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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:33 pm 
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I have taken Danno's shiftscape deck for a few spins and I have to say I like it.

What I want to change right away is the mana base.

The deck runs 4 cultivates and 2 ingots as mana fixers. The main colors are W and G, with a splash of U and B.

For lands he has 3 Jungle Shrine, 3 Seaside Citadel, 4 Selesnaya Guildgate, 5 plains, 4 forest, 3 island and 2 swamp.
So his lands basically produce 15 white mana, 14 green mana, 6 blue mana and 2 black mana. Spell costs include UU, BB, WWW and GGG.

In practice, casting a Rune-Scarred Demon required a cultivate, and it required both of the swamps from that cultivate. But with only two in the deck you often do not know when you will need the mana.

One change I must recommend is to swap either Jungle Shrine or the Guildgates for 3 Arcane Sanctum. IMO if you are running a 3+ color deck and a triland fits all of your colors, you need a really good reason not to automatically include that triland. Sanctum makes casting UU and BB so much easier - after you drop it, the most you will have to cultivate for is one island and a swamp. Since it still has white mana, it is only taking a bit of green out of the guildgate.

To keep the total amount of green mana even you can cut back -2 islands -1 swamp and then add more forests or plains. With a full set of 9 trilands, your ramping decisions will be much easier and you will hit your secondary colors (black and blue) more often.

After all of these changes I am at 6 plains, 1 swamp, 1 island, 6 forests, 3 arcane sanctum, 3 island citadel, and 4 selesnaya guildgates.
So, using the same total lands and the same amount of taplands -
White mana 15 changed to 16
Green mana 14 changed to 13
Blue mana 6 changed to 8
Black mana 2 changed to 4

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:09 pm 
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I am currently working on a deck where I try to combine the best aspects of ramp, self-mill and control.

Control decks in this format rely most heavily on 1 to 1 removal. Early threats need cheap answers, later threats generally need more expensive answers. But what really annoys me is the lack of card draw in this format.

Graveyard decks ala spider spawning or Abzhan seance lifegain are very powerful and can potentially generate large card advantage, but spider spawning has to run too many creatures for my tastes and the lifegain piles can be somewhat boring.

The list I am working on has multiple forms of recursion, including 2 x Archaeomancer, 3x Treasured Find, 2x Dead Reckoning, 2x Seance and Sheoldred.

I have to log off now, will post more later.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:17 pm 
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[manapie 90 w u b -r g][/manapie]

Recursion city

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (18 :creature: , 18 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature18 cards
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Wall of Omens0/4
Baneslayer Angel5/5
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Species Gorger6/6
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Resolute Archangel4/4
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Spell18 cards
Treasured Find
Darksteel Ingot
Dead Reckoning
Planar Cleansing
Land24 cards
Arcane Sanctum
Golgari Guildgate
Seaside Citadel
Selesnya Guildgate
Simic Guildgate

This deck has so many themes jammed into it (and perhaps barely fitting) that it is difficult to describe. It is a heavy ramp deck, a self mill deck, a control deck, a toolbox deck, and a recursion deck all glued together. But what I was going for is ultimate inevitability. The deck runs smoother and smoother as the game goes on and your deck fills up, you have multiple ways of generating card advantage and multiple answers to shut down nearly any strategy.

The early game is the hardest. Against aggro, you have a selection of life gain fatties to help stabilize. Sometimes I just win off the back of fat creatures. But this deck has so many ways of fetching silver bullets . . .
For example: Hard cast RSD to find a sweeper. Mill yourself and use treasured find to get a sweeper. Mill yourself and use seance on archaeomancer to get a sweeper. Etc.

Seance is ideally just used to recur the satyrs as quickly as possible for more self mill, but in a pinch it can be used on RSD for tutoring or other fatties for lifegain.

Sheoldred is the deck's ultimate card advantage engine, but if you are playing against a deck that has access to unlimited removal you should probably use care. I like to cast my other fatties first to exhaust my opponent's removal and then use Sheoldred to bring my fat back for another round. The best use for the two dissolve is protecting her so she can sit on her crab butt and win you the game.

The singleton Species Gorger is there are a sort of backup card advantage engine. Typically I am wiping the board so frequently that I do not have many creatures on the board, so the Gorger can be difficult to use. Bouncing Archaeomancer to cast dead reckoning is sorta like Sheol.

