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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:28 pm 
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Boros Decklists

Red Cards

White Cards

Multi-Colour Cards

Colourless Cards

Non-Basic Lands

Welcome! I'm Garren and I'll be your designated villain for the evening.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:56 pm 
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So this is pretty much just theory crafting while I wait for the game to get it's arse released. Nothing overly special - just your standard R/W 'keep turning sideways until dead' deck. Isn't quite as fast as your standard RDW's deck but eh what you going to do?

x3 Anointer of Champions
x3 Goblin Glory Chaser
x1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
x4 Fiery Impulse
x2 Molten Vortex
x4 Titan's Strength
x2 Abbot of Keral Keep
x3 Consul's Lieutenant
x3 Grasp of the Hieromancer
x1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
x3 Iroas's Champion
x2 Exquisite Firecraft
x2 Kytheon's Tactics
x1 Avaricious Dragon
x2 Kytheon's Irregulars
x9 Mountain
x9 Plains
x4 Boros Guildgate
x2 Clifftop Retreat

Let's talk a little bit about some of the card choices;
Anointer of Champions: It's a fun pump card that can also throw itself at the enemy if needed - though in an ideal situation she will fulfill much the same result by buffing whichever guy doesn't get blocked. I like her what can I say?

Kytheon, Hero of Akros: Why would I not run this guy? Cheap, hard-hitting, durable and his planeswalker form is a powerhouse.

Molten Vortex: Not entirely sure how successful this card will be but with a relatively low mana curve I really don't need to get to more then say 5-6 lands ever. This gives me a nice alternative use for my lands - by setting my enemies faces on fire. Good times.

Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh: Combined with Anointer it shouldn't be too hard to get her to transform and, even if she doesn't, she can still ping the opponents life away. If she does transform she's pretty much the best game ender for when things start slowing down and control decks start feeling good about themselves.

Avaricious Dragon: It's aggro. If my hand if full I'm probably doing it wrong. The extra draw is always useful and he's a 4/4 evasion beat-stick even without his abilities.

So thoughts?

Welcome! I'm Garren and I'll be your designated villain for the evening.

Last edited by Garren_Windspear on Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:40 am 
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Looks like a good line Garren and excellent work on the deck list threads!


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:22 pm 
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Renowned Warriors ()

3 x Elite Vanguard
3 x Goblin Glory Chaser
1 x Kytheon, Hero of Akros
4 x Titan's Strength
3 x Consul's Lieutenant
4 x Topan Freeblade
3 x Reprisal
4 x Knight of the Pilgrim's Road
3 x Iroas's Champion
4 x Kytheon's Tactics
2 x Kytheon's Irregulars
1 x Avaricious Dragon
3 x Valor in Akros

x6 Mountain
x10 Plains
x4 Boros Guildgate
x2 Clifftop Retreat

My favorite color combination. For the horde!

Typical aggro deck. More white than red. The plan is simple. Play an efficient aggressive creature each turn and pump them with either Consul's Lieutenant, Kytheon's Tactic or Valor in Akros.

I don't feel Reprisal is great here, but it is here just to clear big blockers. Maybe a better choice is Act of Treason.

This deck is capable of pulling turn 4 wins in so many ways if left unchecked. ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:41 pm 

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@ True_Believer:

While Goblin Glory Chaser clearly is a good card, I'm not sure if it can shine here with regard to the given number of basic lands. With 6 x Mountain in the deck we will be able to play GGC (assuming it is in our starting hand) in the first round with a probability of only 48,4 % or 54,1 % depending on who goes first. Pretty unreliable when it matters most. Do you think that GGC is still worth it? Anointer of Champions as an alternative is certainly less aggressive but a lot more consistently playable right away.

How did Valor in Akros perform for you? At first glance it seems pretty mediocre and slow, but I haven't seen the card in action (and won't until PS4-release).

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:02 am 
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Good points. :thumbsup:

This build is pure theory only.

That said I would never use Anointed of Champion over Goblin Glory Chaser, because maybe you cannot use the goblin at his ideal turn 50% of time, but I would be always unhappy with the other card 100% of time (not exactly that, let's say 80 to 90% to be fair).

I didn't put special attention to lands, but I would probably remove the guildgates for more plains and mountains to prevent that problem if it is a issue.

I don't like Valor in Akros. I would prefer using a fifth and sixth copies of Kytheon's Tactics, but we don't have them. At least Valor has a place in the deck with the number of creatures. And it helps with a potential problem that this deck has, a tough time dealing with decks that have a similar strategy, but more reach like elves, and midrange decks. It is a repeatable pump that can help break stalemates.

One option is to use the before mentioned Act of Treason, but that would only help against midrange decks.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:27 pm 
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Here's a theory craft I made for RW aura:

3x iroas's champion
4x nimbus wings
4x grasp of the hieromancer
4x titan's strength
2x ravaging blaze
3x goblin glory chaser
4x fiery impulse
4x topan freeblade
4x mage-ring bully
1x archangel of tithes
2x call of the full moon
3x skyhunter skirmisher
4x boros guildgate
2x clifftop retreat
8x Mountain
8x Plains

The plan is just to pump up your small dudes and hit face hard. Really, the only weakness is the fact that there is so little removal. I was thinking of adding in reprisal or celestial flare, but could not find the place for them.

