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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:34 pm 
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Has been so far. The mana seems okay, but I feel I am having trouble with swamps. Might switch things around a little.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:56 pm 
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Has been so far. The mana seems okay, but I feel I am having trouble with swamps. Might switch things around a little.

Really? I'm getting too much black and not enough red.

I also did:

-1 Treasured Find
-1 Elvish Visionary

+2 Graveborn Muse

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:23 pm 
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How is it rolling?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:15 pm 
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How is it rolling?

I only played 3 matches.. won 2 of them. I could have won quicker if I had gotten Battledriver out on turn 4. My loss was to an Izzet burn/Kiln Fiend style deck that was able to stick two Young Pyromancers out early after I removed 2 Kiln Fiends.

I cast Muse in two of those games.. Battledriver in one. Opponents go crazy trying to remove those two cards. Siege Dragon obliterated an entire army of white weenies which was awesome.

It's running pretty good. Haven't needed Rescue yet.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:05 pm 
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Yeah, in puts insane pressure on the moment Muse or Ogre enter the board. Most decks waste a majority of its removal on those drops while forgetting that scarier things are there. Might look to take out Visionary and put in two Muses and two Bloodghast. Might interact better with Ogre while keeping the card draw.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:20 pm 
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Actually, go back to the original list and try switching two Arbor Colossus for two Graveborn Muse. Lowers the mana curve greatly while increasing card advantage.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:26 pm 
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If we are cutting Arbor Colossus (which I'm kinda scared to bc of air defense) then the third Spider Spawning should go in. We cant get run over by fliers.


-2 Colossus
-1 Visionary

+2 Muse
+1 Spawning

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:54 pm 
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Hmm, haven't had that problem yet. Plus we have spot removal via Ground Assault and Resounding Thunder. I did swap two Golgari Gates for two Rakdos and mana seems stable. Spawning only helps if creatures are in the graveyard. Try keeping one Colossus instead If that is the case. I am liking the speed without it though. And with two Spawnings in the deck, it isn't hard to just flashback it or use Treasured Find for a second use. Colossus has more utility against a single flyer versus a group. My fear with 3 Spawnings is getting one in the opening hand were it sits til say turn 6 or 7. That is why I went 2 originally.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:22 am 
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Gonna experiment a bit today. Might take out the Visionaries for the Bloodghast and Colossus. Got some time and drinking to do before friends and family arrive. Might also just keep the Muse out. While the card advantage is fun, it's only really useful for one card per turn. 4 mana for 1 card the following turn seems a bit much.

A friend at work put it to me that way and I have to agree. With so many tapped lands, she isn't coming usually until turn 5, so Colossus with its big body and removal is a better choice for this build.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:27 am 
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Might also just keep the Muse out. While the card advantage is fun, it's only really useful for one card per turn. 4 mana for 1 card the following turn seems a bit much.

A friend at work put it to me that way and I have to agree.

I haven't been following the build so can't speak to that nor can I say whether Muse is a proper fit there but I do want to quickly curb the logic being used with Graveborn Muse. 2 cards a turn (or if you want to look at it as 1 additional card for every turn that Muse is alive) is a huge deal and always has been in magic. Right now, things like Outpost Siege (Khans) are it's card advantage equivalent and are seeing play in Standard.

If you can fit card draw/advantage into a deck without sacrificing/hurting anything, you do. End of story.



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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:38 am 
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That's where I'm at with it Elk. It isn't like Muse only draws you one card ever. With Necromancers assistant out.. its 2 cards per turn also.

If you get board wiped.. she will get you out of it. The only other cards in the deck that will are the two spawnings and Sheoldred.

I hate having a deck with no source of card advantage. It's such a huge advantage to have more resources than your opponent.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:03 pm 
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Yeah, I have rode to victory on the coattails of muse many of times. 2+ turns of drawing extra cards is awesome and a 3/3 body with that 4 cost is fine in this format too.



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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:49 pm 
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Hmm, that is true. Gonna test some things out to see what is rocking. I do like the card draw the muse offers, but a 6/6 body with removal for a mana more might work better. Gonna keep testing to see what might work better. Muse would lower the mana curve a great deal. Still taking suggestions though.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:57 pm 
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As much as we all love Elvish Visionary.. maybe we could trim down on her for actual quality.. like Griselbrand.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:09 pm 
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[manapie 90 -w -u b r g][/manapie]

The Reanimator

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (24 :creature: , 12 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature24 cards
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Graveborn Muse3/3
Ogre Battledriver3/3
Arbor Colossus6/6
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Stormbreath Dragon4/4
Inferno Titan6/6
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Siege Dragon5/5
Spell12 cards
Ground Assault
Treasured Find
Resounding Thunder
Rescue from the Underworld
Spider Spawning
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate
Savage Lands

This is what I got so far.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:35 pm 
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Just tested two games, that really hurts the opening hand.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:29 pm 
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good sample size!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:32 pm 
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[manapie 90 -w -u b r g][/manapie]

The Reanimator

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (24 :creature: , 12 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature24 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Graveborn Muse3/3
Ogre Battledriver3/3
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Stormbreath Dragon4/4
Inferno Titan6/6
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Siege Dragon5/5
Spell12 cards
Ground Assault
Treasured Find
Dead Reckoning
Resounding Thunder
Spider Spawning
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate
Savage Lands

Alright, playing around with it a bit, I think I got something solid. While I love Underworld, it isn't doing what I am wanting in this build. I put the Vissonaries back because it really does help start the deck up when you don't have a Satyr in hand first. Gives 8 2 drops, so we are starting things up before turn 3. I put in Dead Reckoning in as a means to draw from the graveyard as much as removal. Seems to be working better than Underworld and with less mana cost. As much as I love Colossus, Muse won over. Let me know what you think of the changes.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:40 pm 
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good sample size!

Mulled down to 4 cards each game because I couldn't start anything before turn 4 and lost both games. Pretty good sample to me. :P

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:42 pm 
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But you can quickly do 30 games versus random deck and record down how the mulligans went (just concede after you decide to keep your hand). Then you REALLY know what's what. :)

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