testing. My Change was having a plain mana base and including Call of the Full Moon. This card WINS GAMES.


These was this one game I played the other night where I kept a no-land-hand on the draw and still won!

Turn 1} Goblin Glory Chaser
Turn 2} Call of the Full Moon, 4 damage, 16 life total
Turn 3} Attack with Goblin Glory Chaser, 5 damage, 11 life total, cast Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
Turn 4} x3 Titan's Strenght on Goblin Glory Chaser for 14 power, trigger's Chadra 3x for 5 total direct damage..................... :smirk:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:10 pm 
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My deck: "PureSynesthesia"]

That opening is why I run full moon as well. It can put aggressive decks on the defensive turn 2 or put you way ahead against slower strategies. It still has the usual risk for auras so only two.

I agree with you on keeping the mana simple. My deck curves just a bit higher than yours so I have 23 lands. I was playing 5 nonbasics and have cut 2 because of how important the consistent red mana is for quick openings.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:01 am 
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Hello guys.
I am a huge fan of RDW especially when it is goblin themed - we do have some nice goblins atm but the lack of a lord or decent burn makes it a tad less combetitive.
Nevertheless it is still the most fun deck for me to play.

this is my final take on a RDW Goblins that got me to rank 40 and was the most "stable"

RDW Goblins

3 x goblin glory chaser
3 x goblin arsonist
3 x foundry street denizen
4 x fiery impulse
4 x titan's strength

3 x ember hauler
3 x mage-ring bully
3 x subterranean scout
3 x call of the full moon
4 x twin bolt
4 x infectious bloodlust

2 x exquisite firecraft

1 x avaricious dragon

20 x mountain

and now some info on my card choices.

a)I see most of the ppl here run 11 one drop creatures I only run 9 of those instead for 2 reasons
1.- they tend to get useless after turn 2 unless you use them to curve off with a 2 drop for example on turn 3 and even in that occasion I would prefer to have mana open to response a titan strength or sac an ember hauler.
2.-They are very succesible to 2 for 1. There is a huge amount of twin bolts and perilous myrs atm in the meta and that makes our resources go out very fast with a lot of weaklings on the board when there is no lord present to pump em.
9 is still a good number to have them reliably on turn 1 but not to pull them all the time on later turns.

b)Tried to run with only impulses or only twinbolts but it did not work for me. Our creatures with the exception of goblin glory chaser lack any evasion and come with weak bodies so having a playset of both ensures that my creatures will have a clear way to the enemy face to get their value. On the sidetrack twinbolts can sub as damage to the face and are a great counter to thopter lands.

c)The lack of Chandra is intentional. It was a great card in the deck and I was using it a lot with great results but works the opposite way of call of the full moon so I removed it in favor of the aura. If someone would not play call of the full moon chandra would be great inside the deck.

d)Bloodlust over fiery fist. I liked both but bloodlust fetches itself and makes for some nifty combos like turn 4 scout -> unlbockable himself -> bloodlust on him and so on. We usually run out of steam fast and having a card that replaces itself or gives haste to weak and cheap creatures on turns 3 4 5 is of huge value.

e)Last but not least I run ONLY mountains I know it is a mono red deck and that would make it viable for foundrys BUT it just doesn't work for me. The more red sources the more tricks i can pull off and the more stable the deck is, sometimes I can win with 2 mountains on board but I could never win though with 1 mountain and 1 foundry.

f)I run 3 calls of the full moon cause I really like seeing it on my opening hand.

the rest of the cards I think are a staple so no need to discuss those.
The only card that I would add to the deck is 2x abbot of keral keep but unfortunately I do not own any of them (missing 7 boosters for full collection . . .)

Any questions or discussion on the list or choices are welcome.

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Last edited by KarkalaClack on Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:58 am 

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My take on RDW is a bit different, because I remember this deck being control RDW. If it runs into midrange/control, then there's a need for late game finishers. So without Thopters (and without the will for), I added some "going long" tech.
I lack some cards still, but from the thin live I gave this, it works.

2 x Goblin Glory Chaser
4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Perilous Myr
2 x Abbot of Keral Keep
3 x Dragon Fodder
3 x Ember Hauler
1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
1 x Avaricious Dragon

3 x Titan's Strength
2 x Fiery Impulse
3 x Inferno Fist
1 x Fiery Conclusion
4 x Twin Bolt
1 x Ravaging Blaze
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
3 x Act of Treason

19 x Mountain
1 x Rogue's Passage
1 x Foundry of the Consuls

Unlike Goblins, I don't really get stuck on mana, but I can still attack and also hold well with 2 lands. Titan's Strength and Abbot suffice deck manipulation, so I prefered their 5th slot them to another weenie burner as I have standing little bombs that Will do their damage. That includes the Fist, which is the better choice for the deck than the other auras.

Act of Treason plays MVP here, because it makes the job easier. I saw this card in Rx, but not in mono-reds so far. Not 4, because I lacked it when I started running the deck. I don't need one in my opening hand and very rarely on 3rd/4th would I use it (e.g. to kill a Nantuko Husk after Goblin Fodder). More like on a 12/12 collossus after I empty his side of the board.

Fiery Conclusions is actually my 3rd Firecraft and has the top-notch targets, including 6 and 7 toughnessed creatures (Gaea's Revenge doesn't count, much like Elves). Too bad no Sideboard allowed, but then again, wishing for 2-out-of-3 game is like wishing for hold priority patch before the next expansion... you ain't gonna get it.

Ravanging Blaze is extremely good and I never cast it without head damage. It scores, I need a second one.

The only things I reckon I'd change are
+1 Blaze, -1 Dragon - The Dragon is cool, but iffy and Grafted Skullcap would've been much better imho. On its cost, Blaze for 2 is another small bomb; it counts.
+1 GGC, -1 Fist - the Fists are good, especially on the GGC 2nd turn, however much like the Hauler, they pretty much demand an open R left.

Open for suggestions, waiting to harvest some other cards too.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:47 am 

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My modest contribution (probably it already exists) with this "ten straight victories in a short time" deck:

1 x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
2 x Fiery Impulse
4 x Goblin Arsonist
2 x Goblin Glory Chaser
4 x Perilous Myr
2 x Call of the Full Moon
2 x Ember Hauler
2 x Mage-ring bully
4 x Infectious Bloodlust
2 x Ravaging Blaze
4 x Twin Bolt
3 x Dragon fodder
2 x Exquisite Firecraft
1 x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
1 x Embermaw Hellion
24 x Mountain

Of course, conditioned by the cards I have at this point in the game.


Enjoy the game! :thumbsup:

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:24 am 
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:48 pm 
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molten vortex with 19 lands?

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:52 pm 
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You need 3 on the board. The deck plays fun.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:13 pm 
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molten vortex with 19 lands?

Ugh barf

Try to see it as 4 land and 15 shocks. Yay for no bad topdecks

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