I suggested Ascension 2 pages back:
and just want alternatives to Asha's Favor and the original
Ordeal of Heliod, then why not
Armored Ascension?
I'll run some more tests with it but I will say that Asha's Favor can be on curve with a Hoplite and Ordeal to race burn. With a Hero of Iroas in play, it does play out easier on turns 3 & 4 w/ Ordeals and other Heroic triggers (again giving the chance to get out of burn ranges). I'm assuming though if you had enough plains on the board, that could offset though (the consistency of mana color could be deciding factor).
Coordinated Assault is; as you say, broken. It's just a great response card, pumps multiple heroics and can just win games. For S&G's, I'll give this a cut and spin some more creatures to see how it plays. I'm assuming I should be looking at
Sigiled Paladin?
As you said before, maybe your sample size wasn't right before looking at the drawing board? I will say that with the amount of testing I've been doing lately, having bodies to target hasn't been a common concern. Ultimately I believe you're talking about the difference of 2 cards which I don't believe will sway the deck enough one way or the other.
For reference; depending on hand evaluation, I play a few ways to the board with this deck (and you vary the choices based on play/draw, the type of deck you think you're facing etc.).
1) flood the board/ give them targets - put down as many dudes as I can in the first 3-4 turns and let them pick the targets to remove (as well as waste removal). Then I dress the remaining ones.
2) race - usually great on the play but just pick a dude and make it so they can't catch up
3) shields down - pretty self explanatory - basically jump on closed mana boards
4) hold cards for specific turns - Turn 3 is great for a Hoplite/Hero and aura/triggers. Turn 4 for a Paladin. Turn 5 and 6 for 3 CMC dudes or multiple creatures with triggers/auras.
5) multiple targets - get dudes on the table and then cast several triggers/auras all in one turn (similar to #1 but the opponent didn't respond to the creatures but is responding to the auras/triggers - these tend to be Heroic board states where they are expecting to get 2 for 1 value)
If I'm approaching most games with any of these lines, I seem to get into games successfully and usually can get value out of my creatures.
I'll let you know how Ascension plays out (I'll adjust land counts 11 plains, 9 mountains) as well as mess with creature counts and report back later.