babassoonist - I did not think of Banefire. I like it. Possible cuts include a dissolve or edict.
Elk - let me use an analogy. Aggro decks are submarines. Many people sail around in destroyers, because of their anti-torpedo flares (e.g. shock or chump blockers) they feel safer against submarines, but in many pitched battles they need depth charges to hit, which are not completely reliable (low copies of sweepers). After building a bunch of destroyer decks, I have discovered that there are not enough submarines to justify sailing around in a destroyer deck. So I opted to build a battleship that is good specifically against other slow ships. I still have depth charges which will often sink a sub, but I have enough armor plating above the waterline that I do not fear the destroyers. Basically this is an anti-meta deck for steam, I appreciate your good intent but your post was not helpful.
Lockhammer - Shiftscape can start with one demon, fetch a cloudshift, shift the demon, get the cloudshift back via archaeomancer and then shift the demon again in order to fetch the wand, but needs another cloudshift to start using the combo to its fullest. The wand is pretty slow without cloudshift #2. This combo requires 20 mana and 2 cards.
In the early game, I can do the same thing, demon > cloudshift > archaeomancer > cloudshift demon > species gorger. At this point I can start tutoring one card or recurring one spell per turn. This combo requires 18 mana and
one card. Sheoldred does the same thing for no mana later on in the game. Shiftscape has no way of protecting the wand and would have to wait for Kozilek to die and reshuffle, and then wait to draw either the two demons or the wand again. I have any of six cards to start my combo again. . . . and again . . . and again. But my approach with this deck is generally to apply pressure until my opponent's resources are fairly exhausted before I drop my combo - this can happen quickly vs aggro or more slowly vs control.
No one has said a thing about the self mill. Here is one comparison. Shiftscape has 7 cantrip creatures and 3 inspirations, for a total of 13 total draw power, spread across 10 cards - total mana cost 26. Even without using Peel from Reality, Species Gorger or Sheoldred to recur my satyrs, they have a self-mill power of 16 - total mana cost 8, total draw power 4 (its a 90% chance to get a land). Obviously you won't cast all these spells every game. If you add my seven recursion spells (not including Sheoldred) my total looks like 16 mill power, 11 total "draw" power, spread across 11 cards, total mana cost 28. In many ways this is an apples to oranges comparison. But basically I swapped a suite of cantrip chumps and inspirations for mill chumps and recursion spells. My combination of mill / recursion can be less consistent initially, but as the game goes on I get to re-use my choicest cards, while "draw" spells will continue to fire at random.
I do want to point out that recursion has more early game utility than you may think. Turn 3 cultivate, turn 4 treasured find into cultivate is an excellent early play, similarly if I get even one sweeper I can lean on that one card via recursion. Skilled aggro players often dump their hand after the first sweeper.
I will continue to welcome any feedback, but really there are a few areas I need to work on:
Mana base. Right now I think I can cast all the spells I need 90% of the time by land drop 5, which could improve. A hand full of trilands can greatly slow me down, I really want at least 1 basic in my opening hand. While I like Ingot as a source of ramp, swapping it out for traveller's amulet would allow for more consistent basic land drops on turn 3 and thus more consistent cultivates.
Right now I am at 12 W, 7 B, 7 U, 7 R, and 14 G, plus the ingots. Dealing with this manabase can be excruciating but I can usually make it work, planning my land drops several turns in advance. The thing I want most right now is more blue mana and possibly more red mana for early anger. 7 Black has been more than enough and I have never had an issue with 12 white. Green is fine but I wouldn't want it much lower. The Trilands are great for multiple colors but I feel I have very little room for tweaking, since any gate would lose me a mana symbol.
Self mill. How do I jam more self mill in my deck without watering down its power level? Is seance worth it for extra Satyr mills? Is Peel from Reality a good choice here, or too unreliable?
Fatties. I am completely sold on what I am running right now except perhaps my lifegain fatties, 2x Pellaka and 1x Resolute angel. I am considering replacing one of these with
Soul of Ravinica, which could draw me 3 cards but seems kind of situational. If I have multiple creatures on the board it is because I haven't been wiping > I am winning. Board stalls are rare for me.
Masked Admirers. When this card is good, it is amazing. Sometimes I play long, drawn out games vs control decks where I wipe the board repeatedly. Masky is a great creature to commit to the board to force an answer, because 3 damage / turn is enough of a clock. My problem is that he is a huge mana sink - I normally cast RSD at 8, with one for cloudshift, but masky makes that cost 10.