Brony here is some advice for posting your decks on the forum.
Type this but replace the parentheses () with square brackets []
38 relentless rats
22 swamp
It should look like this:
38 x
relentless rats22 x
swampSecond, if you sort your cards by mana cost it makes it easier for you and for other players to see what your mana curve is like. It is really hard to read your decklist in the way you currently posted it.
First off, thank you so much for this. I wanted to start getting involved here since I plan on playing Magic Duels nonstop. I guess I just forgot to look for a post that explained that to me before I posted.
Also, the reason I didn't post it in CMC/alphabetical order was partially not knowing, but mostly me scouring through card lists and adding cards as I went along.
My initial reaction is that you have no creatures below 3 mana. That, right there, is bad. Especially since your deck has a very high number of 4 and 5 drops. This means you can't compete for the board until you have 3 mana.
Speaking of, you only have 22 lands in a deck with a lot of 4 and 5 drops. <- That is bad.
On top of that, some of your inclusions such as
Esperzoa make no sense to me, while other things that are missing like
perilous myr also make less sense to me.
Finally..... your entire offensive plan, assuming it gets going, is to put down 1/1 tokens and try to boost their attack with some lords. With the sheer number of things aggro can do in this meta, combined with the number of
goblin arsonist effects
has, you are going to have trouble against aggro due to your deck's speed and ...... the fact that without a lord you are pumping out a lot of 1/1's on turn 3 or later. You also almost completely auto lose to
displacement wave, and
chandra's ignition, which are 3 cards I guarantee you you will see a lot of.
I agree with everything Mjack said here. Except the last sentence. There are going to be a lot of decks out there that auto lose to board wipes. Board wipes will usually be 2 per deck, and if you are smart and don't overextend you can limit their impact (they will still hurt). "Everything dies to sweepers" is not really a good criticism since there are a total of 2 rare creatures between U and R that survive languish. Blue doesn't even have negate in this set.
One other thing brony - don't run inspiration. If you want the same effect run
Artificer's Epiphany. It is almost completely better in artifact.deck.
The thing about having no cards less than 3 CMC , it really came down to wanting to push the thopter theme. I thought about a lot of under 2 CMC card like
Dragon Fodder and
Mage-Ring Bully, but when it came down to it I originally valued thopters over other cards.
Runed Servitor I dislike because of it giving your opponent a card, and I feel
Perilous Myr is too weak stat-wise for it's mana cost (though the shock-like effect sort of makes up for it). When it comes to
Esperzoa, I really don't know with it. I like it since this is an aggro deck (with some utilities), but I can understand how it sometimes won't work given the fact the main artifacts I would get would be tokens. The land count being low is due to me thinking of this as an aggro deck more than the tempo/midrange build I should have originally gone with. I always have considered that at MOST a deck should have 24 lands, but that just may be me not really looking into these things. When it comes to
Artificer's Epiphany my original list didn't have enough standalone artifacts that I could discard. So I went with Inspiration since I needed more card draw.
With all of that in mind, I still feel that the idea of a thopter deck will be viable once Magic Duels comes out (steam for me). So with all the criticism in mind, here's an edited version of my UR thopter tempo deck:
Fiery Impulse4
Telling Time2
Ravaging Blaze4
Mage-Ring Bully3
Perilous Myr3
Artificer's Epiphany3
Thopter Engineer3
Chief of the Foundry3
Whirler Rogue2
Thopter Spy Network1
Soulblade Djinn2
Sulfur Falls1
Foundry of the Consuls4
Izzet Guildgate9
MountainCan I get some more feedback if that is possible? Cause I am still unsure if
Foundry of the Consuls would be worth running 2-3 of (probably not but wanted to ask).
Also, sorry for the SUPER long post. I felt I needed to answer all of people's criticism's in one go. I don't know if there's a rule about how long a post should be, so if I broke it...then I guess I'm sorry.