LLF: Beats anything that isn't playing removal (and decks using bolt...)
Removal: Best options each have a vulnerability, but those vulnerabilities are the core of the meta I think:
Swords: dies to Black Knight
Paralyze: dies to White Knight and Jade Statue
Unsummon: dies to dual threat...can be vulnerable to Berserk deck
Berserk: dies to Troll (I think?), limited threat options, ties Djinn
Meekstone: only good against one Black Knight build...doesn't beat LLF
Lightning Bolt: only good against Black Knight/White Knight
Other: Basically you have Dual Threat decks and some odd meta-choices. No combination of threats/auras/pump I found can race LLF, which means if you pick this you're trying to beat Removal.
Thinking about LLF: The problem with playing LLF is its an all in call. You stand a chance to sweep, but the more people who play it the less likely an LLF deck is to place #1. Each LLF deck played adds points to the Removal spread. Removal will show up, so if you want to place higher than removal in the round, you don't play LLF. An LLF player is playing the odds that the meta considers Removal the biggest threat and swings to Other.
Thinking about Removal: This is by far the safest option. Swords being the safest of the safe. Removal wins against LLF and ties pretty much everything else. Each of them have a particular vulnerability. Those vulnerabilities are the key to the meta.
Thinking about Other: These are the decks playing the spread and by far the riskiest choice. Playing this deck means the player bets that LLF shows up in no more than 2 decks, and that the meta is dominated by a particular removal option. If Unsummon is the most used, Dual Threat is your winner since it can replay the bounced threat but still ties the other removal options. If Swords is the most used, Black Knight sweeps since it can't be targeted, but loses to any other removal option. If Berserk is the most used Troll survives the pump and is bigger than the other threat. Etc...I laid it all out above.
So...to me the most viable decks are: Swords, Black Knight, LLF. I can't find a deck that beats both Swords and Knight...so whatever you pick is based on what you think will be the most played deck. I assume the most played deck will be Black Knight. The most realistic third card I can think of with Black Knight is Unholy Strength. There are other options, but the deck becomes less proactive and exposes itself to more ties.
Decks that beat Unholy Knight: Paralyze, Unsummon, Lightning Bolt.
Paralyze: Remains viable against LLF, vulnerable to two decks
Unsummon: Remains viable against LLF, vulnerable to three decks (actually vulnerable to many more decks, but those can all be upgraded to one choice...)
Lightning Bolt: vulnerable to LLF, ties Dual Threat, loses to most single Lotus options
Basically comes down to Paralyze/Lions or Unsummon/Sprites (without Sprites the deck is vulnerable to Berserk/Sprites, Land Land White Knight, and Dual Lion. With Sprites, the deck is vulnerable to Land Land either Knight and Dual Lion...I think Berserk Sprites is more likely to be an outside choice than Land Land Black Knight).
The question is: which fourth tier decks will show up?