After some testing.. Suffer was bad. It was a dead card in 2 out of 3 times it showed up.
Another thing happened... I got my faced wrecked by turn 3 Brimaz bc of his vigilance. So.. Assassinate is back on the chopping block. The only way I could've dealt with him was chumping my board.
A friend of mine suggested putting in
Cruel Sadist.. and so far it has been really good here. By herself she beats Raise the Alarm and Krenko's Command (block, tap, lose 1 life, become a 2/2, eat a token, and the other one won't attack). The card grows as the match wears on.. as much as I need it to. This extra health cost has increased the need for more lifegain though.. so Dead Weight got cut in favor of Elk's
Vicious Hunger. I don't like it as much as Dead Weight.. but its health gain is needed. But.. the real reason to add Cruel Sadist is synergy with Paragon of Open Graves. For 6 mana, I can get reusable
Flesh to Dusts. This combo is awesome for wrecking bombs.. but it's mana intensive. In fact.. the whole deck is becoming mana intensive, so I cut something else and put in a 24th land. I'm not sure that's the right call bc I started flooding out.
Thoughts on Cruel Sadist?
We are also trying out Indulgent Tormentor. With all the lord effects.. his 3 toughness is less of an issue. If he sticks.. he is a massive boon for this deck, unless I'm against token spam. I really want Sheoldred in here.. but.. dat cost!