Looks cool eon, but I wonder if you shouldn't be playing some of the cheaper pump spells like Titanic Growth to force through more damage with the Wolves. I'm also not sold on Galvanic Arc because it doesn't buff your dudes, and the Wolves could really use a power boost so that they're unblockable. Lightning Talons feels like it is possibly a better choice.
I also get the Wolf Tribal theme, but don't really think Howlgeist is good enough at six mana. I think I'd rather just play Terra Stomper for that price, especially since Anger of the Gods just makes you look silly. If you want to stay on theme, though, then I can understand that. You could go a little wild, though, and play Mischief and Mayhem at the top of the curve. With your unblockable Wolves and Gnarlids, it is a huge punch to your opponent's face and probably lethal if he can't respond to it.
I'm also not sold on Visionary here, I think you want a more aggressive card in your two-drop slot. Shortcutter fits the unblockable theme, but you could also play Furor of the Bitten for a flavorful card that would look pretty good on a Wandering Wolf or Aura Gnarlid.
Just some random thoughts.
The deck was originally mono
and ran 3x
Primal Bellow but I cut them when I decided to add
into the deck. I considered
Titanic Growth but didnt really put much thought into it. That may be a good call!
Galvanic Arc was another inclusion in the deck when I added
the deck was originally running
Prey Upon as its only removal, and with the current creature base it just wasn't very reliable (even with
Primal Bellow) early on when you really needed it to. The first swap in was
Shock, and I considered running
Resounding Thunder since I was already running the Jund lands and could potentially cycle it.
Galvanic Arc seemed to be a better option though as it did the same thing early on and also helped progress the Gnarlid plan. I didn't even consider
Lightning Talons to be honest with you. I may have to test that. I forgot that card even existed, evidenced by the fact I considered
Furor of the Bitten/
Maniacal Rage and didn't even notice it!
I agree with you completely on Visionary. It was mostly included because I didn't know what else to put in those spots and I figured it nothing else it helps to keep the Wolf fuel flowing. These are probably the most suspect inclusions in the deck. I wish we had another cheap Wolf in the game, Shortcutter is probably the way to go without it though.
As for
Howlgeist he was included mostly because he fits the Wolf theme, but he actually hasn't worked out too bad. There isn't a TON of exile effects in the format, so he holds up pretty well to removal because of Undying. He also attacks through basically everything that isn't a Wurm or a Demon, which can be nice. He is another Wolf for
Raised by Wolves and actually makes a pretty good target for the decks Aura/pump spells.....I do wish he didn't cost 6 though.
Mischief and Mayhem seems like it could be fun to mess around with if nothing else.