My take on the Selfmill archetype.
I wanted to avoid running mill cards like
Tome Scour and
Chill of Foreboding.
Instead I'm relying on
Hedron Crab,
Satyr Wayfinder and
Necromancer's Assistant.
Species Gorger can be used to recur them for more reliable selfmill.
The deck is also maximizing the number of creatures for Spider Spawning and Nemesis of Mortals.
The deck has 3 main winconditions:
Nemesis of MortalsI don't expect this to kill the opponent. It's more a distraction that they have to deal with that buys us some time.
Haven't cast it for more than two mana yet.
Spider SpawningThis is the real wincondition. This is a great home for this card and it shores up our weakness to fliers.
Laboratory ManiacThis card is in the deck for stylepoints and will often be unneeded. It can be good against deck with a lot of sweepers or counterspells that stop the Spider plan.
This is easier to sneak under a counterspell and in combination with Think Twice can win a game on the spot.
If they try to bounce him in response to Think Twice you can flashback a second Think Twice, so use those sparingly near the lategame.
There's some more card draw with
Graveborn Muse,
Think Twice and
Elvish Visionary, which works well with the Gorger too.
Brain Maggot provides some disruption, which the deck lacks otherwise. Species Gorger allows you to switch cards if they draw something better.
Finally I've decided to include
Gravediggerin the "flex slot". Other cards I considered were:
Archaeomancer is sweet if you can return a Spider Spawning for an extra shot, but the double blue in the casting cost was a little prohibitive.
Reclamation Sage is awesome with Species Gorger, but we are going pretty all in on our plan, so I don't know if this deck wants to spend many slots on disruption.
Shadowborn Demon would be a much needed removal spell and threat at the same time, the deck already has a decent amount of 5-drops however.
Gravedigger allows us to get back key cards like Hedron Crab, Laboratory Maniac or Species Gorger (which combos very nicely with it too).
The deck isn't running any expensive spells since we really want to flash back a Spider Spawning on T7 and T8 anyways, and not many cards will be better than making 10-15 spiders.