The deck is lacking in obvious finishers like Craterhoof, and I also do not use laboratory maniac. These choices are both deliberate. I lose 90% of my games in the first 20 turns, and hoof is very much an offensive creature. I frequently wipe the board too, meaning my creature count is low. The deck arguably has enough ramp to use Kozi but A) I don't want him to shuffle my GY B) this deck needs 5-7 mana bombs to establish board presence right away after ramping. As far as the maniac, the self mill isn't quite good enough to make getting to the bottom of my deck very fast. I do not want to add cards to support him.

Anyway I feel there are a ton of different directions I could take this deck. The one thing I would really like to do is increase my self mill, without relying on cards that do nothing but self mill. I sorta like graveborn muse but can't find room for her either.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:31 am 
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So many cards I want to test.

The cards below are my top picks for possible inclusion
Peel from Reality at maybe one or two copies would help me to accomplish what I want the most - more self mill without using pointless self mill cards. Re-using a Satyr in the early game is totally worth it. The bounce factor can be very valuable even against aggro, tons of decks stack auras on one creature. Vs. Kiln fiend, waiting until they have already pumped him a few times should work. But this deck has enough mana to use Peel's killer app: Archaeomancer. A 6 mana unsummon is certainly expensive, but this deck has hefty mana supplies. Capsize was a crucial part of my control pile during the days of paper magic, back then I had Thawing Glaciers and Sapphire Medallion to help it. You can force your opponent to overcommit to the board this way and wipe em out with a cleansing.

Brain Maggot the main reason why I didn't include this guy is that I plan on wiping the board, frequently, and he doesn't work with seance. Maggot can help in so many ways though. Vs Aggro he can remove problem cards like brimaz, beastmaster etc. before they hit the board. Against control decks, exiling one removal spell is almost gravy, knowing exactly what spells they have in hand are priceless.

Angelic Edict might replace the single Reprisal. For a recursion-based deck, being able to degrade your opponent's ability to recur is priceless. And with all the ramp, 5 mana is not so bad. This deck generally doesn't hold mana open, so I like it better than in counterspell decks.

Suffer the past - I face a lot of tough recursion decks on steam. This stops spider spawning dead in its tracks. I need more testing to determine whether I can devote a slot to such a specialist card.

Masked Admirers - A lot of decks run this card that shouldn't. Note that after the first time you play this card, if you recur it you are netting 1 card, same as think twice / inspiration etc. Since I wipe the board often, I will have multiple chances to replay him. What I love about him is that he works if you mill him into your yard.

Switcheroo - Can be used with seance tokens to trade for a fatty.

The cards listed below are remotely possible inclusions that I am not very excited about:

Pellaka Wurm #3 - I am currently running my resolute angel in this slot. I like having the choice of recurring either the angel for more lifegain or the wurm for a more solid board presence.
The cards below are in no particular

Rhox War Monk - very good vs aggro, but the current plan is to ramp into fatties, not stop to cast value creatures.

Vizkopa Guild Mage - potentially amazing with Resolute angel, but doesn't effect the board.

Dinrova Horror - extremely potent EtB. The problem is that if your opponent is smart they will hold on to land once they see the horror in your yard. Wrecks less skilled players, but just requires a bit of work to play around for more skilled players.

Species Gorger 2nd and 3rd copies - a lot of synergy with this deck. The problem is that I do not expect to have more than 1 or 2 cheap creatures on the field to bounce, so if I want to spend all my mana on a fatty I may end up bouncing the gorger, also leaving me more vulnerable to tribute to hunger. Later on, once I have a ton of mana he is a great backup engine. Not a core card, more of a backup plan to Sheoldred.

Sprouting Thrinax - I could squeeze red into my deck if I really wanted to. Plays well with board wipes. Just not exciting enough for the hassle.

Thassa's Bounty - ridiculously overpriced, but few good alternatives in this meta. Net card draw of 2, when I do not want to devote two slots to the alternatives to achieve the same thing. Mills me for three.

Tribute to hunger - perfect answer to that fatty your opponent played after your board wipe, but weak against too many decks to make the cut.

Liliana's Specter - very powerful in drawn-out games. If I ran a full playset, I could probably get 5-6 discards on average using Seance.

Graveborn Muse - we could use the card draw, but it fits on an awkward place on the curve and has a small enough body that it is vulnerable.

