So.. the conversation in the 'Let's talk about cards' thread got me thinking about how to actually get decent value out of
Utvara Hellkite. My tiny brain could only think of one way..
Counterlash. Before the DLC.. Kozliek was the only card really worth Counterlashing out in my opinion. I think Utvara Hellkite also is worth it and here's why: They both add 12 power to the board for your 6 mana investment. When you cheat out Hellkite, your opponent is likely going to be tapped out or close to tapped out. Hellkite will enter on their turn, allowing you to untap, attack right away to generate your first 6/6 token, and protect the whole thing with counter magic. If he and his token both stick for the next turn.. its GG. 24 power in the air is too much for pretty much any deck to come back from. The other option is the cheat out Kozilek and annihilate their ass off, while drawing a bunch of cards.
So.. yeah. Jam Young Peezy when you can protect him, use his tokens to generate pressure or give a large presence of chump blockers, use Anger of the Gods if Peezy isn't in your hand. Those represent your 5 early answers to aggro. Then.. just play Izzet control until you can get some bombs online.
Mahamoti Djinn and
Soul of Ravnica are just bodies.. but they stop Baneslayer. block well and hit hard.
Shivan Dragon is better than I thought. By the time you cast it.. you can add another 4-5 damage of firebreathing to it's attack power. It really generates a lot of damage if unanswered.
Siege Dragon still sucks though.. and I can't slot
Phantasmal Dragon because it dies to a paper cut. That just leaves us with God-tier
Stormbreath Dragon as the only other viable dragon.
Inferno Titan needs no explaination.
The deck plays pretty well. Lots of instants and play on your opponent's end step. I'd like some bounce effects or ways to kill bombs (namely
Terra Stomper).. but I don't know what I'd cut for enough of them. I know I can drop 1
Nullify.. but after that.. I dunno. I really want to keep the full suite of draw cards.. they are imperative to getting to 6+ mana.
I'd love input from the community. You guys are awesome!