my changes were pretty different than what Logjammer ended up with. I'm winning pretty good with the deck. If I keep a two-land hand, i lose sometimes, in fact often maybe.
i'm not onboard at all with the Angers in that deck. You don't need them, the times I did need them, i was already going to lose the game regardless. Does more-lose exist for some cards? Cuz that's Anger in this deck. I have two Volcanic Geysers instead. They are also terrible but I appreciate their speed and continuing commitment to the arts.
Not sure if it was you or someone else that mentioned removing Anger for this deck and I wanted to clarify your reason for that move?
I'm looking at the curve and 1 drops/ 2 drops are really weak whereas 3 drops are a bit overcrowded. This looks like normally you'd be waiting until T3 for a play and then most likely it's removal to start cleaning the board until later turns. That seems like a good case for Anger?
If Anger is getting dumped for things like Pyromancer, Rabblemaster and Battledriver, then wouldn't something like the Paragon be a consideration? Adds another removal magnet to let your late game bloom and adds additional pressure to any early game this deck might have. Also it adds to the haste element too. It's not doing anything for the late game but the deck seems to have enough burn options and unless there's a push to add more curve filler on the lower end, then this might be worth a test?
Still.....this deck seems like it's meant to clean the board frequently and Anger would be part of that theme (which would mean the few low end P/T creatures it has are just chump/fodder making the paragon idea useless).
I guess this verbal diarrhea comes back around to why you want to cut Anger?
edit for grammar