After much time in the deck editor and some field testing, I've come up with a deck featuring
Timberwatch Elf. Any deck with Timberwatch needs a certain density of elves to make him work, but I didn't want to build so heavily around him that it was the sole focus of the deck. To that end I included
Advocate of the Beast, which provided the deck with another avenue of card choices to explore.
The main theme of the deck is evasion plus pump.
Here is the manchild of the Timberwatch/Advocate union:
Spire Tracer is a cheap Elf that fits the curve and evasion plan.
Elvish Visionary is pretty much a no-brainer in any Elf-themed deck because it's cheap and cantrips.
Selesnya Evangel is really here just because of the curve and creature type, but she is very solid and provides a lot of long-term advantage if not removed.
Advocate of the Beast has solid stats in this
Shock-heavy metagame, is an elf for Timberwatch, and has tremendous value if you can stick a Beast next to him.
Battering Krasis isn't the greatest card, but it has trample out of the box and grows via Evolve and Advocate. Evasion is key here.
Timberwatch Elf is the build-around card and works wonderfully with the flying and trample to push through damage. The 1/2 body is actually pretty decent, too, because it evolves Battering Krasis.
Brimaz because yeah.
Primal Huntbeast is really good here because the hexproof makes him a fairly safe target for the Advocate counters and it makes sure you don't get blown out when you cast a Hunter's Prowess. If nothing else, it's a ton of lifegain with a Battlegrace Angel on board.
Baneslayer Angel because yeah.
Battlegrace Angel is insane here, take my word for it. With the deck's evasion and access to pumps from Timberwatch, you will be pushing through a ton of damage while gaining a ton of life. Crazy card in this deck.
Hunter's Prowess is a very strong card but weak to disruption. Primal Huntbeast mitigates the risk, though, because now you can play it when your opponent is tapped out or just slam it on your hexproof dude without worry. I hear drawing cards is good, too.
Terra Stomper is a Beast. Enough said.
Criticism is welcomed.