Moppin I would like to point out that you are quoting things Hakeem said before the current 4 color Monkeem decklist was posted. Before you edited out one of your previous posts you were quoting my first five color decklist. If you want to discuss how people builds their decks it helps to be on the same page.
Archaeomancer isn't a turn 4 play 95% of the time. Actually there are very few things in my deck that I cast "on curve." If I wait for two more land drops I can cast any sorcery speed spell (Rhox, Archaeomancer, Obelisk, Cleansing, Anger) with enough mana open to
Nullify. Usually I plan several turns ahead for any sorcery speed play, making sure that I have the right mana, that I can drop an untapped land into play on the right turn, and determine if nullify is enough or if I need to watch out for a non-creature spell.
Playing control requires a ton of thought. That's why I like it. Dropping creatures on the board and turning them sideways gets boring for me pretty quickly. If you do not like Archaeomancer because it has a crappy body when you play it on the board on turn 4 then you are missing the point. Archaoemancer is pure card advantage.
But the real reason why she has become a fixture in my builds is as a way of coping with randomness. 5 color control / Monkeem are decks comprised mainly of answers. You have some control over the frequency of individual cards in your build, but your draw is ultimately random. Lets say your deck has 3 shocks and 3 dissolves. You won't always draw 50% of each. Sometimes you will draw 3 shocks, archaeomancer won't help you if you need dissolve. But more often you will draw at least one copy of a spell you want, and the Archaeomancers act as the 2nd and 3rd copy. I probably get dissolve the most often - but I often win games because I can get another board wipe. When you already run the maximum number of board wipes / dissolves, being able to re-use these spells is pretty nice.