Rescue from the Underworld - This card allows you to "cheat" another creature directly into play without paying its mana cost, which is usually not too valuable since this deck is filled with ramp. Another problem is that it requires you already have a creature on the board. The real advantage is that you get a free EtB activation. One reason I prefer reckoning over this card is that Rescue self-exiles, and I want a recursion spell that doesn't do that so archaeomancer can recur it.

Genesis Hydra - at X = 7 this guy has a good probability of hitting a fatty, I am currently at 9/60 fatties or 15%. But I consider this an RNG card, my permanent count is low, it is worthless with seance, reckoning and Sheoldred.

Reclamation Sage - a singleton would provide extra answers to artifacts and enchantments. But I am comfortable using planar cleansing with wild abandon, so this is unnecessary.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:18 pm 
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No replies thus far. I am dipping into red for Anger, so I will continue posting in the Conflux thread.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:50 am 
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HenWen wrote:
I have taken Danno's shiftscape deck for a few spins and I have to say I like it.

What I want to change right away is the mana base.

The deck runs 4 cultivates and 2 ingots as mana fixers. The main colors are W and G, with a splash of U and B.

For lands he has 3 Jungle Shrine, 3 Seaside Citadel, 4 Selesnaya Guildgate, 5 plains, 4 forest, 3 island and 2 swamp.
So his lands basically produce 15 white mana, 14 green mana, 6 blue mana and 2 black mana. Spell costs include UU, BB, WWW and GGG.

In practice, casting a Rune-Scarred Demon required a cultivate, and it required both of the swamps from that cultivate. But with only two in the deck you often do not know when you will need the mana.

One change I must recommend is to swap either Jungle Shrine or the Guildgates for 3 Arcane Sanctum. IMO if you are running a 3+ color deck and a triland fits all of your colors, you need a really good reason not to automatically include that triland. Sanctum makes casting UU and BB so much easier - after you drop it, the most you will have to cultivate for is one island and a swamp. Since it still has white mana, it is only taking a bit of green out of the guildgate.

To keep the total amount of green mana even you can cut back -2 islands -1 swamp and then add more forests or plains. With a full set of 9 trilands, your ramping decisions will be much easier and you will hit your secondary colors (black and blue) more often.

After all of these changes I am at 6 plains, 1 swamp, 1 island, 6 forests, 3 arcane sanctum, 3 island citadel, and 4 selesnaya guildgates.
So, using the same total lands and the same amount of taplands -
White mana 15 changed to 16
Green mana 14 changed to 13
Blue mana 6 changed to 8
Black mana 2 changed to 4

Those are fair changes. The reason for the Jungle Shrines was to for a few red cards out of the sideboard in the tournament, which of course is irrelevant in normal play. I'd also recommend finding room for Sheoldred, especially as you've already increased the black mana available anyway.

XBox Live: Steely Danno

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:36 am 
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I don't think you can call a deck self-mill with only 4 satyr wayfinders...

I also like the witch-maw deck but is has a very delicate balance, I had a really good version working then I changed a few things and now its sucks (read inconsistent) so you need to be careful what you main game plan is and support that with other bits a pieces that don't interfere.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:41 am 
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Glad you're having some fun with it!

When RSZ lands, you just go for the thing you need the most at the moment. Honestly, most of the time I fetch a Cloudshift, you can blank a removal spell of theirs and then get whatever else it is that you actually need to win (or avoid losing if that's the state you're in).

Don't necessarily hurry to assemble the wand combo. Make efficient use of your creatures and shifts and just try to kill them through attacking. If you don't think that's likely to succeed, go for the combo OR if you have enough time, and enough mana, just get Kozilek. Whatever they need to do to mitigate him will deplete their resources while he refills yours.

The mana is fairly precarious, so I don't want to get too greedy with the black spells. However, I definitely overlooked Sheoldred, as Beast suggested. While she doesn't have an ETB trigger of her own, she will trigger all the ones in your graveyard and eat the opposing board to boot if she stays alive. I'm going to ride this build through until the XBox tournament is over, but consider cutting a Jungle Shrine for an Arcane Sanctum, and something for Sheoldred. I wouldn't cut a Cultivate, but it's possible that the deck can get away with 23 land.

Any idea on what you would change for Sheoldred? I'm digging this deck.

It might end up not being correct, but I'd first try cutting an Inspiration for Sheoldred. Much as I feel the deck is in balance, that would probably create the least disturbance, more than cutting a land or one of the cantrip guys, as those are the ones that most ensure you hit all your land drops and your ramp spells on time.

