Soooo, long time lurker first time *guy who gets his deck impaled in front of others*, I liked the ideas of some of these Mardu decks, but I couldn't find one that was really my style. So i kinda mishmashed ideas that I liked and somewhat done my own shiz.
So fairly basic ramp dealy, with the goal of getting a lot of mana and counteracting with bombs mid-late. I really like cloudshift with a bunch of ETB draw effects because it gets to be super versatile as either protection from single target removal, combat shenanigans, or as a one mana draw, which is cool. I figured I needed to sustain myself a l'il bit with all my self-abuse for profit cards like rager and muse, but I really don't like tribute to hunger because I feel that if I'm in a situation where I desperately need to heal I'm not gonna get it from tributing some random aggro guy's board to gain 1 health and kill a token. I'd rather just preemptively heal for 4 (maybe more with cloud if I need it while also using it to freely block an attack) and have a body early. Also opens ups the 3 spot for some Auger Sprees.
K so you know kinda what I want to do with it, can you guys tell me how badly I'm actually doing it? I'm really awkward with mana (I try slant a bit more towards white early to get my two drops but idk), and I'm not too sure if I like it yet, so I'd appreciate anything that I can get.