Just an ordinary kid,
With big dreams for the future
Can't help it that I'm loud,
I'm a strange little creature

One day I'll write,
Of worlds so expansive
Maybe through my imagination,
I won't be so pensive

That was just,
A quick little glimpse,
Of my wants and my needs
All of which,
May seem quite trite,
In this game we call life

Last edited by Brony2 on Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:52 pm 
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Boros Beatdown

1x Kytheon, Hero of Akros
3x Elite Vanguard
3x Goblin Glory Chaser
1x Akroan Jailer
1x Anointer of Champions

4x Dragon Fodder
4x Topan Freeblade
4x Subterranean Scout
1x Reprisal

3x Akroan Sergeant
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
2x Act of Treason
1x Kytheon's Tactics

1x Avaricious Dragon
2x Ampryn Tactician

2x Clifftop Retreat
12x Plains
12x Mountain

14 sources = 90% on turn 1
14 sources = 90% on turn 1
Maximizing our chances to curve out

Mana Curve

Summary: A little bit ‘smaller’ version of Boros than other people have posted. We’re really trying to go under all of the mid-range strategies here. I also think this list will be very good at capitalizing on Control (which some people seem to be favoring in this format).

Steam handle: Rattleclaw_mystic

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:43 pm 
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After trying different aggro builds with no greater success, I decided that I need some inspiration. I went to NGA and the first thing I saw in the first topic I opened was Barney's avatar and then I thought, of course! That's it! Eureka! Boros auras!;-)

I' 8-0 online so far with this build (with 10+ test games vs the AI). It's fast, fun and efficient.

1 x Kytheon, Hero of Akros
2 x Elite Vanguard
3 x Consul's Lieutenant
4 x Topan Freeblade
4 x Grasp of the Hieromancer
4 x Divine Favor
4 x Nimbus Wings
3 x Call of the Full Moon
4 x Infectious Bloodlust
3 x Skyhunter Skirmisher
3 x Flaring Flame-Kin
3 x Iroas's Champion

11 x Plains
7 x Mountain
2 x Clifftop Retreat
2 x Boros Guildgate

Curve: 0-3-26-9
Creatures: 19
Enchantments: 19
Lands: 22
White: 28
Red: 13

I didn't face any mana issues yet, as I mainly play white with red spells requiring only a single red source.

The game plan is to finish the game as fast as possible, that's why I'm not playing anything above 3CMC. Maybe the deck will stagger later on when I face mass removal, but so far I'm able to outrun all my opponents. Almost all creatures have some upside in the form of first strike/vigilance/double strike.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:27 pm 
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LOVE IT. Boros Auros pretty much is the flagship of my 2015 experience. The best deck you can make without premiums (when that was a problem).

I guess you don't have that Sigil of the Iron Throne card yet?

I'm wondering if a Boros Renown deck makes more sense but I don't have the damn game yet

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:46 pm 
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Nineteen auras seems like way too many. Like ridiculously way too many. Your creature count and aura count are equal!

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:23 pm 
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LOVE IT. Boros Auros pretty much is the flagship of my 2015 experience. The best deck you can make without premiums (when that was a problem).

I guess you don't have that Sigil of the Iron Throne card yet?

I'm wondering if a Boros Renown deck makes more sense but I don't have the damn game yet

I do, I bought all the cards ;-)

Sigil is 5 mana, I usually end the game before I'd make any use of it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:47 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
Nineteen auras seems like way too many. Like ridiculously way too many. Your creature count and aura count are equal!

Well I might be wrong, but:

I want to pump my creatures as fast as possible, I don't want to go wide or to the mid/late game because other decks are much better at it.

There's a lot of stallers in this meta, control decks play 4x Perilous Myr etc. If I don't outgrow them very quickly I can't do anything cuz a stupid myr can kill my precious doublestrikers etc. I also need to get 4 power 5 toughness as soon as possible vs black, and pretty much every control runs black.

That was my reasoning behind running a lot of auras.

What would you suggest to change?

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:13 pm 
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I'll let you know once I get the game. :/

But I don't think any meta could warrant a 1:1 ratio. We shall see.

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:47 pm 
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Anuuj, you need to draw creatures more than auras. You don't want a hand full of auras, you don't MIND a hand full of creatures. Thus the aura count has to go down. Hakeem identified that problem with his 2015 deck and added in some dudes like Caracal in the end to fix it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:03 pm 
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Don't insult the kitty.

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:21 pm 
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В Советской России ,котенок оскорбляет вас !!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:28 pm 
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I get the point. Although I do mind a handful of creatures which I can't enchant due to the meta and everpresent myrs, jorubais, goblins etc. Without enchantments the small white creatures can't survive :(
I finished 16:2 with this deck today, 1 loss was vs WB auras, one vs dimir control which killed my creatures and had a Kothoped with lifelink thanks to Jorubai...

I don't mean that it's perfect, but it's fun and is good for rank farming ;-)

PS. CAT'N wait to see what you brewed!:-)

PPS. A little riddle: The cat's name is Uranus. Why?;-)


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:12 am 
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Auras are a good counter to Reave Soul. But remember - red burn is still a thing. As nice as reave soul is I like having my removal at instant speed for just this reason.

Also Celestial Flare. This card has not seen as much love as it should. One of a small handful of spells in the game that kills Gaea's Revenge.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:16 am 
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Celestial Flare is too unreliable for my taste. When it removes a blocker, my creature remains blocked. And it does almost nothing if somebody chumps or attacks with at least 1 disposable creature.

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