It's working like a champ. Good call. Also swapped all of the Jungles for Sanctums. I really love this deck.

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Xbox Live: The Lockhammer

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:20 pm 
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I think I had a major winning streak that skewed my perspective on this deck. I have tinkered with adding more mill via crabs which is glorious in your opening hand but very poor otherwise. Drawing cleansing and being able to recur it sometimes makes up for the deck taking too long to get going.

I am still proud of this game's performance vs slower control decks. Once you have enough cards milled the deck starts to shine.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:22 am 
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Glad you're having some fun with it!

When RSZ lands, you just go for the thing you need the most at the moment. Honestly, most of the time I fetch a Cloudshift, you can blank a removal spell of theirs and then get whatever else it is that you actually need to win (or avoid losing if that's the state you're in).

Don't necessarily hurry to assemble the wand combo. Make efficient use of your creatures and shifts and just try to kill them through attacking. If you don't think that's likely to succeed, go for the combo OR if you have enough time, and enough mana, just get Kozilek. Whatever they need to do to mitigate him will deplete their resources while he refills yours.

The mana is fairly precarious, so I don't want to get too greedy with the black spells. However, I definitely overlooked Sheoldred, as Beast suggested. While she doesn't have an ETB trigger of her own, she will trigger all the ones in your graveyard and eat the opposing board to boot if she stays alive. I'm going to ride this build through until the XBox tournament is over, but consider cutting a Jungle Shrine for an Arcane Sanctum, and something for Sheoldred. I wouldn't cut a Cultivate, but it's possible that the deck can get away with 23 land.

Any idea on what you would change for Sheoldred? I'm digging this deck.

It might end up not being correct, but I'd first try cutting an Inspiration for Sheoldred. Much as I feel the deck is in balance, that would probably create the least disturbance, more than cutting a land or one of the cantrip guys, as those are the ones that most ensure you hit all your land drops and your ramp spells on time.

Your deck is vicious in X1 mp.

This message is endorsed by the Lockhammer News Network. And they lived, Azban Ever After. The end.

Xbox Live: The Lockhammer

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:58 pm 
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Your deck is vicious in X1 mp.

I'll get around to upgrading one of these days.

XBox Live: Steely Danno

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:15 pm 
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Monk1410 wrote:
So after testing some more I have cut a few of the more cute cards for a better early game card. I have taken out dinrova horror because it didn't do enough, same goes for gravedigger. I have also taken out resolute archangel because in its place I have old faithful.........

Rhox war monk

[manapie 90 w u b -r g][/manapie]

Let's do the time warp again

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (25 :creature: , 11 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 13 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Wall of Omens0/4
Treasured Find
Cost 7 cards
Rhox War Monk3/4
Cost 5 cards
Cost 6 cards
Baneslayer Angel5/5
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Species Gorger6/6
Time Warp
Cost 2 cards
Planar Cleansing
Cost 2 cards
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Cost 1 card
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth12/12
Land24 cards
Arcane Sanctum
Golgari Guildgate
Seaside Citadel
Selesnya Guildgate

This is still one of my favourite decks I've shamelessly stolen of this site. :)
But just wondering if you've worked any more on it lately? Any additions and adjustments with the new cardpacks? :)

Steam: kjersleif

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:09 pm 
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I'm making a new post for this deck because I've featured it on YouTube and I want to be able to link to it from there. This is my take on Monk1410's infinite time warp combo deck posted earlier in this thread, full credit to him. The table will reflect any changes made after the recording of the deck tech.

[manapie 90 w u b -r g][/manapie]

Infinite Turns

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (25 :creature: , 11 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 14 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Wall of Omens0/4
Peel from Reality
Treasured Find
Cost 7 cards
Rhox War Monk3/4
Cost 4 cards
Cost 6 cards
Baneslayer Angel5/5
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Species Gorger6/6
Time Warp
Cost 2 cards
Planar Cleansing
Cost 3 cards
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Land24 cards
Arcane Sanctum
Golgari Guildgate
Seaside Citadel
Selesnya Guildgate

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:07 pm 
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Nice, I am looking forward to this, I haven't played the deck in a while. I also agree with the updates.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:02 am 
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It looks pretty cool. I would consider at least one Cloudshift primarily as a tutor target for RSD. Cast him and leave one mana open, if they try to remove him you get to tutor for another spell.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:23 pm 
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Okay so this deck is designed to be a terrible combination of a bunch of different weird and janky wincons. The whole idea is to fill up your graveyard and use all the available tutoring to put together the combo of your choice. We have:

Infinite turns through Archaeomancer/Species Gorger/Time Warp
Instant kill through Bloodghast/Sanguine Bond/Blood Tribute
Self mill with Laboratory Maniac in case our other options get disrupted

You really don't want to draw the combo pieces (except Gorger and Warp, really) so I wish we had some kind of discard outlet. Perhaps I should play an Obelisk in here.

