Figured I'd post some feedback on the testing and Hellspark is just another great fit here (even the trample has been relevant in a couple games). I haven't gone back and looked so if this deck is similar to someone else's than it wasn't plagiarized. It also means I may be about to give some rationalizations that have already been hashed. Still I thought it might be a good idea to post some reasons for how this came about and the thoughts behind it.
My experiences with Devour have taught me that it's slow, expensive and fragile. You have to build a board state of some kind over a couple/few turns and then hope that somehow the huge investment of a creature survives. I have found that it's best success is late game which meant I needed to have some sort of early/mid game that actually did something versus just building a board state. As others have eluded to here, Unearth is just a good compromise. If any of you have tried out Hakeem's Dimir Reckoning build -
viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4683&start=240#p238704 you'll know that it's a strong theme and can create a lot of pressure while still having synergy with devour (pieces that you can eat and reuse or reuse and eat just seems a good fit). So with that in mind, the groupings were as follows
Devour/Win Conditions:
Thorn-Thrash ViashinoMycolothInferno TitanWarstorm SurgeFlingMycoloth is a given and why it's splashed. The Forest also works for Thorn so both cards are immediate answers or wins. Fling is the best answer to the devour investment. Spending that many turns and cards to not get any return is just a recipe for a loss. Fling at least gives you something for your X cards you spent. Side note, Fling and
Undying Evil can be used when you're behind. Cast your devour w/o eating. Chump block with your army and then respond (not to mention the extra counter from Undying). Warstorm Surge synergizes with pretty much every level of this deck so although it generally does nothing on the turn it's played, the game is over in the next turn or two because of it (and the deck will usually have some way of casting creatures for triggers - I'm looking at you Unearth!). Devour triggers first so you can get some good bombs or game winners. Warstorm, Undying Evil and Fling or Warstorm, Undying Evil and Devour is also nasty too. Inferno Titan is another card that doesn't need explanation.
Unearth Conditions:
BloodghastHellspark ElementalKathari BomberViscera DraggerBloodghast has always been a good card and it's just great here too. Hellspark has been just adding to the pressure and is a 2 mana cast/unearth making it easy to include in devour uses. Viscera Dragger is a great card giving lots of flexibility here. The cycle is great and similar to Hellspark, it's a 2 mana Unearth. Surprisingly it's even viable as a turn 4 play so I'm definitely happy with how this card is preforming here. Kathari is a strange duck but it has a lot of good mesh here. It has evasive pressure and still leaves 2 power on the board noting that these are goblin tokens. It's unearth is 5 but still plays into the curve well and again leaves more tokens. In a bad spot it's still a chump flyer for when you don't have answers to their flyers. Unearthed in conjunction with the Goblins/fodder make for a lot hasted beat down and wide swings.
The rest:
Goblin RabblemasterKrenko's CommandGraveborn MuseAuger SpreeGround AssaultUndying EvilRabblemaster is an auto include here and even stronger with several unearthed cards. Graveborn is a great engine and Viscera Dragger counts so you can set up additional draw for desperate answer cards. Auger is great removal and Ground Assault is arguably the best removal in this game. I've mentioned Undying several times throughout and its a great card here. It's a nonbo if the creature already has counters and does nothing for the unearthed step but it's pseudo protection and makes almost every card something that can be devoured (heck even in desperation, you can use it on the sacs - Hellspark will be a 4/2 chump blocker till their end of turn and a 3/3 Kathari is nothing to scoff at!)
So that's it in a nut shell. If there's any questions let me know. I'd also enjoy to hear feedback from folks who take it out for a spin.