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What will Gale sing?
Poll ended at Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:52 pm
A song from a happy time. (Yea.) 83%  83%  [ 5 ]
A sailor's lament. (Nay.) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Something else entirely. (Not-As-Is.) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
My lips are sealed. (Abstain.) 17%  17%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 6
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:52 pm 
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The Sailor and the Siren :diamond:
by OrcishLibrarian

The Sailor and the Siren

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

Last edited by OrcishLibrarian on Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:36 pm 
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This line:
Also, she always carved dolphins – a creature which no one on Wreth would recognize.

Doesn't sound quite right to me, given its context. As far as its weight and impact, I think it does marvelously; though to me, starting a sentence with "Also, [words]" is a lot more casual and sometimes more child-like to say. If it were me, I'd put "And she always carved dolphins – [words]", but I'm not sure if that ends up carrying the same weight.

Other than that, I liked it. I'm interested to know where you're going to take Gale, since I already know your an expert at long story arcs, having seen you at your craft with both Jackie and Beryl.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:13 pm 
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Thanks for reading and voting, Luna, and for the good comment -- I'll have to take a second look at that particular sentence.

Also, I'm really glad that you enjoyed the story!

Other than that, I liked it. I'm interested to know where you're going to take Gale, since I already know your an expert at long story arcs, having seen you at your craft with both Jackie and Beryl.

I confess that I don't have a master plan for Gale, just yet. For the time being, she's just sort of drifting, if you will.

But we'll definitely see more of her. I really enjoy writing her stories, and I'm looking forward to more of them in the future!

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:39 pm 
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Voting "Yea." I really like this Penelophine, I really like Gale, and I'm happy to see something more pleasant happen on Wreth. And, like Luna, I look forward to seeing what happens with Gale moving forward, even if those stories are not yet planned.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:31 pm 
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Wasn't Jackie supposed to be a one-off character originally, though? Just look how that turned out. I don't think it matters that you haven't mapped out the broader strokes of Gale's story yet; I consider you a master at your craft when it comes to narratives, so I eagerly await all the Gale stories that are yet to come.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:26 pm 
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First off, everyone should know that I just made a small edit to this piece. In the sentence which Luna flagged as maybe sounding a little odd, I changed the "Also" to "Besides" -- I think it flows better now.

* * *

Voting "Yea." I really like this Penelophine, I really like Gale, and I'm happy to see something more pleasant happen on Wreth. And, like Luna, I look forward to seeing what happens with Gale moving forward, even if those stories are not yet planned.

Well, thanks kindly, Raven! And thanks again for loaning Penelophine to this piece -- it was a treat to get to write for her!

* * *

Wasn't Jackie supposed to be a one-off character originally, though? Just look how that turned out. I don't think it matters that you haven't mapped out the broader strokes of Gale's story yet; I consider you a master at your craft when it comes to narratives, so I eagerly await all the Gale stories that are yet to come.

Jackie was totally going to be a one-off -- or so I thought. When I wrote "Love and Theft," I didn't have any plans to write for her again. She just sort of took up residence inside my imagination, though, and she hasn't ever really left.

God, I just have so much fun with her. And she seems to at least tolerate me, mercifully. :)

Beryl was a little different. With Beryl, when I first encountered her, I knew that she was part of some larger story -- I just didn't know what it was. I sort of discovered who she was right along with her, if that makes any sort of sense?

That's sort of how characters work for me, most of the time. I only ever start out with a tiny fraction of the picture, and the rest of it just sort of fills-in over time. Something similar will happen with Gale, I'm sure. I like her too darn much to not want to find out more about her. :)

Anyway, thanks for the kind words, Luna!

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:30 pm 

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This was a short one but a good one. I like Penelophine and Gale interacting here, and it's cool to see Penelophine getting out and about and even moving a bit beyond where we saw her in The War of the Wheel... it seems like maybe she's gaining back some hope that not all Planeswalkers have to be like the Dual Walkers. In that sense, I think this story was good for BOTH characters.

