Tempo/Token Druid:
Argent Squire1x
Zombie Chow2x
Power of the Wild2x
Haunted Creeper2x
Knife Juggler2x
Savage Roar2x
Druid of the Flame2x
Defender of Argus1x
Piloted Shredder2x
Druid of the Claw1x
Druid of the Fang1x
Sludge Belcher2x
Force of Nature2x
Ancient of Lore2x
Ancient of War1x
Dr. BoomMy Reasoning:
Argent Squire is a sticky minion that can be buffed by
Savage Roar,
Power of the Wild, and
Defender of Argus. It's also extremely sticky later on as far as
Savage Roar turns are concerned, and it's capable of killing some other popular 1 drops in the game without dying. It's also good at getting a couple free damage, proccing
Knife Juggler on the cheap, and in general dealing with small token minions like
silver hand recruit, etc.
Zombie Chow is just a massive minion to play turn 1, and since this is more tempo oriented including the standard 1 seemed like a no brainer, since I decided not to run a very large number of 1 drops. The point of my 1 drops is to prevent their 1 drop from doing anything and be slightly stickier than the average 1 drop later on.
Power of the Wild serves as a turn 2 body, but it can also buff the 1 drop (a 3/4 Zombie Chow is quite funny) and later on in the game when you have large numbers of minions on the board this is a global +1/+1 buff. Between the interactions with the board,
Force of Nature, and just smoothing out our curve in general on turns 2 and 4, I really like it in this deck. Finally, it's a cheap beast to activate
Druid of the Fang on turn 7 if I so choose to use it that way.
Haunted Creeper is a sticky body that's really nice to buff, and it just works really well with lots of other cards in the deck. It's also a cheap beast.
Knife Juggler is by my own admission a weird include here, but it's been a very good turn 2+ play all over the place on a regular basis, consistently pushing out a large amount of work vs other cards I've tried like, so I like it in this deck.
Savage Roar is part of the famous combo, but I also keep getting boards with 3 to 5 minions without using Force. So it's just been a good card all around, doubling as spot removal in emergency situations early in the game.
Druid of the Flame is a 3 drop that is an extremely good tempo play early in the game (especially when
Defender of Argus is your 4 drop), while later in the game it's 5/2 form keeps it relevant vs control decks.
The 4 drop spot is all completely self-explanatory. Any of those cards in their prime situation is really good in a tempo deck OR very good removal.
Druid of the Claw...... there isn't a druid deck on the planet that should not be running druid of the claw. It's a very good taunt that doubles as lethal in a large number of situations.
Druid of the Fang is my other questionable choice, but I find that this singleton card has won me a few games that I have no business winning, which for a deck I've only played 20 games with is a statistically signficant number. It's just massively above curve for a 5 drop if transformed, while being on par with drake's body if not transformed, and it's even a decent turn 7 play alongside a creeper or panther or after a Druid of the Claw.
Sludge Belcher is a one of because it's a really nice taunt, but I have had some space concerns here.
Loatheb is just completely busted.
Force of Nature is a two of because of consistency and so that I can "waste" one on spot removal.
Ancient of Lore is decent healing (very fun on an
Ancient of War) and decent card draw at the stage of the game where we are liable to need one or the other or both.
Ancient of War in the 5/10 form is a massive tempo sink that will probably 3 for 1, while in the 10/5 form on an empty board it's an extremely aggressive play that can win games against a control opponent. I like both
And the boom man is the boom man. He's not ragnaros because I want the bodies over the explosions.
The main reason for this deck:
I can't stand being extremely reliant on
Wild Growth and
Innervate, which most of the decent netdecks on the internet exhibit to a T.