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PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:20 am 
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Concur, with just the discard effect, Mind Rot is pretty bad. The only discard I think is worse in this format is Monomania.

Now if Mind rot were Blightning or Esper Charm, we'd be having an entirely different conversation. Those cards actually do something.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:55 am 
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Agreed. HD just feels weak in this deck with Spider Swarm a big win condition.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:59 pm 
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[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]

Spiders Advance

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (30 :creature: , 6 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature30 cards
Brain Maggot1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Elder of Laurels2/3
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Graveborn Muse3/3
Viscera Dragger3/3
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Nemesis of Mortals5/5
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Spell6 cards
Rescue from the Underworld
Spider Spawning
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

Deck Submittal

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:37 am 
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Hey all !

My 1st post in this forum ^^
I've not played MTG for a long time so if my build if wrong tell me !
I've read alot this forum and it worth pretty well atm VS IA, but i havent test against other player yet, soon ^^

Its a common Spider spawn deck with alot of draw card.
(btw sorry if my english isnt so good)

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]


A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (30 :creature: , 6 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature30 cards
Elvish Pioneer1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Phyrexian Rager2/2
Masked Admirers3/2
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Spell6 cards
Rescue from the Underworld
Spider Spawning
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 4:38 am 
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pioneer sucks otherwise seems fine

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:28 am 
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I can change pioneer for what ?
He help me sometime at the start, but y not rly usefull otherwise :/

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:40 am 
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I would do +2 cultivate +2 treasured find -4 pioneer

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 9:01 am 
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I'm not sure Cultivate is the card you'd want here. Treasured Find is good though (so is Dead Reckoning since it's all creatures). I also don't see a Shadowborn Demon and Vengevine is always fun in a list like this. Sheoldred, Whispering One is always another good consideration too. Arbor Colossus is another great card in this mix (big P/T, removal and gives protection against flying). Nemesis of Mortals is always good in these lists too.

Rescue is too expensive though (again Treasured Find/ Dead Reckoning would work better). I'd reconsider your mana count too. Granted tap lands are slow, but you may as well have all 4 Golgari Guildgates since it won't hurt that much. You would probably be fine at 12 forests, 8 swamps and 4 Gates (or, you should use tri-lands like Sandsteppe Citadel, Savage Lands or Opulent Palace so folks think you have a 3rd color and it makes them play differently. Say 2 Citadels, 1 Savage Lands and 1 Palace - folks will think you've got 3 extra colors! :D)

so first thoughts are:

-4 Pioneer
-3 Rescue

+3 Dead Reckoning
+1 Vengevine
+1 Sheoldred
+2 Arbor Colossus
12 Forests
8 Swamps
4 Tri-lands of your choosing to mess with your opponents!



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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 9:50 am 
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Thx for answer ^^

@babassoonist : I've already try on some other version to play with these both card but i dont realy need cultivate, for treasure, maybe.
But for switch my pionner i wanna low cost creature-card for tempo and block.

@Elk : same here, my deck i full oriented for spider, its why i dont use lot of big monster.
For rescue, i cant remove it, this card is very nice for my build, i can sacrifice and rez 2 monster, 90% of my creature card have effect when play, so i can use for more card in graveyard and have more and more spider, or sacrifice + rez Wurm for extra +14 hp.

I've make a spider deck not a reanimation deck.

Sorry if is hard to understand my english is pretty poor ^^'



Maybe :

- 4 pioneer
- 1 rescue
+2 treasur find
+3 Dead reck

What u think ?

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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 12:40 pm 
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you don't need a 1 cmc 1/1 in a tempo deck I think elks suggestion is actually much better then mine ( except I'd run treasured find over dead reckoning because of personal preference) vengevine is great tempo with it's recursion arbor colossus knocks down fliers ( cards like baneslayer and stormbreath which are 2 of the best cards in the game) and sheoldred is a win condition all on her own

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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:21 pm 
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I got crushed in a really cool and long fight by this deck and tried to rebuild it. Not sure if I should change some numbers. Suggestions?

