16v1: I didn't bother to figure out what people were all on about with Unlife. *reads card* Oh. I knew I should have switched to
Desert. (0-6)
16v2: Gargadon is faster and my discard doesn't matter. Yikes! (0-6)
Energy Field was the first deck I thought of. Descent removes your win condition's ability to win. (6-0)
16v4: Ugh. Stupid tech. (0-6)
16v5: I don't feel the burn of the tokens when I play first, thankfully. On the draw, I get smacked for 5 right away. However, I just storm in with all the tokens, lose 1, play Descent, and drive you to 0 life on the upkeep right before you'd kill me. (6-0)
16v6: Classic whoever goes first wins scenario. WHY DIDN'T I PLAY
16v7: I quickly over-run War-Riders without the need to feel the upkeep pain. (6-0)
16v8: Thanks for the dudes! (6-0)
16v9: See 16v5, then do the math with me attacking an first opportunity. (6-0)
16v10: See 16v9. So many Phantasms! (6-0)
16v11: Ignoring the format is just rude! >.< (0-6)
16v12: Since you can't cast Shadow until Tuesday, and I make you discard it every other day of the week, it doesn't really get in there. (6-0)
16v13: My version is better.
16v14: So many Gargadons! WHY WASN'T I INFORMED??? (0-6)
16v15: Haha, BURN! (6-0)
16v17: Way more Chancellors this wekk than I anticipated. I need to get a new groundhog. (0-6)
16v18: If I start, I make a crucial piece go away. I don't get that luxury on the draw, though. You easily outrace me. (3-3)
16v19: Your Orchard would have given me the win had I been able to still cast Descent when you played first. We should have played
Desert or
Quicksand instead. (3-3)
16v20: I can't outrace Elixir, you can't damage me a all. (2-2)
16v21: Nifty on the play, but pretty awful on the draw. I've done the math on Orchard as a kill condition and in case anyone wants to know how it works: you activate Orchard the first four times on your own turn, the fifth on your opponent's turn, and the sixth on your own again, which goes exactly 20. Anyway, I can wait until you've given me two tokens and you've taken excess damage, then Wasteland your Orchard. (6-0)