I've put some time into this little baby.. I really enjoy it.
There are a lot of ways to finish the opponent here:
Lots of black bodies for an aggro plan, backed up by lord effects (Paragon/Hall) and combat tricks (Undying Evil, Ulcerate). Bloodflow gets a decent size on her if Bloodghast is around.
A reach plan with Kalastria Highborn and her vampire buddies.. easily recurrable damage/sac fodder with Bloodghast. If they don't block the Ghast, it hurts, especially once pumped with lord effects, if they do block he takes a chump. If they kill it, its 2 to the face and 2 life gained from Highborn. Its 4 to the face with Sanguine Bond out. Speaking of which.. there is a decent amount of lifegain in this deck.. Sanguine Bond will finish the game without Blood Tribute, and the incremental damage from dead vamps, Hakeem's favorite Radiant Fountains, Child of Night (whose damage from bond goes up with Lord effects and Undying Evil counters) can really put the opponent on their heels. Blood Tribute even without Sanguine Bond is a staggering blow.. let me say that again.. A STAGGERING BLOW. Half your life total out of nowhere in one spell is a huge, huge shot in the face.. and that's without kicking it. Its common to cast Blood Tribute, decimate their health then alpha strike.. not caring if they counter attack bc you just sucked half their health out of their total and into yours. Bloodflow Connoisseur is the enabler of a reach-based alpha strike. If the board stalls and you have a lot of vamps, Kalastria Highborn, Sanguine Bond, etc. you can launch an all out assault on their health total. This is best done after a Blood Tribute if you have that option available the previous turn. It's a very powerful answer to a stalled board.
Everyone knows Blood Tribute/Sanguine Bond on a vamp is GG.. and its so awesome when in happens.. and it happens pretty regularly. It accounts for about 1/3 of my wins.. with the aggro/reach plan winning the other 2/3.
The removal package is pretty good. Dead Weight for neutering resolved bombs offering more favorable blocks, also.. killing all the bad 2/2s. Ulcerate for the same thing.. instant removal.. two-for-one-ing combo and enchantment decks. Assassinate for anything that can't answer.. like the Baneslayer that keeps smashing your face.. that your force can't touch (no air units in the whole deck). Paragon of Open Graves can also give deathtouch for 3 mana.. which comes in handy vs resolved ground bombs like all Green's big dudes. Its great attacking over and over with Bloodghasts into a board of bombs who let it through bc they're scared to block.
This deck wins.. it really does. I feel it might be a bad matchup to countermagic decks (once they see Bond go down, they will hold counter mana open eternally) but I haven't run into any yet that could answer. If they run a lot of counters, I just keep on the aggro plan, dropping bodies every turn or two, recurring Bloodghasts with land drops.. if it doesn't get exiled.
Looking forward to the feedback from you fellas. I hope some of you try this out. I'm about 33-4 with it.