Ya pretty much just Warstorm Surge and Sheoldred trying to make a combo thing with that you know like Rescue from the Underworld something like that
Babassoonist's suggestion about transitioning over to Jund seems like a good idea. Finding more cards that will fill your grave and recur cards from your grave are a good idea. Ramp will also be a good consideration since the focus of your idea is at the 6 and 7 mana range (and you should include something like
Rune-Scarred Demon to tutor the parts of the combo you need). Ramp will also allow you to put in some fatties as an alternate game plan/win condition and will provide some big triggers on warstorm. Looking at cards that increase your draw/filter would be good (not to mention chump/filler cards that are low on the CMC curve to clog up the board and allow you to transition into a late game where you can start your combo). Red can also be considered part of your removal package (instead of going the control route - just burn them out). Here are some cards you might consider:
Satyr WayfinderNecromancer's AssistantTreasured FindRescue from the UnderworldDead ReckoningSpider SpawningMasked AdmirersVengevineElvish VisionaryCultivatePhyrexian RagerViscera DraggerGraveborn MuseShockGround AssaultResounding ThunderBanefireWith Warstorm, cards like
Fling and
Undying Evil have nice synergy.
Shadowborn Demon also has nice synergy with Sheoldred (and can combo with a lot of ETB cards - even something like
Pelakka Wurm can become a twisted form of card draw/life gain).
Hopefully there's enough suggestions/ideas here to get your brain buzzing and building (and we'll see ya over in the Jund thread
). Just remember though that getting your 'combo' on line is expensive/slow and if it does come on line, games won't last longer than a turn or two (since you'll win right away).