Dav, I'd suggest putting your basic abilities, AC, Speed, HP, Skills, etc. of your Panther form in parentheses in the appropriate table cell, if you'll be using it often. Or you can make another table for your panther form, whichever is easier.
You should also note in the Class abilities free text section your proficiency with the Herbalism kit, as well as your Wisdom saving throw.
As for spells, I believe you are preparing one too many spells right now. You should be preparing 1 + your level, so 4. Currently, you're preparing 5 (the 0-level spells don't count).
Lastly, you're level 3
The lvl2 was a typo
Created a table with all beast forms I can currently take. Will add more as I acquire them. I don't get another form until lvl6 (Bear and Tiger).
Added Herbalism kit and Wis throw to the class section.
Also added a longbow and arrows to my gear list as a ranged attack and included my Fireseeds for Quick Attk #3 since I shifted my Panther skills to a new table.
Lastly, I'm proficient in
wooden shields, but the only shields listed in the equipment table are Bucklers and Shields, and there's no distinction for 'wood'. For differentiation's sake, I've listed my shield as a buckler and taken the +1AC bonus, instead of the +2 given for "Shield" since a wood elf's shield is clearly different from a Templar Knight's metal shield. If this is fine I'll leave it, otherwise let me know if I should change it.