Alright, here is my revamped Reanimator with Red goodness added.
The deck is for the most part a Graveyard Deck with a subtheme of Spider Spawning. Now for the breakdown of the deck:
Elvish Missonary is pretty straight up card draw. It's job is just to put another card in my hand and die as a blocker in most cases. Sure, not super impressive, but it's good at what is does.
Satyr Wayfinder and Necromancer's Assistant are the graveyard engine. Satyr finds the land while Assistant helps fill up the graveyard faster to give me for goodies to reanimate.
Ogre Battledriver is a beast in this deck. He has honestly been a workhorse for a deal of the success of this deck. Why do I say that? The moment he enters the battlefield, any creature that enters there after has instant effect on the board state. Missionary suddenly is a 3/1 with haste that also draws a card. Assistant is a 5/1 with haste. Titan is an 8/6 with haste that can spread 6 damage around the board as it likes as it attacks. As you can see, this combos awesomely with a lot of cards. It works even better with Sheoldred, because at the start of your turn, at the first least, you have a 3/1 with haste that either draws you a card, or fuels your graveyard to bring out even nastier things.
Arbor Colossus and Shadowborn Demon offered a few methods of removal while still presenting a creature that can either fuel Spiderspawning or slam in for the win. There has been more than one time I have used a Shadowborn fueled by Ogre to remove the blocker and swing in for the win. Colossus is perfect removal for the things that Shadowborn can't touch, aka Demons.
Stormbreath Dragon is another example of just a fun card. The haste and protection from White are nothing to sneeze at. Where it really starts to hurt it it's monstrous ability. Control decks cringe when he goes Monstrous, because all of those Thick Twices and Inspirations just add to the damage of him swinging in as a 7/7.
Inferno Titan is a nightmare in general. Already tossing 3 damage where you like and then being able to pump him is awesome. Pulling him from the graveyard with Sheoldred and having Ogre trigger has caused more then a few people to rage quiet on the times I have pulled him out of the graveyard.
Pelakka Wurm is another fun creature. Trample, lifegain, and a card when he leaves? Best friend ever!
Sheoldred. Pretty much it goes like this: Play Sheoldred, win. She is easily the scariest card in the format, and there are so many ways to bring her back from the graveyard that she is a pure out good time.
Siege Dragon is my answer to token decks. While I only play one because of his mana cost, but his effects are insane. Instantly destroy any wall as he enters the board, then 2 damage to any creature without flying as cleaned up a token deck more than once for me. I am debating putting in the second copy, just not sure what I would cut.
Ground Assault and Resounding Thunder are my removal and the reason to go into Red to begin with. Both are easily some of the best removal in the game, specially with these colors. 7+ mana is not hard to get, and that usually means instant death for most creatures on the board via Ground Assault. Instants damage via Thunder and being able to pump it to double the damage and draw a card is just sweet.
Treasured Find is straight utility card for me. It gives me extra copies of anything in my deck. It's not far stretched to pull back out Ground Assault, or use Spider Spawning again. I can grab Sheoldred after she was removed, or if needed, grab that last land I need to drop my bomb next turn. It's a great card and far too often overlooked IMO.
Rescue From The Underworld is another card I feel does not get enough love. A turn 5 Siege Dragon can end a Token Deck's advance next turn unless you are running Ogre. Sac a Pelakka Wurm for another Pelakka Wurm. You just drew a card, got 14 life, and have two 7/7 tramplers for 5 mana. Not a bad turn of events.
Spider Spawning, finally. So, you get slammed by that Planar Cleansing after busting your butt to get all of those scary and awesome creatures onto the board. Cool, pop this either form your hand or graveyard, and just win. A scary combo I have put together involves Ogre Battledriver. Long and short of it, last game I popped a Spider Spawning on turn 6, got 8 3/2 spiders with haste which I swung all in save for the Ogre. They had 3 life left. I Flashbacked Spider Swarm to have 16 spiders going in, just in case they had anything to stop my previous 8. Very good card, and Treasured Find in essence gives you 8 copies if you include flashback.
I am kinda on rails on the mana. I don't like 12 tap lands, but I have been making due.
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?