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]


A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (24 :creature: , 12 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature24 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Phyrexian Rager2/2
Graveborn Muse3/3
Masked Admirers3/2
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Spell12 cards
Treasured Find
Dead Reckoning
Rescue from the Underworld
Spider Spawning
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:40 pm 
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Normally I would expect a green deck with 5 seven drops and an eight drop to run cultivate. I guess the plan is to stall on the ground but you do not really have much defense against fliers.

4x dead reckoning, 3x treasured find, and 3x rescue from the underworld are certainly too many recursion cards for this deck. You have less than a full set of self mill cards to begin with. Dead reckoning requires a juicy target to be worth it, you have maybe 7 good reckoning targets in the entire deck.

Look at it this way, you have 12 "graveyard matters" cards and only 6 cards that mill you. I think it would be common with that list to only hit one satyr, and the odds of that satyr milling enough to make all that recursion worth it are low.

When I see this list, it seems like your plan is to chump with cheap creatures to set up spider spawning and then use spider spawning to stall until you can deploy good fatties, then recur the fatties over and over again. I guess I would just like to see more self mill and more reliable removal in order to make this plan work.

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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:53 am 
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HenWen wrote:
Normally I would expect a green deck with 5 seven drops and an eight drop to run cultivate. I guess the plan is to stall on the ground but you do not really have much defense against fliers.

4x dead reckoning, 3x treasured find, and 3x rescue from the underworld are certainly too many recursion cards for this deck. You have less than a full set of self mill cards to begin with. Dead reckoning requires a juicy target to be worth it, you have maybe 7 good reckoning targets in the entire deck.

Look at it this way, you have 12 "graveyard matters" cards and only 6 cards that mill you. I think it would be common with that list to only hit one satyr, and the odds of that satyr milling enough to make all that recursion worth it are low.

When I see this list, it seems like your plan is to chump with cheap creatures to set up spider spawning and then use spider spawning to stall until you can deploy good fatties, then recur the fatties over and over again. I guess I would just like to see more self mill and more reliable removal in order to make this plan work.

There are so much draw effects + satyr wayfinder, there is no need for a cultivate. Also with Rescue from the Underworld and a Rune-Scarred Demon in your graveyard, you can nearly endlessly get every card you want. I don't had much trouble against fliers yet.

That I have too less self mill cards could be a point. Maybe adding. 4x Necromancer's Assistant. But i also find myself using treasured find and dead reckoning for "not good reckoning targets" because of there effects and/or to remove the important cards of my opponent very early.

I totally see your point, but i dont have this feeling while playing this deck.

It is hard for me to exactly explain the plan of this deck. because every game is so different, there are so much options.
But i have enough self mill / reatures in my graveyard, that the spider spawning + craterhoof behemoth combo is working fine. (e.g. i won my last free games in round 8 with this combo. On the other hand I have a lot of games where i never had to use spider spawning)
There is enough removal with dead reckoning and playing Shadowborn Demon over and over again. (and Sheoldred, Whispering one, but i rarely use her)

/edit: Sorry for my bad English, feel free to correct me anytime.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:58 pm 

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Looks like this part of the forum isn't very active anymore, but I'm posting my deck anways. Idea is to get a Vampire, Sanguine Bond and Blood Tribute up as soon as possible. To do this I can mill my own deck and use treasure find, draw cards or use Rune-Scarred Demon to fetch any missing piece. First match online I was down to 1 life and then played Blood Tribute while I had Sanguine Bond (fetched by a killed Rune-Scarred Demon) in play and a vampire, winning me the game while she was still at 20 lives, unlocking the 'Ingenuity' achievement :D.

I'm thinking if I should remove something for a little removal like Ulcerate.


Sanguine Tribute Insta-Kill

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (26 :creature: , 10 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature26 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Kalastria Highborn2/2
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Phyrexian Rager2/2
Graveborn Muse3/3
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Spell10 cards
Treasured Find
Sanguine Bond
Blood Tribute
Land24 cards
Opulent Palace
Sandsteppe Citadel
Savage Lands

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