Extra Notes
Character Experience
Level|Experience Needed|Feats|Ability Score
Player Notes
Don't forget to announce a speaking color when you enter the game in this thread. Red is taken as the DM speaking color. When posting In Character, please use bold, quotation marks and your chosen color for speaking out loud. When posting In Character, please use italics and your chosen color for internal speaking. Just some general guidelines for the game that seem to hold true in all of the other games on this forum. (this is my first game as DM on these forums, so I'll be borrowing a lot of stuff from all over to make this all work)
Also, as far as rolling goes, please don't feel pressured to make everything into a roll. The only absolutes are when in Combat Rounds and while making any attack. The rest of the time, your roleplay may trump a d20 roll. Give the roleplay a shot first, then the DM may ask you for a d20 roll of the appropriate type. If you make a roll before you are asked to, or before it is necessary, the roll will be incorporated into the result one way or another. Honestly, that gives you less control over your own actions if you just randomly roll.
I'd also like to revisit one Creation Requirement:
• Alignment Options: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral
So, players have been asking to make characters that are True Neutral, and even "semi-evil." The short answer to that is "no." The easy answer is "follow the creation guidelines." The long answer is: Players who play evil characters tend to eventually simply screw the party over. Especially in Play by Post games, where a single campaign will take years to complete, but also in any Sandbox world, players will invest a lot of time and effort into characters. While it is an open world game, and players are free to be creative and have fun, I refuse to run a character generated and controlled by another player who is going to add to the hardships of the party intentionally. And even though many players will argue that they can play an evil character without screwing over the part, they eventually will screw the party over. It always happens. As far as True Neutral (and Chaotic Neutral, more or less) goes, the players are supposed to be heroes. Not people who sit by and watch the world unfold. So yes, I ask for the alignments above because I want you guys to want to change the world for the better, not sit by and allow it to simply pass. Agree or not with my reasons, if you're playing in my world, you'll have to live with them.
Class Notes
Certain "classes" are most often referred to by another name. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but it's often for politeness. Some names, like "Rogues" are often thought of as simple thieves, where as a title like "Infiltrator" are more flattering terms for those who take contracts for their specialty. Other classes like Wizards, Sorcerers and Magi are generally referred to simply as a Mage. Most of the world will not know the subtle differences between the classes, so they won't bother trying to figure it out. Here is a list of those general name changes:
(1) A Witch is referred to as a Shaman
(2) A Rogue is referred to as an Infiltrator
(3) A Bard is referred to as a Gypsy
(4) A Wizard, Sorcerer or Magus is referred to as a Mage
Currency Notes
Silver is not used as standard currency. All other currency functions as usual, there are still 100 copper pieces per gold piece. The reason for this is that silver is incredibly useful, especially against the undead, werewolves, liches and many other creatures. Silver may still be found throughout the world, but it is sold at a much higher value, so just be ready to pay for it if you're looking to get some.
Multiclassing Notes
If you are aiming to multiclass, do not automatically take a level in the class when you gain enough EXP to level up. Multiclassing can be difficult to attain, as you will require a teacher or trainer to assist you for the roleplay of it all. Party members, NPCs and sometimes deities can aid in this, though please let the DM know ahead of time your intentions so it can be worked in or discussed. Often, the easiest way to multiclass will be during character creation to take one level of each class you intend on using so you don't need to roleplay the training, but certain things, like beginning at level 1 will prevent this as an option. A single character may select up to three classes in total to be trained in.
Notes on Feats
Eschew Materials is not allowed to be taken as a feat except for the Sorcerer class where it is provided as a class skill. All magic comes from somewhere, and the materials given up for the casting of a spell are part of that, unless the class gives you a special ability for it.
Notes on Languages
There are several languages that can't be taken as a known language during character creation of any character level 10 or under. The languages you may take during character creation are as follows:
• Aquan (aquatic creatures, water-based creatures)
• Auran (flying creatures, air-based creatures)
• Common (humans and the core races from Races)
• Druidic (druids only)
• Dwarven (dwarves)
• Elven (elves, half-elves)
• Giant (cyclopses, ettins, giants, ogres, trolls)
• Gnome (gnomes)**
• Goblin (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins)
• Gnoll (gnolls)
• Halfling (halflings)
• Orc (orcs, half-orcs)
• Sylvan (centaurs, fey creatures, plant creatures, unicorns)
• Terran (earth-based creatures)
The Languages not allowed during character creation of a character level 10 or under are:
• Abyssal (demons and other chaotic evil outsiders)
• Aklo (derros, inhuman or otherworldly monsters, evil fey)
• Celestial (angels and other good outsiders)
• Draconic (dragons, reptilian humanoids)
• Ignan (fire-based creatures)
• Infernal (devils and other lawful evil outsiders)
• Undercommon (drow, duergar, morlocks, svirfneblin)
(the notes after the language names are taken directly from the Pathfinder website, not all of them will hold 100% true during the events of this world)
In Combat Notes
While in Rounds, characters are restricted to up to 6 words per round. Gnomes (or gnomish speakers) may speak up to 12. A character may sacrifice a move action or standard action to double the number of words they may speak in a single round. Just another silly restriction, but I hardly think in a single round (which is aprox. 6 seconds long) a player should be able to do too much at once.
** Gnomish isn't it's own language. It's actually Common, spoken three times the normal speed of the language. To anyone untrained in the language, it's gibberish.