I've used a similar deck, but swapped out the Disciples for Mold Shamblers. Slightly weaker against aggro, but it gives you an out against stuff like Angelic Accord, Sanguine Bond, Beastmaster Ascension , Doubling Season, Burning Anger and Armored Ascension. I'd say it's worth it in this metagame.
Which is why I mentioned
Reclamation Sage in the post. I don't believe either are main deck options and would be looking at it only based on the way the evening has been playing.
Mold Shambler is definitely a consideration since it triggers
Garruk's Packleader and can hit lands too but then it's a 6 drop (granted if you're in a bind, you can play it turn 4 but defeats the purpose of 'sideboarding' the card in) and I'd rather be playing other threats at that stage. Regardless, most enchantments and/or artifacts that are concerns are small enough not to focus on. You either can't do anything about it (i.e.
Beastmaster Ascension usually comes out the turn it's going to kill you) or you aim to out race the concerns (there is a lot of life gain here which means if you make it to a mid/late game, they're going to have troubles racing your trample damage).
Further to that, your comment/concern of aggro is quite valid. Besides the odd enchant/artifact that will give you some troubles, aggro is by far the decks worst match up. Any deck that aims to win by turns 4 or 5 are a problem. My knee jerk reaction is usually to add even more on the bottom end of the curve for stall but I went the route of incidental life gain to give the deck a chance to stabilize. I REALLY don't want to be drawing
Elvish Visionary or
Satyr Wayfinder mid/late game.
Anywho I've always played and enjoyed big green stompy and this deck has been no exception (also why I was thrilled that green devotion and green/black constellation had been contending threats in standard).