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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:02 pm 
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To save on posting and confusion, I'll just edit this post

-4 Shortcutter
-3 Sprouting Thrinax
+4 Visera Dragger
+3 Ground Assault

Thrinax is nice but it's more or less a removal card with Blasting Station (or is often used as such). I think I'd just rather have the Ground Assault. After some messing around, the 12 cantrips plus Muse just gets through the deck to find the Raid Bombardment. I added back in the 4th copy to make sure to get it as soon as possible. Consistency has improved with this tweak.



Last edited by elk on Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:07 pm 

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Sorry if it's been asked before Henwen, but what's your reasoning in playing Charmbreaker Devils over Inferno Titan? Both cards are generally eat a removal spell or win you the game in 1-2 turns, but the Titan nets immediate value with its cast trigger.

I tested out the list running Titan instead, and it won be the game twice where Devils wouldn't in about 5 games. First I played against an aggressive token deck and swept up their board. Later I played against a total control variant and spied a hand full of removal and wraths with my brain maggot, so I swung with a single 1/1 for about 8 turns in a row. I then cast Titan with mana up so I could pump it and fling in response to his removal.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:48 pm 
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Titan is fine. I excluded him partially because I am bored of playing him in every red deck with a midrangeish curve.

Mainly the Titan's Arc Lightning duplicates other cards in the deck too closely... I already have blasting station and a bunch of creatures that work well with blasting station, I wanted to shore up my deck against other archetypes.

This isn't a rush deck, so I need answers for larger creatures. Blasting station is pretty inefficient against fatties unless you have a giant mycoloth. 3 ground assault and 3 act of treason are both cheap spells that scale extremely well. And there are only 3 other spells in the deck, two fling and a singleton prowess. So the odds are very high that devil will give you a quality spell every turn. Recurring act of treason every turn with blasting station on the battlefield is pretty game breaking.

Both cards ultimately die to removal, but an inferno titan that sticks may have other problems - baneslayer can usually outrace it, pellaka wurm trades etc. whereas the odds are good that charmrbeaker can recur ground assault / treason to keep the board clean. If token / aggro is super duper prevalent in your meta it may make sense to make the swap you suggested, but I already devoted a lot of deck slots to early defense and wanted a card that would scale better against bigger threats.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:44 pm 

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I suppose I can can see wanting a better answer for decks that chain Pelakka Wurms and skimp on removal. I probably just have a habit of skewing my decks entirely against aggro since everyone in the basic matchmaking queue makes tons of mistakes, so longer games tend to be easier anyway. I might have a different opinion if I was playing against better players.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:06 am 

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Hakeem928 wrote:
Here is the evolution of my first subscriber build:

I watched your videos with this deck, and it just seems like you have no way to deal with something like BSA or Inferno Titan outside of racing them, which would only happen if you got a god hand and they stalled on mana. I've played a similar deck, and 4x Act of Treason are better than 4x Goblin Shortcutter, in my opinion (or better than 2x Muse, and 2x Shortcutter, more realistically). Act of Treason would only act as removal some of the time, but the point is to push damage through quickly, and it definitely serves that purpose better than Shortcutters. The fact that it also potentially acts as removal is a huge plus. You trade off a Raid Bombardment trigger and a body, but it seems worth it to me, particularly since the deck isn't (or shouldn't be) winning really at all right now.

In all of your games in the videos you posted, you should have won very few of them assuming skilled opponents, and I think the reason is big creatures that your deck was incapable of dealing with. Or sometimes small creatures like Paragon of Fierce Defiance when you don't draw one of 3 cards that potentially act as removal. Drawing Act of Treason, even without Blasting Station, would have turned that Paragon game from a game you should have lost into a game you easily should have won instead.

I think HenWen's route with Jund Blasting Station is better than the Raid Bombardment route though. Red-White seems like a better place for Raid Bombardment to me, given white's ability to vomit out tokens much more quickly than with Jund.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:06 am 
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I was trying to stay in the spirit of the original deck which was Jund Weenies with Bombardment and Station. I agree that HenWen's approach is better but then I'm not really showcasing someone else's concept anymore. My focus was to maintain the concept while just fixing technical things like mana curve and such.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:15 am 

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Fair enough. Your videos inspired me to create my own Boros Raid Bombardment deck, which has been fun, even if it is aggro.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:52 am 
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I was surprised by the card because I've never had much trouble playing against it. It is a lot of reach.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:55 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I was surprised by the card because I've never had much trouble playing against it. It is a lot of reach.

Yeah it can be really strong.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:08 pm 

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Darkstar, my deck is exactly that deck, even the same mana base, except that instead of Kiln Fiend, I used 2 Mentor of the Meek and 2 Arrest. It seems like a solid deck.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:15 pm 

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So there's one interaction I haven't seen people abusing too much: how ridiculously good Undying Evil is in a typical midrange deck. You can cast it on a wayfinder for more land and a 2/2, use it to protect your Graveborn Muse (and buff her out of range of various removal), kick the **** out of someone with an Undying Shadowborn Demon, or win the game by getting a second free 7-8 drop. So I threw this list together a while back to optimize a standard midrange deck for the Undying interaction, and included all 4 copies of the card.