This is obviously not designed for truly competitive play but I think with all the EtBs and available tutoring it can still win a few games. It will obviously rely pretty heavily on Planar Cleansing.

Let me tell you that casting Sultai Soothsayer feels great and exiling it to Seance feels even better. Having access to 12 on-color trilands with Satyr Wayfinder makes the mana good enough to eschew Cultivate.

Cloudshift is there to reuse EtBs in a pinch or to protect Lab Maniac if you get to that point. If you assemble Gorgermancer you can also Cloudshift an EtB creature every turn and get it back.

Sheoldred is Seance copy number three, as sad as that sounds. (cue Stevo)

Forget the Sanguine Bond combo, let's just go infinite or win with Lab Maniac (or both):

[manapie 90 w u b -r g][/manapie]

Toolbox Combo

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (26 :creature: , 10 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 1 card
Cost 14 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Wall of Omens0/4
Treasured Find
Cost 5 cards
Laboratory Maniac2/2
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Cost 4 cards
Cost 6 cards
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Species Gorger6/6
Sultai Soothsayer2/5
Time Warp
Cost 3 cards
Obelisk of Alara
Planar Cleansing
Cost 3 cards
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Land24 cards
Arcane Sanctum
Opulent Palace
Sandsteppe Citadel
Seaside Citadel

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:44 pm 
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You should consider think twice over visionary, you have enough etbs for seance and gorger. Think twice is value when milled but also makes an instant win with lab maniac in case of removal.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:25 pm 
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So with the addition of seven self-mill cards plus the second copy of seance, I can see this deck working double overtime in the self-mill department. However, it does look a lot less stable than your last build. I am not sure why you added Obelisk.

A few things that come to mind:
Going straight for the maniac win seems pretty viable here. I usually ended games with 10-20 cards in my library in the old infinite turn deck.

Necromancer's assistant is significantly worse than wayfinder or soothsayer. It just mills you for three and doesn't put anything into your hand. Testing is required, but I think with seance there is a good chance you can just cut them completely. I would rather run hedron crab than the assistant TBH, if you hit a crab with seance you can still mill yourself for two.

Gravedigger just looks a little out of place. I would rather have 2 archaeomancers as a way of fetching treasured finds that have been sent to the yard. You can still potentially get creatures this way - more importantly you can get seance more easily too.

I am a bit concerned about the 4 color plan without any mana fixing. Planar cleansing is IMO pretty vital. Its pretty incredible that you managed to stuff 13 W sources in here but I am not sure that is enough.

The most efficient way to use maniac by far is to flash him back for one turn using seance while you have multiple copies of think twice in your GY. Any smart opponent will see it coming, but if you have maniac and two copies of think twice your opponent will have to use three instant speed removal to kill him.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:45 pm 
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Obelisk is mostly for the blue mode but the white and black modes are really good as well. It may not be necessary. It does let us "mill" an extra card per turn while providing card selection at the same time was my thought.

Honestly a lot of the singletons are just theorycrafts but I'm aiming for a toolbox approach because we can tutor cards from the library and GY.

I know Necromancer's Assistant doesn't replace itself but it is necessary Seance fodder I think. The three power lets us trade with a lot of things that Visionaries and Wayfinders can't handle. Without these guys I think the deck would really have to lean on Wayfinders to get started with the Seance engine. Self-mill is really the goal of the deck with the pieces of an infinite combo stuffed in because of the large amount of tutoring and card selection.

I can't wait to put in some time with it.

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:47 pm 
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HenWen wrote:
I am a bit concerned about the 4 color plan without any mana fixing. Planar cleansing is IMO pretty vital. Its pretty incredible that you managed to stuff 13 W sources in here but I am not sure that is enough..

with the wedge lands it's much easier to build 4 color decks now, considering you have 12 tapped lands each with 3 of your colors

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