It's interesting because it kinda feels like a resolution to Gale's story since it seems like she's found an ocean... and yet, and yet... Luna mentioned Jackie earlier and I think that's an apt comparison, in that it looked like her story was a three work piece, essentially. And, well... somehow she keeps sticking around. I've always had this worry with Gale that she wouldn't be able to sustain a longer chain of stories, but every one that comes out adds new dimension to her character and the development of those who interact with her so I'm sold, I'd say.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:59 pm 
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Thanks so much for reading, Keeper, and for the kind words! I'm really glad that you liked the story!

This was a short one but a good one. I like Penelophine and Gale interacting here, and it's cool to see Penelophine getting out and about and even moving a bit beyond where we saw her in The War of the Wheel... it seems like maybe she's gaining back some hope that not all Planeswalkers have to be like the Dual Walkers. In that sense, I think this story was good for BOTH characters.

Raven can probably speak to Penelophine better than I can, and, if he feels like I'm misrepresenting her, then I hope he'll chime in. But, for my part, I'm really glad that you felt like this story was a good one for Penelophine, as well as Gale. I was very much hoping that would be the case.

Interestingly enough, the genesis for the whole piece was that I'd had an idea for a story where pirates were going to attack the Autumn Crane. Gale was going to lead the crew in defeating the pirates, and her "reward" for this would be that she would be promoted to become captain. Which I think would have been the worst sort of torture imaginable for Gale, because she has never aspired to be a captain -- especially not of a fishing boat/cruise ship/river barge. But I don't think her sense of duty would allow her to turn down a commission like that. And I just had this horrible mental image of her captaining this boat that she hated on this plane that she hated until, one day, they'd just find her dead body hanging from the yard arm.

At which point, I started having second thoughts about that particular story! :takei:

Instead, I decided that Gale had had enough misery, and that, instead of kicking her in the shins again, I was going to deliver her from her purgatory, and help her get back to the sea.

The problem was that Gale doesn't have any understanding at all of how to planeswalk purposefully. The idea that occurred to me -- and that I really, really liked -- was that she would, somehow, get her hands on a seashell, and that hearing the voice of the sea would be the little jolt that she needed to be able to 'walk to the sort of place that she wanted to be.

This left another problem -- there are no seashells on Wreth! For Gale to find one, a 'walker would have to bring it.

Now, at the time, Raven and I were working on "Mistakes of the Past." So, as a total non sequitor, I asked Raven: "Which 'walkers do you think might plausibly travel with a seashell?" Penelophine was on the short list of names he came up with, and I *immediately* knew that I wanted to write this story with her.

Raven's suggestion was essentially what Penelophine herself says in the story: namely that, following the events of WotW, she is ready to dip her toe back into the larger multiverse, rather than secluding herself inside her grotto. And so I just sort of went from there.

And my hope is that, while meeting Penelophine is obviously a marvelous thing to happen for Gale -- it basically saves her life, when you get right down to it -- hopefully meeting Gale also did something good for Penelophine. Because, like you said, Gale is so *unlike* the Dual Walkers. She doesn't revel in her status as a planeswalker -- she thinks of herself as cursed. Not only does she not aspire to Godhood, she doesn't aspire to any sort of power over people. The things she aspires to are music, and the sea, and pleasure.

My read on Penelophine is that, in her own darker moments, she too has wondered if the spark isn't more of a curse than a blessing, that she wonders if it doesn't corrupt all the people it touches. And so my thought was that, in Gale, she'd find a sort of counterexample, and that this would help to explain why she's so interested in Gale, and why she wants to help this person.

It's interesting because it kinda feels like a resolution to Gale's story since it seems like she's found an ocean... and yet, and yet... Luna mentioned Jackie earlier and I think that's an apt comparison, in that it looked like her story was a three work piece, essentially. And, well... somehow she keeps sticking around. I've always had this worry with Gale that she wouldn't be able to sustain a longer chain of stories, but every one that comes out adds new dimension to her character and the development of those who interact with her so I'm sold, I'd say.

Well, now that Gale is back at sea, I think that adventures will probably ensue. And I very much hope that you'll enjoy them -- whatever they might turn out to be!

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

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