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PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:17 pm 
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I agree, and I think the cycling on Dragger is extremely strong in this deck because it is cheap and lets you build your graveyard.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:10 am 
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So in case you weren't aware, I dislike Rescue from the Underworld. The addition of Craterhoof has me rethinking it, though, because that is just a ridiculous play that would be fun to pull off. The problem I have with the card here is that building a big enough graveyard to reliably get a T5 fatty is difficult to do. I was never a fan of Spider decks splashing blue because the deck felt more like a combo deck and the idea of "Spiders or bust" didn't really appeal to me.

But if we're going to build around Rescue from the Underworld, I think adding Hedron Crabs and Archaeomancers (to retrieve milled Rescues) into the mix is probably where we want to be.

The idea of killing someone with pumped up Crabs and Archaeomancers is also very appealling to me.

To be clear, I still don't like Rescue from the Underworld, but I think Sultai is the best home for it and I'm going to try playing the card again.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:43 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
But if we're going to build around Rescue from the Underworld, I think adding Hedron Crabs and Archaeomancers (to retrieve milled Rescues) into the mix is probably where we want to be.

There's one problem - Rescue from the Underworld gets exiled after cast :<

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:51 am 
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I said milled Rescues. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:17 am 
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Oh, stupid me :)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:42 pm 
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This is a deck created by Harmless Brew and tweaked by me. I think black and green were very strong before but this dlc made it crazy good.

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]

BG Good Stuff

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (29 :creature: , 7 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 12 cards
Brain Maggot1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Treasured Find
Cost 7 cards
Phyrexian Rager2/2
Cost 4 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Masked Admirers3/2
Cost 3 cards
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Rescue from the Underworld
Cost 6 cards
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Cost 2 cards
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Cost 2 cards
Genesis Hydra0/0
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

There is a lack of good removal in these colours but with brain maggot, shadow born demon and Sheoldred you can answer the important things. Not to mention pelakka wurm keeps you in the game vs aggro and craterhoof behemoth is just insane.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:45 pm 
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:dropjaw: Monk, that curve. :dropjaw:

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:52 pm 
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Lol you should have seen it before rager was added. It does work though, you just get there with all of the card draw.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:01 pm 
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I've seen better curves on a runway

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:55 pm 
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Posted a gameplay with my take on Golgari Graveyard.

A lot of games are won on the back of early pressure backed with infinite card advantage.
Green/black has reached the point of having more card draw than blue in this game.

Also, Craterhoof is a fair card.

Deck Techs and Gameplays:

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:46 am 
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Monk, I like the inclusion of the Brain Maggots. They give intel, remove a card, or draw removal.
I'm not sold on Masked Admirers and even moreso on Phyrexian Rager. Do you need that much draw?
Liliana's Specter would provide more disruption and also gives you an early flyer, something this deck can definitely use. Arbor Colossus would also give you some flyer protection, besides being a huge 5 drop.
Reclamation Sage can also help you stay in the game long enough against Heroic decks to cast your Wurms, and can help you out in the grindier games against Angelic Accord/Seance/Sanguine Bond.

Just my 2 cents, I know you build awesome decks :D

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:01 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I'm making a new post for this deck because I've featured it on YouTube and I want to be able to link to it from there.

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]

Golgari Swarm

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (30 :creature: , 6 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 8 cards
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Cost 8 cards
Elder of Laurels2/3
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Dead Reckoning
Cost 6 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Viscera Dragger3/3
Cost 6 cards
Arbor Colossus6/6
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Spider Spawning
Cost 3 cards
Nemesis of Mortals5/5
Cost 5 cards
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

I swore I saw you indicating that you added Sheoldred, Whispering One to this list but I'm curious what you cut. Did you fit in Craterhoof Behemoth anywhere?

Actually on this topic, I'm curious about a lot of folks' decks and how they updated their old lists but haven't seen that many update posts (more like folks building new decks around the DLC cards). I'd personally like to see some of these decks get updated/reposted just to spin/test them.



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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:11 pm 
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I put Sheoldred in and cut back to two Draggers, but I think I'm going to actually cut one of the Rune-Scarred Demons. I can't cut Wurms because the life is too important when I'm relying on Graveborn Muse and Sheoldred is a tutor of sorts. Plus she's removal.

I don't think Behemoth is necessary here, Elder works just fine and is a three-drop. Behemoth is flashy here, no doubt, but my curve is heavy enough.

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:19 pm 
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Monk1410 wrote:
This is a deck created by Harmless Brew and tweaked by me. I think black and green were very strong before but this dlc made it crazy good.

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]

BG Good Stuff

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (29 :creature: , 7 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 12 cards
Brain Maggot1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Treasured Find
Cost 7 cards
Phyrexian Rager2/2
Cost 4 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Masked Admirers3/2
Cost 3 cards
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Rescue from the Underworld
Cost 6 cards
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Cost 2 cards
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Cost 2 cards
Genesis Hydra0/0
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate

There is a lack of good removal in these colours but with brain maggot, shadow born demon and Sheoldred you can answer the important things. Not to mention pelakka wurm keeps you in the game vs aggro and craterhoof behemoth is just insane.

Considering the curve, I was quite surprised with how well this deck handled.

It did seem to use the grave well and it really only had Shadowborn Demon and Satyr Wayfinder to fill it (along with aggressive swings/ trading). I wonder if any other grave filler cards might be considered?

