Rabblemaster doesn't play nice with Raffiq. I also think you can find better options then Timberland Guide and Knight of the Skyward Eye. So what is this deck really trying to do? Seems like mix of exalted and midrange with 4 colors.
You make a good point about the Rabblemasters.
I don't agree with you on
Knight of the Skyward Eye at all. IMO one of the most undervalued cards in the game. Early game grizzly to apply pressure that is still relevant in the late game (as a 5/5 attacking/blocking each turn) that can easily close games out by itself should it stick around for too long and screws with peoples combat math.
You may be right about
Timberland Guide, as I have never been a huge fan of the card. That said, if there was any deck that can make it work, it would be this one. At worst, it is a 2/2 grizzly for
, at best, it leaves behind a 1/1 attacker/blocker and it turns your Nacatls into 4/4's, Thoctars into 6/5's, turns Knights into 6/6's with their ability, and also buffs up Knights/Priests out of the range of Shock/Dead Weight/Righteous Blow/Obelisk.
The Squires sort of serve the same purpose. At worst a 2/2 for
early game, and fuel for all your other stuff in the mid-late game.
The Squires/Guides allow us to push out even more damage early on with our abundance of creatures that are relatively undercosted for their P/T (Nacatl/Thoctar/Vengevine, and to a lesser extent Knights because of their activated ability). Plays like T1 Nacatl, T2 Squire/Guide attack for 3, T3 Squire/Guide attack for 5 seems pretty sweet if the deck can pull it off relatively consistently.
Priests help keep the lines of attack clear and answer major threats alongside Shock and Banefire, which also serve as extra reach once your big beaters smash in.
Visionaries help us keep our hand full of fuel while still dropping threats. Not the greatest with Exalted admittedly, and I considered trying
Mentor of the Meek, but I think the deck runs too many cards that come in above 2 power to actually be worthwhile.
Baneslayer is there just because he is too good NOT to use, especially if we can reliably cast him in the mid-late game.
Rafiq is mainly just there because I want to see if I can make the mana work to get him in here. The idea of Nacatl/Thoctar/buffed Knight with Exalted AND Doublestrike just seems too juicy to me to NOT try and at least make work.
You are probably right about Rabblemaster though. When I first thought of it with Exalted/Rafiq, it didn't seem terrible, with Rabblemaster hanging back each turn making a 1/1 token to attack in as a 2/2 with Doublestrike each turn. I didn't stop to think that if the token survived until the next turn though it completely shuts off Exalted due to making another token and the "Goblins must attack" thing. Not to mention Exalted doing nothing to really help attacking with Rabblemaster himself (since you want it to be with as many tokens as possible).
Good call on that.
So then:
-2 Rabblemaster.
Sigil Blessing (which is something I completely forgot existed until you pointed out my derp with Rabblemaster, and should have probably already have been in the deck to begin with).
Keep in mind that this is a completely tentative list as well. Have yet to actually test it, and probably wont be able to until sometime tomorrow. Mostly this is me just trying to shoehorn Rafiq into a Naya shell.