Hello RPG / PbP Community!
As the discussion of the Front Page is quieting down, I thought I'd take the time to come to the Out of Character room and start our own conversation about the content we could put up. Specifically, GobO_Lazarus has asked me about the idea of doing a write up of our RPG games. We currently have the idea that each game could have a summary of what has happened in it so far for the first article, and then what's gone on since the last time that game was featured. We were thinking about a rotating schedule where each week a different game would give its summary, which would give us a six week rotating schedule. The games I currently see actively going on are:
- [D&D 5e] Lost Mine of Phandelver
- [Freeform] The Sun's Demise
- [D&D 4E] Talcar Campaign
- [D&D 3.5e] Heroes of Westerwind
- [D&D 5e] Princes of the Apocalypse
- [D&D 5e] White Autumn, Red Spring
Another thing to note is that we wouldn't necessarily be asking the DMs or GMs of the games to be the ones to do the write up, we'd gladly accept them from anyone involved in the game as long as they are well written. The long time in between is of course because Play-by-Post games are notoriously slow, so sometimes it does take a month or so for enough to have occurred for a decent article. I know there are a few other RPGs going on or starting up that could also qualify, such as:
- [Freeform] Call of Cthulhu
- [Monsters & Other Childish Things] The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor
Personally, I'd be thrilled if we had enough dedicated games where our community could maybe do two summaries a week, but I'd be happy to get one a week to start. The purpose of these summaries would be to give people some insight into the stories we tell and the exciting adventures we take part in every day, and maybe generate some interest in more games being started down here as well. But again, this is the preliminary first idea, and we'd certainly need input from all of you, as well as the articles from all of you to make this work.
What do you guys think of this idea?
Who would you like to be our Content Czar?
Who is willing to do the write up of each game (more than one may apply)?
Is one write up per month per game a reasonable request?