I have to say that Masked Admirers was a champ in this deck and was super easy to recur (makes me think there should be a deck w/ Bloodghast and Vengevine focusing on this recursion aspect)

Sheoldred is just a super star card in this pool and shined in this deck too (great synergy with Shadowborn/ Wayfinder which is why I was thinking stuff like the Assistant).

Griselbrand was overkill and not really needed so in my opinion I'd shelf him. Genesis Hydra was great for flood and when ramped but it was a dead card early or if it hit the bin (unless you had your 1 copy of treasured find). In the grand scheme of things it could be correct but I'm going to drop it to test another 'good stuff' card. Even though Graterhoof is fun, I'm not even sure it's needed here either (of course it wins the turn it's played but I was often ahead at those points anyway). I'm going to keep using him for now though.

I'm currently testing it with +1 Phrexian Rager and +2 Arbor Colossus over Grisel and the Hydras.



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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:52 pm 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I put Sheoldred in and cut back to two Draggers, but I think I'm going to actually cut one of the Rune-Scarred Demons. I can't cut Wurms because the life is too important when I'm relying on Graveborn Muse and Sheoldred is a tutor of sorts. Plus she's removal.

I don't think Behemoth is necessary here, Elder works just fine and is a three-drop. Behemoth is flashy here, no doubt, but my curve is heavy enough.

Based on my testing of Monk's deck and having run your Spawning deck a fair amount, I really think there's a variant there to run Bloodghast and Masked Admirers along with Sheoldred and Vengevine for a recursion subtheme.

I'm looking at using your deck shell and adding

+2 Bloodghast (I know it doesn't curve but focusing on the recursion instead)
+2 Masked Admirers
+1 Sheoldred, Whispering One
adding back in the last Viscera Dragger

I'd be willing to cut:

Nemesis of Mortals (great card here but again going with the recursion subtheme)
Rune-Scarred Demon (hate to lose the tutor but will hope the additional draw/cycle will help)

I'm also thinking it should be +1 Elder of Laurels because of cutting the tutor but I'm not sure (or maybe that should be the final cut?). Regardless this still leaves me +1 (possibly +2) cards at the moment before testing.




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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:46 am 
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I updated my version of the Golgari Spider Spawning deck here.

The main changes were to go back to full set of Viscera Draggers to increase early game consistency. With the addition of Sheoldred and Craterhoof, I had to cut the Rune-Scarred Demons because the curve was so bloated. Pelakka Wurm could not be cut because I am relying on Graveborn Muse a lot. I cut the Elder of Laurels because his value as a singleton in a deck without the Demons was diminished so Craterhoof now occupies that slot. It's better with Sheoldred and Dead Reckoning and this deck has no problems reaching eight mana to hardcast it.

This version of the deck is more early-game beatdown oriented with a Spider backup plan.

Criticism is welcomed.

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:50 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
I updated my version of the Golgari Spider Spawning deck here.

The main changes were to go back to full set of Viscera Draggers to increase early game consistency. With the addition of Sheoldred and Craterhoof, I had to cut the Rune-Scarred Demons because the curve was so bloated. Pelakka Wurm could not be cut because I am relying on Graveborn Muse a lot. I cut the Elder of Laurels because his value as a singleton in a deck without the Demons was diminished so Craterhoof now occupies that slot. It's better with Sheoldred and Dead Reckoning and this deck has no problems reaching eight mana to hardcast it.

This version of the deck is more early-game beatdown oriented with a Spider backup plan.

Criticism is welcomed.

The deck was a beast before and adding in Sheoldred just makes it nuts. Craterhoof is just a win when it's played. I'll be interested to see if losing the tutor will be an issue though. The deck is a boss but when you get to the stalled boards, it was nice to go and find the win or at least find the thing that breaks the board.



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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:30 pm 
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I never liked dragger, too low impact. This is my current list. I want some removal but all the options are so bad. The main plan vs aggro is chump block until the bombs come out. You win most games through behemoth, just have to stall until then.

I took brain maggot out of my Jund deck because I wanted more removal but with the lack of good removal it fits right in here. It is great at disrupting your opponents plan and buying you time to stabilise.

[manapie 90 -w -u b -r g][/manapie]

Golgari Spiders

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (27 :creature: , 9 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Cost 13 cards
Brain Maggot1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Satyr Wayfinder1/1
Treasured Find
Cost 8 cards
Necromancer's Assistant3/1
Cost 4 cards
Graveborn Muse3/3
Masked Admirers3/2
Cost 4 cards
Shadowborn Demon5/6
Spider Spawning
Cost 6 cards
Pelakka Wurm7/7
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Sheoldred, Whispering One6/6
Cost 1 card
Craterhoof Behemoth5/5
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Savage Lands

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:57 pm 
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I think you would be surprised by Dead Reckoning in this archetype, it is better than Treasured Find in my opinion. Dragger has great synergy with that plan because it feeds the graveyard and the extra draw power is really strong. I'm not sure you need Cultivate, but your curve is pretty high so I'm sure it's playable here.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:36 am 
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Putting in the "foot" is cute and all but seriously don't you think elder is seriously the better option there?? It's another early body helping get you to the late game that can still win you the late game just as easily.. (If not easier)



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