Also, numbers, one of the last games (when you were town) you clearly said that you would not claim under any circumstances. What's different about this game?
I'm not the doctor this game. Whoever is the doctor, however, I expect (and encourage might I add) to lie about their role. Will they get lynched for lying later down the road? Possibly. But that's a bridge we'll burn when we come to it.
So the opposition I'm seeing is Scar and PopPa standing on tradition as an opposition and Eli making the case of outted power roles are bad.
KoD has yet to speak on the matter.
Neo and Garren are kinda whatevs on the matter.
Everyone else is pro.
From a majority standpoint it seems KoD's vote would be the deciding factor. But when have I ever cared what KoD thought? I was contemplating a Day 1 self claim before Lilan's suggestion came around. Because I was already considering claiming I supported the notion. I then let people weigh in on the matter to guage stances. The reactions to such have become my initial reads. As the day has gone on I've given the matter more serious thought and would like to see a mass claim today. "Why, numbers, why?" you may be crying out at your keyboards and screens as you read this and the answer is simple. I'm a cop variant. Note I did not say the cop variant. Given the size of the game I think it's unlikely there would be others, but it's far from impossible.
Now I'm not going to express what type of variant I am (at least before a mass claim), because my plan is to create an early claim to lock everybody into either claiming their role, claiming something that they hope will cover their role, or just outright lying in the hopes that I won't be able to see through it. As I said before, I expect the doctor to lie in this situation and that might get him into some heat if I target him, but I feel buying time on his life is worth the risk of getting caught up lying down the road. The point of this exercise though is to create a master claim sheet against which I will be checking people. This keeps me from having to check people, then fish for information to see if it matches up to what I found out, then try to convince people after the fact that so and so is lying.
To those that oppose the mass claim, Scar and PopPa, tradition isn't winning games for town. When something doesn't work, it's time to try a new tactic. Be more flexible. To Eli, I've just wrecked half your argument with my claim (the other half being the doc, which I've advised not to out himself so yeah). Time to find a different approach to opposing or get on board.
Once you guys finally get over change, I'll popcorn it to KoD.
***Flash Edit: I see KoD officially opposed. Once again, I don't care what he thinks.***