Fling doesnt readily handle silver bullet creatures like baneslayer, brimaz, inferno titan...you need ground assault to answer these the vast majority of the time. I have not missed the muses, i dedicated to the beatdown plan and I am pleased.
The beauty of the deck is the versatility blasting station can provide, allowing us to go on a full on assault, picking off blockers, pinging your dead creatures to nickle and dime health, all while being able to shift out of beatdown into control against another aggro deck. I always out-tempo them.
Like I said, Fling is just a fun option and I'm not contesting that ground assault is the better (and correct) choice. Fling is still conditional on having targets and then conditional on their power at the time. Its still good times though hasting a small army, forcing bad blocks and then tossing around damage.
I did give the 'no muse' some time before working them back in. The beatdown plan needs to keep gas. Blasting station is only 3 in the deck and Ogre Battledriver is only 2. Muse is slow in certain decks but not this deck (the deck is not a consistent turn 4 or 5 winner) . It deals with spent hands, slow boards, draws into your enablers, fuels the enablers and still has a decent body in your P/T range. I'm not talking from a point of theorycrafting either. I did spend time playing the deck (and it's a lot of fun) and had couple matches where Muse got me back in the game (even had hard cast Draggers for additional draw). Now if you want to keep the Dragger or the Juggernaut then I'd look to Vengevine. If both Juggy and Dragger need to stay, then I'd look to the Kathari as another target (Kathari where fun though). If it matters though, I felt quite comfortable with only 2 Juggies and didn't notice the missing Dragger at all.