Am I the only one who really wants better early tempo / removal options in this deck? My example vs. the AI was not meant to show how great boros tokens is. The hand I drew had every key card this deck needs. Everything I had in my hand had the potential of doing amazing things - eventually. And what really wrecked me that game was not some exotic draw by the AI, it was goblin rabblemaster, a card played in virtually every red deck.
I have run other decks that rely on blasting station / treason as their only removal options. I am comfortable with doing that in these decks because A) the decks are fast tempo-wise, if I don't draw blasting station I just try to zerg rush my opponent and B) they produce a **** of tokens very rapidly, meaning I get to use blasting station right away if I do draw it.
This deck has a better late-game plan than most token decks. Eventually, you can pump out tons of tokens, activate blasting station a number of times, and draw a bunch of cards. Eventually. You can play talrand with cloudshift mana open, so that you can start producing even bigger tokens. Eventually. I had a fistful of cards that promised to do amazing, wonderful things in a few turns time. But I had nothing to slow the game down / help me survive for those few turns.
I think you have two options. Option A) is to cut out archaeomancer and add some cards to close the game down faster. This is boring and conventional.
Option B) is to keep the archaeomancer combo in, but make some concession by adding more cards that have a significant and immediate board impact the turn the come into play without requiring several other cards to work. I would suggest
Shock. This is a boring card that does not have synergy with tokens, but it does count as a spell trigger for Pyromancer/Talrand, and it is very inexpensive. Or run a 2/1 shock/banefire split That extra two damage can help you take down bigger targets, so that you can hold act of treason in reserve.
Triplicate Spirits is honestly a bargain, it should usually be 3-4 mana in this deck, tops, and it gives you a ton of evasive tokens that can also chump big fliers. Finally I wouldn't consider some sort of board wipe wholly out of the question, since it will allow you to stabilize and drop pyromancer / talrand with cloudshift mana open. The standard azorius wand combo deck generally stalls the game with multiple board wipes, accumulating a huge amount of mana and wiping the board multiple times because of archaeomancer. After all of this stalling the deck can play its entire combo in one turn, with counter mana up / a time warp.
I encourage you to stick with the Archaeomancers, but I think you can squeeze still more value out of them. Any source of recursion makes singletons relatively more valuable. A single
Peel from Reality often finds its way into my builds that run multiple archaeomancers because of the six mana repeatable bounce combo. A single
negate will find a use in most matchups, and against counterspell happy opponents it can ruin their plans and help your stuff hit the board. A single
Quicken can be used with act of treason to potentially steal an opponent's creature during combat, block, and sac to blasting station / use cloudshift. Just keep mana open and you can recur these spells at any time by cloudshifting archaeomancer. I am not saying that these are 100% the best things you should include, only that you can do some pretty awesome things with 4 archaeomancers.