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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:11 am 
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I loled

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:33 am 
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Me too, keep spreading the pain! :D

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:17 am 
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lol, awesome screen cap. Made my day.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:50 pm 
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[manapie 90 -w u b r -g][/manapie]

Elder Mastery

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (8 :creature: , 29 :instant: , 23 :land:)

Cost 4 cards
Cost 12 cards
Think Twice
Cost 16 cards
Cunning Sparkmage0/1
Anger of the Gods
Auger Spree
Tribute to Hunger
Cost 5 cards
Charmbreaker Devils4/4
Inferno Titan6/6
Elder Mastery
Land23 cards
Crumbling Necropolis
Dimir Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate

Great deck! What about Illusionist's Bracers for the sparkmage? That's 4 discards a tap. Also works with Vent Sentinel if you choose to include him. I made a topic about the Illusionists Bracers on page two if adding it tickles your fancy.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:29 pm 
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Illusionist's Bracers is also something I would suggest as possibly being awesome.

The only other card I can really think of to suggest would be Agent of the Fates. Doesn't have that cool interaction with Elder Mastery your other creatures do, but it is still a solid option with Elder Mastery. Forcing a sacrifice to clear the path to punch in and activate the discard doesn't seem terrible, and if nothing else it at least retains some sort of value if removed in response to Elder Mastery (forced Sacrifice). Economically speaking a 3/2 Deathtouch for 3 isn't bad to begin with, and with Mastery a 6/5 Deathtouch means the choice between blocking and letting that discard through is slightly more significant.

Only problem with this is that the deck doesn't have a ton of other methods to activate Agent of the Fates. Although Mastercardgolds suggestion of Illusionist's Bracers could be taken into consideration to possibly move the deck in a slightly different direction.

I am also curious as to if anyone has tested Goblin Arsonist and Pitchburn Devils with Mastery? I know it SHOULDN'T work, but with WotC/Stainless propensity to get the rules all wrong it would not even in the least surprise me if it did.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:29 pm 
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What about Inferno Titan? Does he work with Cruel Mastery?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:51 pm 
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Yes, because it deals the damage.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:21 pm 
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Figured it would.. Silly question. So that is four cards if the Titan connects to the face. or is it 8 if you hit them with all three creature/player damage? I hope not.... That's insane. If true I imagine doing it in 4FFA and making all discard. :evil:

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:35 pm 
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If you target one player for three damage, then they will only discard two cards because the damage is only dealt to a single target. In 4FFA, if you target each opponent for one damage, they will each have to discard two cards.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:59 pm 

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I really like the idea of illusionist bracers, but seeing that Mastery already requires a lot of mana to begin with, it is very unlikely to stick. Chances are you would already have won the game without it. So a win more and then more

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:17 pm 
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True, it is overkill that is not needed... However I like things like that!

So I present Cruel Intent!

[manapie 90 -w u b r -g][/manapie]

Cruel Intent

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (18 :creature: , 22 :instant: , 20 :land:)

Creature18 cards
Coral Barrier1/3
Cunning Sparkmage0/1
Guard Gomazoa1/3
Jalira, Master Polymorphist2/2
Dinrova Horror4/4
Inferno Titan6/6
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Spell22 cards
Deviant Glee
Elixir of Immortality
Traveler's Amulet
Illusionist's Bracers
Think Twice
Flesh to Dust
Elder Mastery
Obelisk of Alara
Land20 cards
Crumbling Necropolis

I dunno if I need something like this but... DISCLAIMER: I know I only have twenty land. It's a thing I do... hardly ever have issue with it. I won't and don't ask anyone to try land that low, if it tickles your fancy, try it. If not, take the ideas within the deck and make it as you wish. I like the idea of 1/3 land and have little to no issue with land draw. The only times I see issue is the starting hand/mulligans. :)

Since I included the Bracers I figured that Jalira was a given. Put in the Kraken defender to help her out with sacrificing.

Really thinking about focusing the deck more and adding more counters to protect my investments and some focused burn such as Shock, etc.

Dinrova Horror to make things even worse as I put land back into an empty hand.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:07 pm 

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Mastercardgold, really like your outside the box thinking in both deck making and land use. I have tested my Elder Mastery deck extensively. Before posting it, I have played at least 50 games with it. It has its shortcomings but can be minimized if you play very carefully and use countering really well. Your deck contains many of the similar upsides of my deck but lacks many of the ways to draw out the game to get to the heavy mana cost that is Elder Mastery.

Here are my suggestions (none geared towards your land use):

-2 Deviant Glee
-1 Elixir of Immortality
+3 Think Twice

I also think Jalira is really bad in this kind of build but I totally understand that your trying to really take advantage of the bracers, so I will concede that point somewhat. I think Obelisk is also unnecessary. If you have 6 open mana you should be putting Elder out there! With all the high curve items you have I am concerned about the ability to get Elder out there in general. You will have to give me an update on your testing.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:15 pm 

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I updated my Elder Mastery deck. Thanks Hakeem for your suggestions. Went with all of them this time around. I have been playing quite a bit with it lately and having a lot of great success. My favorite thing about the deck is the long delay as my opponent confusingly discards 2 cards when I hit them the first time with Mastery.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:34 am 
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I will get around to testing this eventually.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:05 pm 
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I totally don't need an Obelisk.
-1 Obelisk
-1 Deviant Glee
+2 Think Twice

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:44 pm 
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I will be trying out that elder mastery deck also JKB.



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PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:34 pm 

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Looking forward to seeing how the testing goes!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:19 am 
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played 8 games with elder mastery deck but only won 3.

found I was getting mana base issues until I swapped in more gates.

then having issues with no creatures for many hands.

Another game I got owned by tribute to hunger when I only had charmbreaker and inferno titan to play.

There seems to be too many counters not enough creatures tbh.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:02 am 
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Major Roy wrote:
played 8 games with elder mastery deck but only won 3.

found I was getting mana base issues until I swapped in more gates.

then having issues with no creatures for many hands.

Another game I got owned by tribute to hunger when I only had charmbreaker and inferno titan to play.

There seems to be too many counters not enough creatures tbh.

I gave up on the Elder Mastery deck. It's a cool mechanic.. but it's useless in a lot of cases.

I really think the best place for it is in a Walls/Discard deck with Vent Sentinel and a bunch of bounce spells. Vapor Snag/Voyages End/Void Snare stuff, hit em with Elder Mastery. Maybe put in that gear that lets defenders attack so you can use Mastery on more than the Vent Sentinel.

I think putting it in a control deck with just a few creatures is the wrong shell. By the time you can use it, it's GG and the opponent is typically out of cards. With bounce spells, there's always going to be something to discard, and Mind Rot can back up that plan if Elder Mastery isn't online. Mind Rot can also tax opponent's removal so creatures with Elder Mastery have a better chance of sticking.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:00 pm 

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Not ready to give up on this thing. What if we threw in some Giant Scorpion or Pharika's Chosen and replaced some of the counters with bounce spells. Not sure I want to go the defender route, but I do like the idea of Ogre Jailbreaker Really like the Guttersnipe and Sparkmage thing I have going, just need to refine it a little. That's why I came here ;)

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