Hmm, all definitely sound advice! But I'm not too keen on cutting
Wrecking Ogre, as I feel he's one of the cornerstones of the "surprise"-theme.
Then don't. I mentioned:
and then tightly look at which fatties you really want to play for your theme (cause it looks like you're trying to have them all
Ultimately it's your build that you want to play so definitely run the guys you want!
I know 22 lands looks atrocious with this curve, but I for one really love the Ingots, and count them as the other 3 lands, which can be cast the same turn as another land. Maybe I went a bit overboard with the taplands, but I'm not too worried about being a turn behind, as long as I get to cast the stuff I need later on.
It doesn't 'look' atrocious. It IS atrocious.
Hitting your land/mana/ramp drops every turn is probably the most important aspect of a fatty deck. You want to keep the Ingots, then go nuts! Just keep in mind that you have to actually hit your 3 lands to cast it (and then it acts as one additional land but doesn't add/draw more). 22 lands can cause you to miss draws and play your 3rd land a couple turns later than T3. 10 Tap lands can cause you to play your Ingots/ramp on turns 4 or 5 which can put you way behind. Not having any chump blockers can further cost you. All of it together is a recipe for disaster.
The elves are a must for me in any green deck, as I see them as basically allowing 56-card decks, and thus further decreasing chances of mana problems. Satyr's are nice too, of course. Though I am extremely vulnerable early on, even if I hit the elves..
I'm not sure I follow here. I wasn't implying there were concerns with Visionary. I was saying it's your only early turn play therefore you're only defense until much later in the game. That's a huge concern. If you're fortunate to hit one, you've only got a 1/1 to hold your board until you get to 5 or 6 mana. It's not to say that games won't happen where you get 2 or 3 of them or you hit one visionary and then right into ramp or you're fortunate to keep hitting land drops up to playing fatties but the odds are stacked against you.
The question you need to ask yourself is how do I consistently get to fatty land. You're land counts/ tap lands and lack of low end curve may work from time to time but it's the consistency that is the concern. Also be subjective when grading your win/loss ratio as validation of deck performance. A lot of folks seem to say "oh I went 10-1 or 20-0 etc etc" and don't gauge the experience of their opponent or the caliber/ consistency of the opponent's deck. Spend time recording your own deck results to see how well it's preforming. Record how often you have a board state before turn X, how often you miss land drops, what turns do you actually get to play your ramp on etc etc. Those sorts of measurements will give you a much better indication of how consistent your deck is and therefore how likely it is to be competitive against folks who actually have a clue.
I once again refer to
Hakeem's channel when I say this. You'll see that he shows you all the opponents that can come up when playing games (instead of cherry picking games) and there is a steady stream of chaff. It doesn't retract from Hakeem's skill but it doesn't accurately reflect the strength of a build/archetype until he faces a decent opponent. Hopefully it's just a little food for thought.