[manapie 90 -w -u b r g][/manapie]

Undying Monsters

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (20 :creature: , 17 :instant: , 23 :land:)

Cost 4 cards
Undying Evil
Cost 7 cards
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Ground Assault
Cost 12 cards
Agent of the Fates3/2
Sprouting Thrinax3/3
Anger of the Gods
Resounding Thunder
Cost 4 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Masked Admirers3/2
Cost 4 cards
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Stormbreath Dragon4/4
Rescue from the Underworld
Cost 1 card
Inferno Titan6/6
Cost 3 cards
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Cost 2 cards
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Land23 cards
Crumbling Necropolis
Frontier Bivouac
Opulent Palace
Savage Lands

If anyone has any advice or built something similar in the past I'd like to hear about it. This deck could easily transform into a spider spawning variant if it cut some removal or cultivates, or maybe include some more agressive early creatures and have a devour subtheme.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:30 pm 

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Hey guys I I started my PhD and I don't have as much time to play and test decks anymore :(
Still I got inspired by some of the blasting station decks floating around and i made my own. The deck works remarkably well, actually I'm surprised how well it performs. I don't lose very often with it, in fact I just went on a 10 win streak which, is really strange. The deck isn't the easiest to pilot but once you get the hang of it it's really resilient. If anyone wants to try it out go right ahead, the only thing is that you ALWAYS want to have 3 lands in your starting hand unless you're on the draw, have Savage Lands and a elvish visionary if not don't do it!!

Here's the deck hope you guys have as much fun playing it as me :)


Sacrifice me

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (22 :creature: , 16 :instant: , 22 :land:)

Cost 10 cards
Young Wolf1/1
Undying Evil
Cost 10 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Ground Assault
Cost 15 cards
Bloodflow Connoisseur1/1
Goblin Rabblemaster2/2
Rockslide Elemental1/1
Sprouting Thrinax3/3
Act of Treason
Blasting Station
Cost 2 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Cost 1 card
Inferno Titan6/6
Land22 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate
Savage Lands

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:27 am 

Joined: May 24, 2015
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Good luck with the PhD :)

2 Q's -
You want to open with 3 lands in hand, but you play just 22 lands. Why not cut the Titan, have a 23rd land and aside the Muses end the curve at 3 with probably enough lands to cast anything by 5th turn? Also, for 3 mana 3rd turn you need to shave a couple of Guildgates, so you'll have at least the 3rd land entering untapped
Also, you wanna draw at 2 with the Elf, but why not Viscera Dragger? It fits the decks better, because it costs 2 colorless to draw (meaning Rakdos Guildgate and Mountain are enough as well and green isn't exactly your controlling color anyway) and 2 mana to unearth (and then sac it because it's gone anyway).

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:43 pm 

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Spencer wrote:
So there's one interaction I haven't seen people abusing too much: how ridiculously good Undying Evil is in a typical midrange deck. You can cast it on a wayfinder for more land and a 2/2, use it to protect your Graveborn Muse (and buff her out of range of various removal), kick the **** out of someone with an Undying Shadowborn Demon, or win the game by getting a second free 7-8 drop. So I threw this list together a while back to optimize a standard midrange deck for the Undying interaction, and included all 4 copies of the card.

If anyone has any advice or built something similar in the past I'd like to hear about it. This deck could easily transform into a spider spawning variant if it cut some removal or cultivates, or maybe include some more agressive early creatures and have a devour subtheme.

Had some fun with your deck! For Jund, I was previously relying on Hakeem's Jund Midrange, and Lockhammer's Reanimator deck. Anyway, I tried adding spiders, but am not 100% it works well here (at least not for me). And I might be mistaken, but Rescue doesn't activate Agent of the Fates' ability? I did toss in a Warstorm Surge for fun though, and possibly a Banefire?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:13 pm 

Joined: Nov 09, 2014
Posts: 260
You're correct that Rescue doesn't activate Agent's Heroic effect, but Rescue is still an absolutely incredible card in the deck. If you mill a bomb with wayfinder it's insane on turn 5, but you don't need to mill a threat for it to be useful. If you're under pressure or lacking land you can use it on wayfinder recurring a 3-4 drop (or vice versa) during the opponent's combat phase to buy more time and smooth out your curve. If you manage to resolve a threat that the opponent has trouble dealing with you can then sit on your mana and pass the turn. If the opponent manages to put together some removal (say 6 mana for Planar cleansing) you can Rescue and cast Undying Evil to protect your best creatures and end up with an ever better board post wipe. Rescue is just about the highest value card in the deck and locks up games for me every time.

Yeah the deck would need some major revisions to work with Spiders. You need a higher creature count than what I'm running to make it work, so you would have to cut removal, cultivates, ect.

Warstorm Surge plus Undying and Rescue seems pretty hilarious actually, I might have to try it sometime. I think my first cut would be Masked Admirers. Banefire is fine in any high mana deck running wayfinders and cultivates, but I found Resounding Thunder to be more useful in general for this deck. I prefer to play at instant speed against all the various Aura decks out there, and once I get to higher mana amounts I tend to value the card draw over a bit of extra damage. If I was running Rune Scarred Demons for the unlimited value train and tutoring Banefire for the finish I'd have included a copy, but I use my life a a resource too much here and I need the Pelakka Wurms on seven for the heal. If my life is high enough and I cycle for a bit I can draw unlimited cards with my Griselbrand and Muses.

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